Genesis Leader - Aurellius



  • Keilani - Heavens Tear
    Keilani - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Removed by request.
    Heaven's Tear
  • SimplyBrina - Heavens Tear
    SimplyBrina - Heavens Tear Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    you cant go on rumors. unless u know all the facts you cant really pass judgement on someone or believe what someone has said about that person.
    ~Just a kiss~
  • Heartz - Heavens Tear
    Heartz - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Alright, I read this whole thing, and it's all pretty much biased ********.
    For the people who took the time to understand things here. I thank you.
    I'm a nice person, I've strived just as hard as aure to make Genesis what we want it to be.

    Before I go on about things I would like to say a few things.
    I respect those who posted there opinions without insults and actually tried to reason and post you're honest opinions.

    @Drivel: I understand how you felt about the loss of money for TW. And I understand you wish to have it back, you even let me borrow a few MP's charms I have yet to pay you back for. But for me I have and most likely always will be at the bottom of the bucket when it comes for money. I enjoyed TW because I viewed as a privliage, not a requirement. My sole purpose for TW was to have fun and enjoy the game with the guild members I enjoyed so much. Out of the guild I don't know anyone and because of that, I can't speak my words on others. (Not sayig you don't what you're talking about.) Out of everything I have read, you probably had the most respectful response of all. Thank you.

    @Keilani: Shut the hell up. I'm sorry but you're posts are doing nothing to help the situation, only smart mouthing others and causing more problems, please post once more when you have something more respectful and legit to say. You haven't been in the guild nearly as long as any of the members. Shut you trap, You are doing nothing for us right now. Once you actually do something for Genesis, then come talk here again, and when I mean talk here, I don't mean **** people off and PK you're own freakin guildies when they are questing. (P.S.: DOn't try to make a witty come back to me, I'll smash you're face into the ground and kick you out in the blink of an eye)

    Now for my point of view.

    No Aure did not steal TW money. No Aure did not steal TW money. No Aure did not steal TW money. No Aure did not steal TW money. I know it for a fact because I've known Aure for almost 2 years and No he would never do such a thing. Flame me all you want, I know from personal experience how this man acts. He would never do such a thing and since I have known him, never has. I trust his actions and I do believe they were right, if you knew what this guild was about, you too would agree our actions were right. Genesis does not strive to be the top, though it is a nice thought. Genesis is a place for respectful and meaningful players to interact and enjoy the game without Internet Drama Tards **** with their time. Thats what Genesis is about, we are nothing like RoC, TheEmpire, and all those other guilds.

    If you don't understand what this post was about or anything in it, such as the guild or people, don't post you're disrespectful biased posts and go QQ more online and cause more drama. Kthxbai.
  • Zeffira - Heavens Tear
    Zeffira - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Go Heartz! <333

    I never had a doubt that Aurellius was honest.

    1) One does not spend countless hours of their time making an awesome guild forum and helping people make progress in-game, just to **** them over later.
    Aurellius took time out of questing and grinding to speak with anyone who inquired. Those who asked, usually received answers.

    2) The money was payed to the guild. None was missing. Ask anyone who was in the guild at the time of final distribution, they received what they're level permitted them to.
    My reasons for ending up outside Genesis are my own. What I would like to know is why you think I left Aurellius? You are quick to call people greedy and I feel like you think I was in the guild for money. I feel you judged people more than you think you did. Please tell me what you think of me and why I left. I would like to know. (I'm not asking about the manner in which I left, merely the motives you think I had. These have been mis-communicated in the past.)

    "Beneath this mask is an Idea, and Ideas are bulletproof." -V
  • Edyani - Heavens Tear
    Edyani - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    well onli on thing to say to all and its important:


    thats all mean what it mean x3..

    att. The kittens
  • Qua - Heavens Tear
    Qua - Heavens Tear Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    who is this Aurilus person keep talking about? is he famous? 4 page in a thread, wasting space b:pleased
  • Velancia - Heavens Tear
    Velancia - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Much <3 @ Heartz. lol *high five*
  • Drivel - Heavens Tear
    Drivel - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    <3 Heartz.
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Genesis is a place for respectful and meaningful players to interact and enjoy the game without Internet Drama Tards **** with their time. Thats what Genesis is about, we are nothing like RoC, TheEmpire, and all those other guilds.

