OMFG You are Noobs-New Year's List

bronza Posts: 35 Arc User
edited January 2009 in Suggestion Box
Just in time for New Years maybe you'll do something new...

(1) LISTEN to your clients/customers/players. I know some of the complaints and suggestions are knitpicky bs but there are also alot of good ideas, many come from things like WoW. I understand this isnt WoW but this also isn't a huge deal like WoW and winning tons of awards from what I understand.

With that said I like this game I want it to succeed. SO you also need to
(2) drop the if you like this game more then ours why dont you go play it vibes I feel we get sometimes.

(3) Better quest logs/journal entries whatever you wanna call them. Prime example for this xmas one "Continue killing living snowmen until you find the carrot nose" or something like that...except IT DOESNT DROP FROM LIVING SNOWMEN IT DROPS FROM LITTLE YAOYUAN'S SNOWMAN!
You know how many people spent how many hours killing and KSing living snowmen that were not dropping the item...and then the people trying to do the first part were complaining cause they couldnt get their 40 kills.

(4) It seems yall are getting to technical its a game... my level 40 bm has two ranged skills and their range is like 9.3 meters... .3 honestly I mean can we make things nice solid round numbers you dont even notice .3 in game just make it ten. One whole meter an upgrade or at least half aint bad. I mean in game the 9 meter range seems like I might as well just take an extra step and poke it with a stick. Yet casters seem to stand at the gates of Etherblade and kill mobs at the bottom of the hill. I mean Bm skills with some more range would be nice simply so in those gaint pools of mobs I'm running across more often now I can pull one or two out rather then run up next to it and get all 10-15.

(5) WTF is with the money...a quest reward from killing 40 mobs 1400 coins...that doesn't even cover half my repair bill let alone all the pots you have to have unless you wanna spend hours meditating. Everything costs soo much by time I farm up 100's of thousands of gold I buy some jade to make new equipment and some basic socket stones and in five minutes I'm broke. I feel like I'm missing some big part of the game but I'm running around seing peeps my levels with legendary equipment then I remember I dont have a level 60-80 toon(s) to farm the money to by the molds and all that/do the DQs. I spent so much money porting around for **** rewards on my first one I dont wanna do them so I can have money to train.

Um those are the biggies I can think of of the top of my head. maybe there will be more...
Post edited by bronza on


  • Dele - Lost City
    Dele - Lost City Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Read the Bolded points Below
    bronza wrote: »
    Just in time for New Years maybe you'll do something new...

    (1) LISTEN to your clients/customers/players. I know some of the complaints and suggestions are knitpicky bs but there are also alot of good ideas, many come from things like WoW. I understand this isnt WoW but this also isn't a huge deal like WoW and winning tons of awards from what I understand.

    Agreed ^

    With that said I like this game I want it to succeed. SO you also need to
    (2) drop the if you like this game more then ours why dont you go play it vibes I feel we get sometimes.

    No idea what your talking about here?

    (3) Better quest logs/journal entries whatever you wanna call them. Prime example for this xmas one "Continue killing living snowmen until you find the carrot nose" or something like that...except IT DOESNT DROP FROM LIVING SNOWMEN IT DROPS FROM LITTLE YAOYUAN'S SNOWMAN!
    You know how many people spent how many hours killing and KSing living snowmen that were not dropping the item...and then the people trying to do the first part were complaining cause they couldnt get their 40 kills.

    Thats a fair argument although there are alot of fan sites that tell you what to do for quests

    (4) It seems yall are getting to technical its a game... my level 40 bm has two ranged skills and their range is like 9.3 meters... .3 honestly I mean can we make things nice solid round numbers you dont even notice .3 in game just make it ten. One whole meter an upgrade or at least half aint bad. I mean in game the 9 meter range seems like I might as well just take an extra step and poke it with a stick. Yet casters seem to stand at the gates of Etherblade and kill mobs at the bottom of the hill. I mean Bm skills with some more range would be nice simply so in those gaint pools of mobs I'm running across more often now I can pull one or two out rather then run up next to it and get all 10-15.

