AGI/DEX, do I need it?

ZombiUsagi - Sanctuary
ZombiUsagi - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
edited January 2009 in Venomancer
Newbie here.

Just curious, for a mostly VIT/MAG Veno, is it necessary for me to have DEX/AGI? If so, how much? Per lvl?

Thanks in advanced. c:
Post edited by ZombiUsagi - Sanctuary on


  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    If you're going for mostly mag/vit, then you'd be wearing robes, and would not need any dex at all.
  • swiftlikeafox
    swiftlikeafox Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Also it might be of use to you to pump Vit very sparingly, for a robe build you really should have Mag = atleast (your level X 4) to be able to deal some decent damage and be able to heal your pets adequately.
  • swgs
    swgs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Also it might be of use to you to pump Vit very sparingly, for a robe build you really should have Mag = atleast (your level X 4) to be able to deal some decent damage and be able to heal your pets adequately.

    MIG at level x 4 may make your VIT too low to survive in PVP, since you will only have less then 1 point every 2 levels to add to your VIT, and veno gets a great 12 HPs from every VIT. I personally will keep MIG at level x 3 to save the extra point for VIT. no matter how high the magic is, veno can not deal enough damage to kill most other class at same level in 10 seconds, so MIG above level x 3 is a waste to me.
    Yes, you can heal your pet better with higher magic, but you have to be alive to heal your pet. isn't it?
  • KillaBee_ - Sanctuary
    KillaBee_ - Sanctuary Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    That a great observation, swgs.

    I have always wondered if throwing everything into magic is a good idea... At lvl 44, my stats are with magic over 200, and just enough strength to wear my armor.

    With this stat build, I do not do enough damage to kill any other class my level in less than 10 seconds (except some blademasters with terrible stat distributions).

    While I am terrible in PvP, I am excellent in PvE. I can do enough damage to almost keep up with my phoenix, and my pet heal is amazing. I do have a little over 1k hp, but i die very quickly when I pull aggro or get attacked by an extra mob.

    I'm not sure that reseting 50 points of my magic into vit would be a good idea. I will only gain an extra 600 hp (50 X 12), and with my defenses so low, that might not make much of a difference. Plus, I will be doing less damage and healing my pet for less.

    I might try it and post my results later, but at this point, Its much more beneficial to stay a PvE master. I can grind and solo the cash and Spirit I will need for later. The only fox form skills i need are the stun, amplify damage, and purge. Once you surpass lvl 6o-=70, you might want to make that swap. But as for now, venomancer class is NOT a PvP class. Peaple who play venomancers are choosing to be a solo class who are great at PvE. Sure, you can adapt and modify to make it ok for PvP, but It will not be nearly as efficient as an archer or bladmaster for PvP.
  • KillaBee_ - Sanctuary
    KillaBee_ - Sanctuary Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Ok I tried it out (Sorry for the double post).

    I reset 50 points of magic and threw it into vitality. Much better.

    My magic attack barely dropped. Maybe 100 points per attack less. Instead of doing 2.6k damage, im down to 2.3-2.5k. My health jumped up to almost 2k, all at lvl 44.

    With my phoenix, I tried dueling some other classes around Arch.

    I destroyed a lvl 55 mage, no problem. I had to use my skill to swap hp and mp, but my pheno finished him off before he could get my health down again. I would have been dead if i had kept my previous stats.

    I also destroyed an archer my own lvl (lvl 44), but he seemed very skill-less and newb-ish. Not sure how i would do against a more experienced player.

    This play style depends on have a pet that deals a significant amount of damage to distract the player. You also need to spend more SP and coin on your foxform skills to use it effectively in PvP.

    For PvE, all stays the same. BTW I wear robes with phys def shards. Best way to go, abnd be in fox form for PvP. You just need to survive long enough to let your you and your pet kill them, which goes by fast with purge, amplify damage, and stun.

    Enjoy ^_^
  • swiftlikeafox
    swiftlikeafox Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Well if it works for you that's all that matters, I went the opposite way, I reset some of my Vit and put it into Mag, my Vit is now capped at 30, and at lvl 61 I do not suffer any loss of surviveability niether in PvE nor PvP, my Damage and Mag-resists are substantially higher...... I do have some pretty decent P-def for an arcane build(1248), which does help with surviveability.....

