Well, I keep getting disconnected.

Zaharia - Sanctuary
Zaharia - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
edited March 2009 in Support Desk
I keep getting disconnected from the server. I submitted a ticket a few times, and I keep getting the same email from tech support. They keep telling me it's my network connection, but I know it's not because my best friend would be getting disconnected too. And she's not. I got disconnected at least 30 times in a single hour. It's really bothering me. I can't even get a single thing done. I made a new character on a different server, and I still got disconnected. I almost failed a timed quest because I kept getting kicked off. It's not my network, it's not my computer. This is starting to really make me mad because like I said, I can't even do anything without getting disconnected. Anyone else having the same problem?
4 Characters;1 Female Player
Zaharia [Venomancer|Sanctuary]
VioricaMarie [Cleric|Heaven's Tear]
MissPandora [Venomancer|Heaven's Tear]
Viorica [Cleric|Lost City]
Post edited by Zaharia - Sanctuary on


  • nightsoulja
    nightsoulja Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    me too......it started happening today and its not ur network
  • Zaharia - Sanctuary
    Zaharia - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I've submitted tickets, I've got this post, and I haven't gotten anything from the tech support this whole time. Here's a ss from getting disconnected. My network information is included on it.
    Reply or fix the problem.
    4 Characters;1 Female Player
    Zaharia [Venomancer|Sanctuary]
    VioricaMarie [Cleric|Heaven's Tear]
    MissPandora [Venomancer|Heaven's Tear]
    Viorica [Cleric|Lost City]
  • gattsuru
    gattsuru Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Are you on a wireless local area network connection?
  • Zaharia - Sanctuary
    Zaharia - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Yes I am. But so is my best friend, and I'm at her house. So if it was my wireless her's would be disconnecting too. And it's not.
    4 Characters;1 Female Player
    Zaharia [Venomancer|Sanctuary]
    VioricaMarie [Cleric|Heaven's Tear]
    MissPandora [Venomancer|Heaven's Tear]
    Viorica [Cleric|Lost City]
  • gattsuru
    gattsuru Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I doubt you're using the same positioning and network cards, nevermind the underlying software. Are there any driver updates for your wireless card?
  • Zaharia - Sanctuary
    Zaharia - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    No. It's all updated and everything. This is a brand new '08 laptop. I just got it a few months ago.
    4 Characters;1 Female Player
    Zaharia [Venomancer|Sanctuary]
    VioricaMarie [Cleric|Heaven's Tear]
    MissPandora [Venomancer|Heaven's Tear]
    Viorica [Cleric|Lost City]
  • gattsuru
    gattsuru Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Have you updated them, or checked for updates? Just yesterday I went to purchase a brand new laptop that had display drivers dating back to the operating system's release date.

    As you've been pointing out, your friend has been using nearly the exact same path to the servers, so I'm automatically interested in the parts that are a little different.
  • Zaharia - Sanctuary
    Zaharia - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    My whole computer and everything on it updates automatically. Before I was allowed to use it my dad updated everything that could be updated.
    4 Characters;1 Female Player
    Zaharia [Venomancer|Sanctuary]
    VioricaMarie [Cleric|Heaven's Tear]
    MissPandora [Venomancer|Heaven's Tear]
    Viorica [Cleric|Lost City]
  • ShadowDrag - Lost City
    ShadowDrag - Lost City Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    yea i have the same problem 2, it just started a few days ago and ive been killed 21 times since.. :(

    and i have tryed to update everything...
  • darkjosh
    darkjosh Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Do you disconnect whenever someone calls? o.o
    Life has no reset button...but the graphics are sweet!

  • Zaharia - Sanctuary
    Zaharia - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    darkjosh wrote: »
    Do you disconnect whenever someone calls? o.o

    No. o.o It's not dial-up. It's wireless high speed cable.
    4 Characters;1 Female Player
    Zaharia [Venomancer|Sanctuary]
    VioricaMarie [Cleric|Heaven's Tear]
    MissPandora [Venomancer|Heaven's Tear]
    Viorica [Cleric|Lost City]
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Have you got any programs such as Firewall, AntiVirus, Peerguardian, etc? Have a look that they let you connect to the IP's at the end of this post please.
  • Zaharia - Sanctuary
    Zaharia - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I don't have anything that would block it. If I did, why would it wait until now? I've played at her house dozens of times and it just started happening recently.
    4 Characters;1 Female Player
    Zaharia [Venomancer|Sanctuary]
    VioricaMarie [Cleric|Heaven's Tear]
    MissPandora [Venomancer|Heaven's Tear]
    Viorica [Cleric|Lost City]
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Networking issue can crop up anytime. Sometime resetting or turning off, then back on after 20 seconds a router or modem can help.

