I Have An Announcement...

Ladylyra - Heavens Tear
Ladylyra - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
edited December 2008 in General Discussion
Yes, I do have an announcement... MY CHARACTERS WILL LIVE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for the outburst like that, but I'm happy about it. See, way back when (the evening of Thanksgiving to be exact), I got so sick that I could barely focus on the keyboard and screen. I decided to go lay down because I literally couldn't see what I was doing. Well, it got a bit worse but it passed by after a few days and I never got back online in the game client; I just followed what was going on in the forums here, but never posting. Well, now I'm making a comeback with my characters!

I'm posting this into the public so that hopefully a few of my friends will read it and not burn my ears off asking where I've been all this time. ^,..,^"

Chiao b:heart

P.S. You can move or delete this topic, Idc. ^,..,^