Top 10 Lost City Forum Flammerz

Clickhere - Lost City
Clickhere - Lost City Posts: 78 Arc User
edited December 2008 in Twilight Temple (West)
OK, since people have just decided to jump into every freaking thread there is to just spam and flame even if they have nothing to say about the topic, i made this special thread specially you ******* that can't understand simple forum rules.

TOP 10 FlamerZ


At this point we are just nominating. I decided to put n0ob and Deity on top just for 2 reasons.

1. I typed normal rules on a thread that i wanted some day to grow big enough to be a sticky, yet both of them ignore it and decide spam with irrelevant arguments about something different from the thread's topic.
Well, at least Deity showed 1 SS then all the flame started.

2. I freaking gave the option to flame. YES!!! i posted a rule saying you can flame(Only 1 per stupid/not so funny SS)!!! OmgZ All you have to do is gather all you have to say and post it on 1 single post. Yet n0ob and Deity went on a spam rampage. Now my thread is so long yet only 30~40% of it has topic-related content.

***So.. go ahead all flamerZ come here and you may as well nominate yourself. I will also see who comes to flame/spam this thread as well. Earn some flame points and get to the TOP#1.>_>***

Also, is there a forum GM? and if so, Is it possible to erase all the 6 pages of spam from n0ob vs Deity spam battle out of "Holy Hall of Shame". It's both annoying and has nothing to do with the topic. I didn't even bothered to read but im 100% sure of it.
Finally, im guessing Grim is back. I changed from top flamers to Top FlamerZ b:cute hehehe Welcome back i guess. More PW PvP fun.
Raven:"...Don't joke with my intelligence"b:laugh
Post edited by Clickhere - Lost City on


  • cryucry
    cryucry Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I've wondered what topic would bring out more flames than a "next to fail" thread, but you've put that question to rest.

    But yes, Deity and noob. Deity more so, since he starts arguments with everyone while noob only targets him.
  • Deumos - Lost City
    Deumos - Lost City Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    cryucry wrote: »
    I've wondered what topic would bring out more flames than a "next to fail" thread, but you've put that question to rest.

    But yes, Deity and noob. Deity more so, since he starts arguments with everyone while noob only targets him.

    Agreed, Deity is worse.
  • Melethiel - Lost City
    Melethiel - Lost City Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    But isn't that only to troll Deity, coz they know it ticks him off? o.o
    "Only the dead have seen the end of war."
  • Deity - Lost City
    Deity - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    cryucry wrote: »
    I've wondered what topic would bring out more flames than a "next to fail" thread, but you've put that question to rest.

    But yes, Deity and noob. Deity more so, since he starts arguments with everyone while noob only targets him.

    Go through n0ob's post history and then repeat what you just said.
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    If Deity wants to be #1 here again he can have it, just 1m per week.
    I even flame better than Deity. That's the only message I can find on this thread.

    WTS> Flaming lessons.
    I was going to post a reply... then I realized, you would likely reply in anger and insult me, to which I'd most likely respond with a wittier comment or slay you with a macro and then, onlookers, seeing that comments had been made, would interpret the traffic as interest, thus earning you attention you don't deserve for your **** post. So, when you DON'T see a comment from me, THAT is me saying "FAIL" in a much more effective manner.

  • Deity - Lost City
    Deity - Lost City Posts: 381 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    n0ob wrote: »
    If Deity wants to be #1 here again he can have it, just 1m per week.
    I even flame better than Deity. That's the only message I can find on this thread.

    WTS> Flaming lessons.


    Grats on your world record time in the special olympics.
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Go through n0ob's post history and then repeat what you just said.

    Grats on your world record time in the special olympics.
    Learn to post image links, Your link failed... just like you.
    I was going to post a reply... then I realized, you would likely reply in anger and insult me, to which I'd most likely respond with a wittier comment or slay you with a macro and then, onlookers, seeing that comments had been made, would interpret the traffic as interest, thus earning you attention you don't deserve for your **** post. So, when you DON'T see a comment from me, THAT is me saying "FAIL" in a much more effective manner.

This discussion has been closed.