    Sometimes security software will do updates that aren't helpful to you. Same with Windows.

    Please go over the link suggested for the networking issues and try what is described. See what errors you get.

    Think of network traffic like road traffic. Sometimes there are delays, construction, or accidents holding things up. b:victory
    Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
    Visit our BRAND NEW Knowledge Base & Support Website! - Tech Support Flowchart - Panda Caught on Camera
  • heseltine
    heseltine Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I had exactly the same problem. I connected to another Pve server, created a new character, and just like that my disconnect problem disappeared. If the problem was on my end of the network surely I would have had the same problem with all three servers. But I don't.
  • SharAbsalom - Heavens Tear
    SharAbsalom - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I had a similar problem, but after a few times, it just lagged so much that i couldnt use any abilities, see people or NPCs unless i sat and waited for 20 mins, use the (very belated) teleport master, recieve messages, see monsters or even turn off my wings. I tried speaking in my faction window, and timed it. It took 15 minutes for my message to show up.

    It couldn't have been the network connection, because my friend, using the same conection, in the same room, (wireless) had no trouble. It's not my computer either, as it's brand new, i got it for X-mas.

    I was very scared, confused, and upon logging back on, dead. (due to my very poor choice of landing place)
  • Mysticfear - Heavens Tear
    Mysticfear - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    if you put graphic to minimum do you get disconnected? this happens to my best bud alot even during fbs T.T
  • elvadour
    elvadour Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Im glad that Im not the only one having this problem. mine started a week ago playing the game was fine speed fine everythink was working as it should. but the all of a sudden when I tryed to log back in after lunch my character started to stutter then freeze completly I know its not my computer because everythink is set so i can play perfect world even if a problem should occure on my end so it has to be there end thats causing this. I cant even log into the game without my computer becoming painfully slow and then crashing altogether. Has anyone got any ideas about this yet?
  • Zaharia - Sanctuary
    Zaharia - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I don't see why the PW mods aren't doing anything about this. Many people are having trouble with the servers. They keep telling me it's my computer, and it's not. They keep telling me it's my network, and I know for a fact it's not. Time for a petition?
    4 Characters;1 Female Player
    Zaharia [Venomancer|Sanctuary]
    VioricaMarie [Cleric|Heaven's Tear]
    MissPandora [Venomancer|Heaven's Tear]
    Viorica [Cleric|Lost City]
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Networking issues are not always fun to deal with.

    Have XP? Have Service Pack 2 or 3 installed. Have Direct X 9.0c installed.

    Have the latest firmware updates for your onboard networking chipset?

    Have the latest firmware updates for your router?

    What security software are you using?

    What errors have you gotten?

    What have you tried in the network info in the FAQ here on the forums?

    Where in the world are you?

    Who is your ISP?

    Have you done trace routes/pings to our game servers? What results did you get back?
    Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
    Visit our BRAND NEW Knowledge Base & Support Website! - Tech Support Flowchart - Panda Caught on Camera
  • Zaharia - Sanctuary
    Zaharia - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I have Vista. DX is installed (latest version). Everything is updated. I've gone over it personally. I have McAfee. That's not the problem. I know that. I keep getting the error that I posted a screenshot of on page 2. I'm in Florida, in the US.
    4 Characters;1 Female Player
    Zaharia [Venomancer|Sanctuary]
    VioricaMarie [Cleric|Heaven's Tear]
    MissPandora [Venomancer|Heaven's Tear]
    Viorica [Cleric|Lost City]
  • mogwai
    mogwai Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    not sure if this is related but i started playing on a low lv alt that has been idle for 2 months, & moments after every lv up i dc - my main is 76 & i've never had this happen so often before

    this started after a system announcement that a hamster has been released..everything christmas related was gone for several minutes, then reappeared
    mmorpg is R'lyehian for: Innumerable quantities of grown babies
    discussing & often complaining about the imaginary.
  • Arrowmatic - Lost City
    Arrowmatic - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Yeap happened to me once yesterday..the disconect thing , i tryed to log in once..didn't work , waited about 20 minutes , tryed again ... worked perfectly before that , and ever since. No problems here, no lag.
    Xp sp3 , everything up to date of course. I'm in Romania , eastern Europe.
  • shogle1
    shogle1 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Have been getting disconnected constantly just like the others here. Same error message you have been diconnected from the server.I have never had a problem until the last few weeks until the last January patch.
    I have all updates on my software and run windows xp.Everything else on my system runs fine at the time of the disconnect.
  • Jagterra - Sanctuary
    Jagterra - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I have never had problems with d/c like I am currently. Ever since the emerg maint yesterday I cant stay connected more than 10 min.

