daoc player plz help me. is their an /assist macro?? for this game?

montana49 Posts: 0 Arc User
edited December 2008 in General Discussion
heya and thx vm for taking the time to read/answer my questions.

1) i want to run 2 accounts/2 computers. firstoff is their anyway to setup an /assist macro??

2) i was thinkin wizard/cleric if that's the case? opinions?

3) lastly if anyone has played daoc could u draw some comparisons and vast differences? things that might help me out. /shrug.

if any question what an /assist macro is. I'd like to target the mob i'd like to kill with main comp and reach over to the other computer and hit one button to automatically target (assist) the mob that is targeted on my main comp.
Post edited by montana49 on


  • Yourmom - Lost City
    Yourmom - Lost City Posts: 1,655 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    The way the assist attack works in this game, is that you target the mob with one char, then the second char targets the first, then hits assist which switches the second char's target to what the first one had. Sorry if that's a bit unclear, try it ingame and you'll see.

    There is a command for it that you can set to a hotkey, but you have to select the other char first. Probably you could leave the mouse hovering over the targeting char's name in the party list.
    That way your fighting goes like:
    target with main comp
    reach over to side comp, mouse click, hit hotkey
    then do your attacks

    Your attacks would also be hotkeys/Macros I guess?

    2. Most people who duo level do warrior/cleric. Warrior runs around, gathers mobs, and does aoe. Cleric flies around and heals.

    Another point: If I see two chars this synchronized that they appear to be a bot or played by just one person, you better believe I'll kill them.
  • laethaka_1241221170
    laethaka_1241221170 Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    montana49 wrote: »
    3) lastly if anyone has played daoc could u draw some comparisons and vast differences? things that might help me out. /shrug.


    Barbarian = Hero
    Venomancer = Necromancer
    Blademaster = Champion
    Wizard = Wizard
    Archer = Ranger
    Cleric = Cleric

    and the three factions aren't at each others' throats
  • Oishasan - Sanctuary
    Oishasan - Sanctuary Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    There's an assist hotkey in your actions tab,
    or you can also custom build your own macro to assist your character, I assume. (there is a custom build area, looks similar to WoW's, but haven't tried using it yet)

    I also came from DAoC (last P2P)
    I would say as far as classes, the above poster has it right, with the exception of the veno..

    I would say that class doesn't really have a mirror in DAoC. The best reference I can think of is a mage or beastlord from EQ, depending on your Veno's build (caster or fox)

    But welcome, I hope you are having as much fun as I am here. It's a great game. Oh, and try the crafting, since you're from DAoC, you'll be able to see and appreciate the benefits of it immediately.
    Light Armor build, Support Cleric

    Barbarian, feral build

    Arcane Veno
    Beetle Wrangler
  • Taiyed - Heavens Tear
    Taiyed - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I would say the veno is more a combination of warlock and enchanter. The pets are as strong as a warlocks, however you can assist with the nukes and heal while in combat like an enchanter. If you have the hercules pet focus pulling is a very viable way to level, and you can do it solo. Unlike daoc though, you dont have to remain motionless while you do it, you can assist with dd and heal your pet throughout the pull so you dont need a healing class to heal the pet.

    Bm's are more like the merc/bm/zerker I from what I have seen.

    Clerics I would say are closer to mana mentalists, just with better heals and buffs being the primary healing class. Still able to do damage and solo quite well though.

    Think of tw's as old emain milegate pingpong hehe. There is some cc here but it is very limited, and you wont be mezzed/stunned for the whole fight.

    For dualboxing though I would suggest a barb/cleric combo. Both will be needed for higher fb's (dungeons) and usually lfm's are either for barbs or clerics or both. You're guaranteed a spot with at least on character.