    Whoa whoa whoa red light red light. Potentially ignorant comment detected. Please explain before Hisui-bot goes into reputation-defense mode.
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Bookman - Heavens Tear
    Bookman - Heavens Tear Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    don't post you're disrespectful biased posts

    seriously now?

    because that's exactly what your post was you ****ing tool.
  • Heartz - Heavens Tear
    Heartz - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    @Hisui That comment was not meant to insult other guilds. I was simply stating it's not a PvP guild, or a guild solely based for TW or leveling. It's just a simple guild meant to be made for pure fun and that's it. No harm was meant. If I made it seem like that, I apologize.

    @Bookman Seriously. And no, my post was not Biased or disrespectful. The only thing that was disrespectful was towards Keilani who is a member of Genesis and trust me, from what I heard, she doesn't have a good relation with the older members, and the posts she made herself were disrespectful and didn't prove a thing, only making things worse. As for being Biased, I've been on both sides of this conversation physical and emotional. I know exactly whats going on and I know fact by fact if this rumor is true or not. I don't like the fact people are jumping in saying "I gave it too him" When they didn't and is making this whole thing worse. But almost all the posts aimed to towards Aure have had insults that were unnecessary, which shows how much hate they have for him. And that kind of hate leads to Biased posts, where they only want to cut him down and not look at his side of the story or others. And my perfect example would your post towards me right now. A ****ing tool? You don't who I am, or what I do. So what exactly makes me a tool when I'm only defending and stating the truth?
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    . A ****ing tool? You don't who I am, or what I do. So what exactly makes me a tool when I'm only defending and stating the truth?

    Bookman just got owned..... <3 bookie 8D
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Aurellius - Heavens Tear
    Aurellius - Heavens Tear Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I think a proper thing on this topic to do Heartz, between you and Keilani, work out your differences.
    If you both cannot then atleast due one the respect of not disrespecting each other so publicly.
    Despite what biased opinions you may have on one another, or what offenses may have been done, I feel public humiliation and insults in any form are unecessary.
    Last thing Genesis needs at this moment is conflict within itself, we should be mature enough to handle situations amongst ourselves with respectful conduct.
    I dont have much left to say other than, lets not turn this into a flame war.
    Anger on top of anger is counterproductive...
  • Bookman - Heavens Tear
    Bookman - Heavens Tear Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited December 2008

    @Bookman Seriously. And no, my post was not Biased or disrespectful.

    yeah that comment directed towards roc and empire was totally not biased or implying some sort of inferiority.

    gg, thanks for the dissertation.
  • judasacolyte
    judasacolyte Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I must say, although I was gone for a while due to personal reasons, I have never found Aurellius to be a fool as some are saying. The money I recieved from the TW was, perhaps, more than I required for my amount of participation (4 PvE Wars and 3 PvP ones) and I have no doubt that others recived far more than I.

    I have been a member of Genesis since it was a level 1 guild with only 15-20 members. I've watched it grow from a small group of tight-knit individuals to the expansive guild it was at its peak. I must say at points I was not at all proud of some of the members who were so lucky as to be accepted into Genesis.

    One thing I think people are forgetting that Territory Wars are not a right, they are an honor. When fighting in them you are sacrificing your time for your guild, a selfless sacrifice. The money should be secondary. The pride, not vanity or greed, should be the driving force behind Territory Wars. Sure its fun to win, and it is a bonus to be paid for it, but it still remains something that should be cherished.

    Many guilds will never have the opportunity to succeed in Territory Wars as Genesis has, and, although we no longer hold any territories, we should remember that we were so privileged to be able to take part in them, and to be such a big name in at the time ( I do believe we were the first Faction to Successfully defend a territory on Heaven's Tear).

    I do very much believe that people get far too caught up in leveling, having the best gear, and having it first, that they forget to take in the experience of getting there. After all, one is not wholly remembered due to the achievements they have made, but rather in the maner they held themselves in doing so.

    Despite the recent recline of Genesis due to selfrightiousness and unnecessary foolishnes, I believe that it was, and will continue to be one of the best guilds on Heaven's Tear, if not in all of Perfect World.

    Despite all your mocking comments, abrassive words, and foolhardy insinuations, I doubt that many of you could have lead such a guild, or even had the vision to create one such as Genesis.
    You are all entitled to your opinions just as much as I am, but the manner in which you express them, perhaps, says more about your character than the opinions themselves.

    Just something to think about.

    Long Time Genesis Member
  • Astoru - Heavens Tear
    Astoru - Heavens Tear Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Note: Most of the leadership of Genesis are close friends of mine. I just have a few comments about the "Greed" part of payments.