    I'm running vista, its all updated and I'm located in Canada.

    There is no issue with my network connection, as other programs (such as skype) are staying connected through all of this ._.
  • LhRag - Sanctuary
    LhRag - Sanctuary Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Its difinitely not my connection problem, downloading files has been smooth, but in game, all i wanted is to set up my shop and .... disconnected from the server b4 i can do anythin 0.0
    i have ran a verification and no error message popped up or anything, so..
    I also checked all the security settings which include all my security software, firewall, vista stuff...
    tried the holding 'w' when logging in, kinda works, but still gets dc'ed
    and i'm not the only one with this problem on this specific day, so PWE team... sry to be a pain but i think there's something weird going on...
    btw I live in New Zealand
  • kompensator
    kompensator Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    I don't see why the PW mods aren't doing anything about this. Many people are having trouble with the servers. They keep telling me it's my computer, and it's not. They keep telling me it's my network, and I know for a fact it's not. Time for a petition?
    Hmm. I've read a bit in this thread, and it reminds on the same issue we solved some time ago.
    A friend of mine and his wife are playing PW as well, both with a wireless connection, in the same room. He always got disconnected often a day while she did not, so he was sure it can't be the wireless thingy. Additionally because there were no problems with browsing websites and such. But the problem lasts for weeks, even months, and we asked him just to give it a try to use a direct (wired) connection from the router to his PC - and he got never disconnected since then.
    I bet the mods or admins here are not trying to avoid looking into what could be wrong with the PW client or server, nor are they trying to make you angry.
    I for myself would really suggest just to TRY it with a wired connection, as a test.

    (A small technical excursion why arguments like "I definitely know it's not my network connection because each other internet-related software works properly" should be thought over: There is a main difference between streamed content like websites, skype, teamspeak, and MMORPGs on the other side. Most of the internet traffic is based on the TCP protocol, which has a lot of checksums embedded and the ability to re-request failed data blocks. Games on the other hand mostly make use of the UDP protocol with none or few checksum used. It's used because it works much faster, based on the fact that it has much less overhead. BUT you need a nearly perfect connection, only few errors can be compensated. Now, the problem is, some wireless cards tend to shuffle the sequence of data blocks transmitted, either to get a better troughput or because they "think" some packets are more urgent or it does not make any difference - which is true for TCP, but it's not for UDP.
    Sadly enough, some wlan-card manufacturers do not really test their hardware in a gaming environment.
    Everything works perfect for websides, skype, file-sharing, but some MMORPGs will fail because of weak UDP support.)

    Additionally, there is another thing which could cause the disconnect problem: Is anybody of you running a bittorrent client?
    Bittorrent tends to run a background process in your computer to keep multiple (and massive) connections to the internet to upload your shared files to other users although you're currently not running the client (a bit rude behaviour if you ask me), which WILL cause the problems I've seen here. This backgound process runs as a service, so try to disable it with msconfig (start -> run -> msconfig -> enter, if I remember it right the process is called btdna.exe); or better, de-install bittorrent, check with taskmanager if btdna.exe is really not running anymore and have a look if the problems disappear. If you can't live without filesharing then, give Azureus a try.

    good luck
    I am impressed by anyone willing to listen and learn.
  • asgreborn
    asgreborn Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Ok...so this is... sick... i keep disconnecting every 10 seconds after i log in...sometimes even while in character choosing screen. All started last night (12-14 hours ago). Then this morning it worked ok..for 2 hours.... then it started again. I have cable and everything is working fine except PW. I have to relog 3 times in a minute... if i had a internet problem i wouldn't be able to connect at all.
    Sanctuary server rules!

    Lvl 76 cleric - (bankrupt for now, will be back in the near future)
    Lvl 60 veno - (active, raising funds for herc)

  • EP_DarkSol - Lost City
    EP_DarkSol - Lost City Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Also, some things to try:

    Is it DHCP enabled?

    If so, check the time interval on the lease renewing. If too low, it could cause that. Also, check the MTU. Some games have a very specific MTU requirement.

    I play with two other friend's off a wireless router, and occasionally, one of us will start lagging out.

    Force to desktop - Safe Log - GG.

    50% of the time, you've died.
  • moicd
    moicd Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    I have the same problem.

    But I have been able to test the game at 2 different places.

    On the first place, all work great. (but I won't be able to connect there anymore)

    but on the new one, with the same computer, I am constantly getting disconnected. I don't even stay 10 seconds connected (my character is in archosaur, it is really bad there).

    My computer is wired to the network and the network work really fine with all the rest.

    What could be the problem ?
This discussion has been closed.