    Melee With range is a big no no!? and If you don't like the Technical .3 meters why not just ignore it? There is an equation put in the game that makes the range what it is and the Devs are trying to balance teh game as best they can. If you want ranged go Archer Cleric Wizard or Venomancer

    (5) WTF is with the money...a quest reward from killing 40 mobs 1400 coins...that doesn't even cover half my repair bill let alone all the pots you have to have unless you wanna spend hours meditating. Everything costs soo much by time I farm up 100's of thousands of gold I buy some jade to make new equipment and some basic socket stones and in five minutes I'm broke. I feel like I'm missing some big part of the game but I'm running around seing peeps my levels with legendary equipment then I remember I dont have a level 60-80 toon(s) to farm the money to by the molds and all that/do the DQs. I spent so much money porting around for **** rewards on my first one I dont wanna do them so I can have money to train.

    Don't be a noob! Teleporting is expensive! Fly to your quests! Don't rely on quests to be your sole income of coin? Farming gets me by! I have enough for molds/Items I need as well as repairing and I don't see why you have it so bad

    Um those are the biggies I can think of of the top of my head. maybe there will be more...
  • stormhydra
    stormhydra Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    With Quest rewards... More items!
    Most of them are just Exp, Spirit points and Money.
    Steam Acc - Blugblugy || Steam Nickname - Blugyblug ||Xfire - Blugyblug || - Call of Duty 4/Modern Warfare 2/COD: Black Ops - Blugyblug ||League of Legends - Blugyblug||Forsaken World - Coalescence (mage)
  • XBaelx - Lost City
    XBaelx - Lost City Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Farming is boring as hell and suck great big ballz at least quests give you some reason to kill **** and yes the rewards blow fix it...
  • bronza
    bronza Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    here's the think with farming if I wanted to do it I'd be out behind a plow.
    Quests in any game I've played been the main source of income cause usually their harder to do and involve more efort to do.

    Also I would have flown every where but when you below 30 to do your first DQ YOU CANT also the initial flying sword is not much faster then walking...I dont have hours to spend walking around the world. I also dont have tons of cash to spend at the cash shop to buy faster things...and well to buy it coin wise you need coins

    So kinda dont be a NOOB and be quick to call names think things through first thats the only reason why I put up this list.

    As to number 2 let me explain since you didnt get it.

    Looking through the forum one day while working...a very long and boring shift. I noticed that in some causes there seems to be an under lying vibe/attitude in response to what people say. Like say myself I refer back to WoW alot because it was the MMORPG that I have had the longest amount of successful experience with, the others failed miserably in various ways and I didnt enjoy them. Anyways I refer back to WoW alot and some times you get a PWI staff response with this attitude of "If you like that so much why dont you go play it." It might not be directly said but you get the feeling its there, I'm very intuative. ANd it sems to be happening more often, perhaps because most people to refer back to other games that they see something successful there and here not be. And they may not notice but people can get defensive alot when being criticized and critiqued. As an Animation and Graphic Deign student I had to get very used to this stuff but at first I was vy defensive, till you see that well another persons work was being compared to mine I didnt like it I'm not them but I implemented ideas and concepts from theirs into mine and hey I was more successful.

    Also the quest log thing, ya I could go to fansites I suppose but you shouldnt have to for what seems like every other quest. I'm sorry the game should be somewhat self sufficient I houldnt have to go look for tons of supplements.

    for number 4 the ranged thing you missed the point completely perhaps I wasnt clear. Ranged was an example. Let me try again.

