Beetle Report (43)



  • Leolf - Heavens Tear
    Leolf - Heavens Tear Posts: 380 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    b:shocked Wow, I never expected anyone to level a Qingfu that high! ALL HAIL ZIGGY!!!
  • Teseanna - Heavens Tear
    Teseanna - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,021 Arc User
    edited January 2009
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Arrrgh, Windows decided to do an automatic update and reboot, and I lost everything I typed into Excel this evening. So all the level-by-level pet stats I'd collected for the Hept Beetle from levels 21-30 are gone. I have to start over again...

    Thanks for all the other pet stats. Keep them coming. They're not as useful as level-by-level stats for figuring out the formulae used in the code, but they're good for double-checking any guesses I come up with for the correct formula. I just noticed that pet speed increases slowly every few levels, non-linearly.
  • Aurores - Heavens Tear
    Aurores - Heavens Tear Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    b:shocked Wow, I never expected anyone to level a Qingfu that high! ALL HAIL ZIGGY!!!

    he's gonna be my main tanking pet, its amazing how fast he takes down mobs with the set of skills i gave him so far b:victory

    as for Solandri, may i suggest setting windows update to manual install? b:chuckle
    Retired b:bye
  • darkheartjm
    darkheartjm Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Well, I took advantage of the last hours of the snowmen, and leveled all my beetles evenly. Here's the results:

    Jaden Qinfu (43) [level 1 start]
    HP 1459 attk 0.8 move 6.0
    Phys Def 3685 Mag Def 3118
    Dam 898 Att 633 Evade 498
    starts with Boost level 1 (8% self heal)

    Pent Beetle King (43) [level 3 start]
    HP 1452 attk 0.8 move 6.0
    Phys Def 3668 Mag Def 3386
    Dam 894 Att 577 Evade 546
    starts with Toughness level 1, Bash Level 1

    Hep Beetle (43) [level 2 start]
    HP 1456 attk 0.8 move 6.0
    Phys Def 3676 Mag Def 3394
    Dam 896 Att 578 Evade 547
    starts with Toughness level 1
    main advantage though is he never grows, stays rather small

    Mainly I use the King when I need a tank, since he has bash, but I am pondering buying the skills for Hep, and making him my main tank. I really like the fact he stays small, and seems he is getting the better stats all around.

    also working on a level 4 turtle (43), starter scorp (43), and comparing the 34 foxwing (39) and my level 8 sawfly (43). Seems the foxwing has some serious growth so far. Will report those findings when I can log in again.

    so having a pet with low lvl is better than taming another at the same lvl?? i mean they are both full in taming...ty
  • Sigr - Heavens Tear
    Sigr - Heavens Tear Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    so having a pet with low lvl is better than taming another at the same lvl?? i mean they are both full in taming...ty

    The pets tamed later, of the same family, tend to be slightly faster, but have lower stats than one tamed at the earliest availability, so you sacrifice potentially higher stats for not having to level one from a very low level to your current level.
    Lament of a Hybrid Veno: Where oh where did my spirit go? b:sad

    I hate ranged mobs. b:angry

    I <3 my cactopod. b:pleased
  • elleness
    elleness Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Hi Guys Im rather new to all this but can see that the Gollem will annoy the pants off me lol because of its size, Ive also tried the Plainswalker and again because of size drives me crazy getting in my view. So Id like to try a beetle but after reading this thread Im unsure which is the best beetle to go for I dont want it to grow big. Please advise me which one is the smallest and best I see Solandri mentioned the Nonastral Beetle King has anyone tested this one ?
  • Sigr - Heavens Tear
    Sigr - Heavens Tear Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    elleness wrote: »
    Hi Guys Im rather new to all this but can see that the Gollem will annoy the pants off me lol because of its size, Ive also tried the Plainswalker and again because of size drives me crazy getting in my view. So Id like to try a beetle but after reading this thread Im unsure which is the best beetle to go for I dont want it to grow big. Please advise me which one is the smallest and best I see Solandri mentioned the Nonastral Beetle King has anyone tested this one ?