    Anyway if you really wanna gimp your attack, m-resists, and pet healing, all the weaknesses of a light build with none of the advantages, by all means......pump the bare minimum for Mag, and if you have a $200 pet you will probably not notice much of a difference in PvP.
  • KillaBee_ - Sanctuary
    KillaBee_ - Sanctuary Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Anyway if you really wanna gimp your attack, m-resists, and pet healing, all the weaknesses of a light build with none of the advantages, by all means......pump the bare minimum for Mag...


    I did not leave the bare minimum for magic. I reset 50 points of it into vitality. My magic remains above 150, with my Vitality at 69 atm. Strength is at the bare minimum for equipping my robes, and dex remains at 5.

    Today, at lvl 44, I solo'd Chin. My pet heal was more than enough to keep my golem healed throughout the whole thing, and I still do nearly as much damage as I did before. I can now withstand his AoE, which I could not before. I have twice as much hp, due to the stat re-distribution. I do not lack the advantages of a light build, you just lack the ability to understand that my build has different strengths and different weaknesses than you are used to. My damage was barely lowered from the re-distribution (I tested it and I hit 3.6k on mobs lvl 30 and below, compared to 3.8k before).

    Implying that I spent 200 bucks on a pet so I can afford to be a little more ignorant in my stat distribution is actually more reflective of your ignorance (BTW, I only spent 150 bucks on the pet, not 200). I did not use my pheno for some of the duels, and I was commenting on the before and after results. BEFORE, I would die before my pheno could finish them off. Now, I can survive long enough for my pheno to finish them off.

    The original topic asked if they needed dex for anything.

    My experiences show that you do not need to go with a light build because you will need to distribute your points between ALL 4 stats; you always need magic and strength, and light build adds in the need for dex and more strength than what is required for arcane gear. Plus, you will always need more hp, as higher defense will not compensate as efficiently as higher hp will.

    I would love to duel you if you are on Sanctuary server, as I cannot believe that you do not suffer in PvP. You must be fighting lousy PvP players, because With my PURE MAGIC build I was killed much to quickly by mages, and my magic defense was higher than your build's. But with stats re-distributed to Vitality, it allowed my to survive longer, even though I had less defense.

    In several other threads, players show that HP provides greater benefit than defense; of course, you still need both. That's what the +Phys Def shards and fox form are for. I'd link to the threads where this is discussed, but I don't know how :-(

    Sorry, I don't mean to sound hostile, and if I creating the illusion of hostility, I apologize. But I am responding to what I interpreted as direct criticism.

    I hope this info helps the original poster of this thread, and I hope everyone enjoys their game time!

  • swiftlikeafox
    swiftlikeafox Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Like I said, if it works for you then good going, I found my damage extremely watered down with too much Vit... and just for the record you're only gaining 400HP over a veno capped at 30 Vit.

    Venos have a higher natural HP base than the other magic classes... so we're always going to have higher HP than a wiz or a cleric, it doesn't really take much extra to put the odds in our favor for PvP, there are two ways you can cut through their mag-resists..... one of those is with a high damage pet such as the phoenix, the other is by not gimping your attack.

    Against Barbs, BMs, and archers that extra HP will do you little good unless you have the P-def to go along with it.... that's where not nerfing your Mag attack really comes in handy... the idea being to kill them before they're able to do too much damage to you

    I am on sanctuary, and would gladly duel you without phoenix(the phoenix probably would shift the odds in your favor), however that's not really going to prove anything, lvl difference alone means that you will go down easily, it doesn't really say anything about the superiority of either build.
  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Problem is that duels are hardly what I would call "PvP".

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • KillaBee_ - Sanctuary
    KillaBee_ - Sanctuary Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    If our builds only differ by 20 points from magic into vitality, Damages will be nearly identical as well. The extra 400 HP will come in handy a lot more than the extra 100 damage will. As I said, I could not solo Chin before, but with the added Vitality, I could withstand his AoE. My pet heal was still more than enough to get the job done.

    Fine I'll duel you without my phoenix, if you duel me with a weapon with the same stats as mine. What lvl are you anyway? Asking me to duel without my phoenix? I don't have any other pets my lvl for PvP besides the Phoenix.

    And since we both wear Robes, we both agree that the best way to go about things is that you don't need any dex. The Robes give enough magic defense, and if you go with all +physical defense shards, our builds will be virtually identical. The only difference is what would you rather have: and extra 400 hp or 100 magic attack? Depends on player style. I dont know how you get your claimed 1.2k defense, but I assume it is from shards, not heave or light gear.

    I think we can both agree that our builds are nearly identical and we are actually wasting our time arguing lol
  • swiftlikeafox
    swiftlikeafox Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Check your PM Killa.