Bakerk--Lost City Guild

Cubyrop - Lost City
Cubyrop - Lost City Posts: 8 Arc User
edited December 2008 in Guild Banter
Yes, this is another one of new noob guilds. But when it comes down to it, levels and experience with the game doesn't automatically promise quality.

We are called... Bakerk. Don't like the name? Oh well ;p

The majority of the members of Bakerk are friends who've moved from another game together. We started a guild so we wouldn't have to split up, and so we could stay close. We're looking to make more friends (guildies) whom we can play with.

The night we made Bakerk, we couldn't decide what to name the guild, we decided on a random name, but then, things changed. We invited one of our future guildies into a squad with us:
Revert: moo
Cubyrop: bakerk
Revert: oh is that the guilds name?
Cubyrop: No ;p that the sound a chicken makes.

Then yeah, we named the guild... Bakerk.

Random info about the guild---

Our members are generally 18+ (in age), experienced MMO players(and by experience, we mean even staffing for other games), fast levelers, fast learners, friendly, not afraid to PK, but still respectful, and no, they will not put up with anyones ****. And yes, we are active, we have members on all day. We aren't anti-social but we aren't looking to take over the game world quite yet.

We do not have any enemy guilds atm, but we do have friends in higher places, won't exactly call them allies.

Will we invite you if you ask? Maybe... we don't like to blindly invite though. We'd like to get to know someone before adding them.

In Bakerk...

-You must be respectful to fellow members. This is common sense. If you do not pass this part of the test, you will be banned and whoever added you will get a palm to the back of the head.
-Try to be as active as you can, we understand if you can't always play, its nice to have one of those things people call a life.
-Don't make a complete fool of yourself. In a noob sense.. some of us are full of fails, but that's what makes us special.
-If it'd make Leroy Jenkins proud... don't do it, unless the guildies are rooting you on, then by all means...
-Be a modest and respectful PvP/PK-er. Pick on someone your own size bully! Unless you're avenging someone, then let me hand you your cape.
-Friends > Game (remember, its
-Save the drama for yo' mama.(same as above)
-We are not the Bank of Archosaur, nor are we the Salvation Army. Do not bug us for money or stuff, constantly, occasionally asking is fine, we're supposed to support each other, but once its begging, you may feel Jenn or the banhammers wrath, don't know which one is worse...
-You must be social with the group. Don't join us and then never talk to us. You might encourage us to start talking smack about you until you start talking.
-Have a sense of humor. We have a lot of levels of joking in this guild. Please don't be a killjoy D:

If you are interested in joining, whisper/PM/mail Cubyrop or Zoodie,.Or what the hay, reply to this thread. If we do not respond or tell you no, do not bug us please, no means no!