    They don't really get bigger than they start, so, what you see is pretty much what you get.
    Lament of a Hybrid Veno: Where oh where did my spirit go? b:sad

    I hate ranged mobs. b:angry

    I <3 my cactopod. b:pleased
  • elleness
    elleness Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    So I have missunderstood what Oishasan has said ? because I thought that he/she got the Hep Beetle because it doesnt grow big.
  • Leolf - Heavens Tear
    Leolf - Heavens Tear Posts: 380 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    he's gonna be my main tanking pet, its amazing how fast he takes down mobs with the set of skills i gave him so far b:victory b:chuckle

    b:cry You're my hero. Ima show this board to my friends, maybe I can get them to switch from golem :p
  • Aurores - Heavens Tear
    Aurores - Heavens Tear Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    b:cry You're my hero. Ima show this board to my friends, maybe I can get them to switch from golem :p

    aww, i wasn't expecting anyone to see me as anything more than "just another veno" *scratches behind the ears*thx b:cute
    Retired b:bye
  • Oishasan - Sanctuary
    Oishasan - Sanctuary Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    elleness wrote: »
    So I have missunderstood what Oishasan has said ? because I thought that he/she got the Hep Beetle because it doesnt grow big.

    I'll recheck my initial post, was a while ago, but the fact is the size of the creature you tame, is in fact it's size as your pet.
    So the level 2 beetle (mine is a Hep), stays small.
    Light Armor build, Support Cleric

    Barbarian, feral build

    Arcane Veno
    Beetle Wrangler
  • Lazyluna - Heavens Tear
    Lazyluna - Heavens Tear Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Mmm, yeah... personally I love my wolves. My Sharptooth is nothing of a tank but my Guardian Wolf does just fine. Although right now I'm not too happy about not being able to solo TT 1-1 with him. Rawr. I wonder how long I'll have to wait until I can. I know Shaodu Cubs tank it at 63 easy.

    I'm really wondering if I raise a Quad Beetle up to the same level as my Guardian Wolf, will he outperform? I know at higher levels, the Guardian Wolf will be great but I need a tank for TT1-1, lol. I can't "wait until higher levels". >< It all gives me a headache... maybe I should get to that actually. ^^

    BTW, if you want the Heptastral Beetle (that doesn't grow with level) but don't want to pay for bash, the Nonastral Beetle King looks like it uses the same growth chart. It starts at level 9, so its stats are a few points worse, but it comes with bash 2 so will save you about half a million coin. It's also a very pretty deep blue color, not the faded azure/aquamarine of the Hep Beetle.

    Yes, they are in the same family. Go here for a list of growth charts and species (families):
    b:bye RETIRED
  • Oishasan - Sanctuary
    Oishasan - Sanctuary Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    There is a different version of beetles for each city, I believe.

    To correct a previous statement I just saw quoted though, hep beetles[2] are deep blue in color, not sure of the other beetle used in comparison, but possibly some confusion.
    Hep beetles are very deep blue, I stare at him deep in to his eyes daily, one day I will decipher his squeaks. (though I have noticed they squeak right before they need food, er all pets, especially scorpians too.)
    Light Armor build, Support Cleric

    Barbarian, feral build

    Arcane Veno
    Beetle Wrangler
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    To correct a previous statement I just saw quoted though, hep beetles[2] are deep blue in color, not sure of the other beetle used in comparison, but possibly some confusion.
    Hep beetles are very deep blue, I stare at him deep in to his eyes daily, one day I will decipher his squeaks. (though I have noticed they squeak right before they need food, er all pets, especially scorpians too.)
    The nonastral beetle kings are an even deeper blue:

    My monitor is color calibrated for the photo work I do. On my monitor, the heptastral beetle is closer to an azure/aquamarine.

    I haven't had a chance to level the nonastral king, but here are the side-by-side stats at level 9. I'm not sure anymore if the nonastral king is worth it. Heptastral Beetle / Nonastral Beetle King.

    HP: 350 / 328
    attack: 61 / 56
    p.def: 730 / 669
    m.def: 673 / 617
    accuracy: 215 / 201
    evasion: 131 / 123
  • Morayine - Sanctuary
    Morayine - Sanctuary Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    So after having read all these posts, thx alot for all the info , really helped.