    Their getting to technical in that all this point this point that. And like to up grade things .1 you dont notice a difference in game be it for range, mount speed what ever. to me I seriously debate as to why bother. ya I got my Polar Mount Spurred to move 10m/s why bother getting it to lvl 11. all the upgrades to that point seems rather pointless until the end. then at the end the reward is nice but for the time spent and money for building loyalty, is it that nice? 1m/s faster for several hours of sitting or running in circles to level your mount. Or like ranged YES I UNDERSTAND AS BM I"M NOT A RANGED CLASS any idiot knows that, but my point in using that example was 2 fold first as the make worth while upgrades. second the upgrades are silly and pointless in the end my range of drake ray is still useless other then to hit something just starting to hopefully maybe kill it other wise I still gotta chase it. But a ranged skill/item use to most melees in most games I've seen isnt for damage but pulling. and a range of 9 meters its tough to pull just one thing from a large group especially killing specific mobs and they are in the middle of a crowd of things you dont need to kill. it leads to alot of unneeded killing or running around trying to find more. so make up grading drake ray worth it up the range alittle I aint saying to the range of a lvl 80 archer maybe just level 10ish. with worth while upgrades or maybe throwing knives...I mean blademaster...I guess it works throwing blades...

    THE OVER ALL POINT of 4 is they seem to be getting too technical with the numbers using decimals and stuff. and refering back to WoW this was a big deal with their upgrades. To say a spell that takes 2 seconds to cast has casting time upgrade is that it reduces cast time by .5 sec seems ok but is it worth it? Versus saying something like cast time is reduced by 25%? People react to things better if they think they are getting more, cause idk they fail at math or cause they see .5 as really small but 25 really big. Its all about psychology and playing with peoples heads stuff idk how it works it just does.

    sorry its outta order took the easy ones first.
  • Angelle - Heavens Tear
    Angelle - Heavens Tear Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I think someone's getting a bit too technical. b:shutup
    Former Leader of 卓越的 {Transcendent}
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  • bronza
    bronza Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    god...I am...idk its just a suggestion they can take it or leave it but I'm suprised I remembered something from my classes about the numbers thing and psycological effects. Either way its towards the bottom of my list I think I'd actually move it to number 5 and make 5 number 4 on the list in hindsight. cause while the put it a different way is a could technical suggestion its just getting picky.
  • Dacron - Heavens Tear
    Dacron - Heavens Tear Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Basically what you're saying is that you're really lazy, don't want to do anything for yourself, and want every MMO to be similar in whatever way to WoW.

    That about sums it up nicely.
  • Ident - Sanctuary
    Ident - Sanctuary Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Farming is boring as hell and suck great big ballz at least quests give you some reason to kill **** and yes the rewards blow fix it...

    i know what u talking about :D

    my last quest was:

    kill 45 mob, that mobs have self buff for higher pdef and they cursing me also. So it was a boredom and a great amount of mana/hp pots, arrows and repair.

    and what was the quest reward? Arcane footwear for my beloved archer b:shocked

    make quest rewards also available for auction and it will be fine, but i wont sit and spend alot of time with catshop for those and i dont want to waste a slot in my catshop for them also...
  • HgS - Sanctuary
    HgS - Sanctuary Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I've made a few hundred thousand coin profit off of the christmas event. It's certainly not getting me a full set of legend armor, but I can cover my repair costs for a good long while as well as spend a bit on a few extra things.
  • shotokahn
    shotokahn Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    stop complaining
  • blo0dyyay
    blo0dyyay Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    more money ingame = economy raises = no cash for weapons. repair costs will be covered yes but you wont have any cash to buy any item.
  • Pixiewink - Heavens Tear
    Pixiewink - Heavens Tear Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    the quest reward isnt the only scource of money even if all you do is the qeusts and no farming. the things you kill in the quests DO drop things that sell for more than enough to cover your costs. yes the big long run all the way over to 6 different towns quests get a tad annoying but there arent a horrible amount of them.

    i do also find it odd that you get gear from quests that your character hasnt a snowballs chance in hell of meeting the req for. would make more sense to have one of each grade to choose from.

    As for affording the legendary gear... ofcourse you need to do a ton of farming if you want to get those. they are suposed to be RARE after all. it's not intended to be the standard "used by everyone and their sister" type stuff. it is special gear you have to work a little harder to get.