    Now i want to decide, where to put my effort in , i raised a Golem to 32, but he is not so fun too big etc.. so i like to replace that to a Verdant Qingfu, just wondering if there is really a big diffrence, or is it just a good replacement ? I am not gonna keep raising both i think; the verdant is nice and small with a cool colour.
    I read someone has it as tank high lvl and it works well, so i ll just trust that, or does any1 have an argument to keep raising both ?
    thx b:thanks
    "There's a big difference knowing the Path, and Walking the Path"
  • Lazyluna - Heavens Tear
    Lazyluna - Heavens Tear Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    There is a different version of beetles for each city, I believe.

    Yes, several of them share the exact same stats and start skills. They are grouped as follows:

    Heptastral Beetle
    Pentastral Beetle
    Quadrastral Beetle
    Heptastral Beetle King
    Pentastral Beetle King
    Quadtrastral Beetle King
    Nonastral Beetle
    Nonastral Beetle King

    The majority of the tameable monsters below level 20 have clones in each starter area. The only difference is their looks and names. It's kind of annoying.
    b:bye RETIRED
  • Aurores - Heavens Tear
    Aurores - Heavens Tear Posts: 360 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    So after having read all these posts, thx alot for all the info , really helped.

    Now i want to decide, where to put my effort in , i raised a Golem to 32, but he is not so fun too big etc.. so i like to replace that to a Verdant Qingfu, just wondering if there is really a big diffrence, or is it just a good replacement ? I am not gonna keep raising both i think; the verdant is nice and small with a cool colour.
    I read someone has it as tank high lvl and it works well, so i ll just trust that, or does any1 have an argument to keep raising both ?
    thx b:thanks

    Qingfus are pretty much your golems at level 1, and although they are compareable to the golems when leveled up and makes for a nice replacement you'll be investing in giving its skillset a makeover, but its rewarding in the long run b:pleased

    if you decide to go with the Qingfu, start by removing the lvl 1 boost and replace with bash to start with, then tough and what other 2 skills that suit your taste as you level with your pet and upgrading its skills. b:victory
    Retired b:bye
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Yes, several of them share the exact same stats and start skills. They are grouped as follows:

    Heptastral Beetle
    Pentastral Beetle
    Quadrastral Beetle

    I think I figured out the disagreement over color in posts 45/46. The three beetles have the same stats, but at least one is a different color: (heptastral and nonastral king)

    So Oishasan probably has a Pentastral Beetle, which is the nice deep blue color like the Nonastral Beetle King. If you want the deep blue beetle, get the Pentastral. They're just South of Etherblade in the newbie area. If you're ok with the lighter azure colored, the Heptastral (by City of Plume) or Quadastral (by City of the Lost) will do.
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    This is on Heaven's Tear.

    I've got two beetle eggs, Quadastral and Heptastral (level 2 start). One is level 30, one is 33. They have the same stats and growth, just different in name. They have the toughen skill but nothing else - you will probably have to buy bash to get them to hold aggro. I leveled them to collect level-by-level stats, and now my inventory, bank, and alt space is full and I need to get rid of them.

    This is on Heaven's Tear.

    Post your Veno's name, which egg you want, and I'll mail the egg to you. First two to post get them.

    Did I mention this is on Heaven's Tear? b:laugh
  • Shikome - Heavens Tear
    Shikome - Heavens Tear Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I'll take the Hepastral. b:thanks
  • breaker9
    breaker9 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    EternalFling would love to have the Quadastral b:laugh

  • Corryx - Sanctuary
    Corryx - Sanctuary Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Although I'm a wolf addict and have a whole pack in bag and bank, I also enjoy trying other pets like beetles and ants...

    Anyway I have tried to take harsh decision which ones to play with and have run a comparison with other pets that I use like wolves, golem etc

    Lvl 26 results can be seen at:

    Comparison report mentioned above first appeared on Argosy faction website at:
  • cityspiderman
    cityspiderman Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I am interested in training a Beetle, but noticed there are many types and wonder which one is the best overall:

    Heptastral Beetle
    Pentastral Beetle
    Quadrastral Beetle
    Heptastral Beetle King
    Pentastral Beetle King
    Quadrastral Beetle King
    Nonastral Beetle
    Nonastral Beetle King

    Also, I know this is about Beetle but I also heard ppl recommend Qingfu and wonder if Qingfu is better or worse than Beetle for a robe veno.