    When I go into TW's, I usually blow half of an MP charm and most of an HP charm. Let's say we win; then the leader goes off sayinig that he won't pay anyone because of greed and with-holds any payments. Now I am suffering financially because I'm making an investment into TW's, while I don't get any sort of reward for assisting in the victory.

    In summary: Stop trying to cover your **** by dodging the point.
    ●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
  • ISLEOFPEN - Heavens Tear
    ISLEOFPEN - Heavens Tear Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    One thing I think people are forgetting that Territory Wars are not a right, they are an honor. When fighting in them you are sacrificing your time for your guild, a selfless sacrifice. The money should be secondary. The pride, not vanity or greed, should be the driving force behind Territory Wars. Sure its fun to win, and it is a bonus to be paid for it, but it still remains something that should be cherished.

    Territory Wars are team efforts, the reward belong to everyone that help the guild to get it. What he's doing is the same as doing a guild TT run and keeping the drops then saying everyone in the party did the TT run for the drops.
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    This topic has already been trampled over. You guys who are defending aurellius are probably all right.

    He may be the best person and I can believe he is very mature and responsible and means all the good to the guild. Whatever.

    But if every nice and kind person can run a guild to the top you'd have 100+ good guilds rising to the top. It doesn't work that way. Aurellius epicly failed at leadership because people left him and lead to the weakening of Genesis. What is there is there so you really cannot deny it. Great person. Bad leader.

    Just be glad this is just a game and not real life, where often times you are forced to work with people who are entirely not your "type." A good leader fuses all type of personalities and utilizes their individual characteristics to accomplish a common goal. Mister nice guy failed at that.

    You guys were confused about good leader vs good person.
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    hisui is right 8D
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Heartz - Heavens Tear
    Heartz - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    yeah that comment directed towards roc and empire was totally not biased or implying some sort of inferiority.

    gg, thanks for the dissertation.
    Are you blind enough not to look at what I responded to Hisui?
    I suggest you read my response to her before opening your mouth. gg

    And Hisui, I do agree at an extent.
    Aure is a good person, but I do believe he is a good leader.
    He screwed up, oh well. He made a mistake.
    That doesn't mean he is a bad leader.

    Though I can say that what a bad leader and a good leader is, is not something specific.
    But of someone's opinion.
    Though there is a general idea of what a bad and good leader is.
    Smaller details cause others opinions about them to be different.
    Such as making a mistake.
    I don't know your opinion about one.

    But I'll use this one as an example.
    Some people expect a leader to never make mistakes.
    To be perfect and know what to do at every turn.
    Once the leader makes a mistake or screws up at one point, they are considered bad to people with those opinions.

    On the other hand, there are people who believe a leader is ready to make mistakes.
    And when he makes them, he will recognize it and work hard not to make the same mistake.
    He will get up and keep walking, making sure not to step in the same hole twice.

    From my opinion of what a leader should be.
    Aure is a good leader, he recognizes his mistakes and works to not make them again.
    A leader will always make mistakes, always, it's a never ending cycle.
    But to me, what determines a leader.
    Is there perception and determination to fix their mistakes and work not to make them again.

    Aure made a mistake, now everyone is calling him a bad leader.
    And this was one of his attempts to fix it.
    Not quite sure if it worked, but everythign is worth a try.
    And being a leader, you have the power to do what you want, with what you own.
    Wanting a few select kind of people in his guild is his choice.
    I don't think that makes him a bad leader.
    And by doing this, he knows he won't make it to the top.
    And that's never been his goal.

    Though again, this is all opinion based.
    So I don't see a reason to start an argument.
    We all have our own opinions.

    That's all I really wanted to say, Enjoy PWI.
    And good luck on your adventures.
  • Immortality - Heavens Tear
    Immortality - Heavens Tear Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    ^nice song
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    im to lazy to read that song, but good job xD
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Bookman - Heavens Tear
    Bookman - Heavens Tear Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Are you blind enough not to look at what I responded to Hisui?
    I suggest you read my response to her before opening your mouth. gg

    oh cut the ******** cop-outs.

    "Genesis is a place for respectful and meaningful players to interact and enjoy the game without Internet Drama Tards **** with their time. Thats what Genesis is about, we are nothing like RoC"

    protip: read your own posts, or learn to properly elaborate what you mean to say, because what you said paints us as disrespectful meaningless dramawhoring retrads, unlike genesis. whether we are or aren't is inconsequential, point is the implication of your post.
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Hehe... Okay. Fine. Aurellius is a good leader. But he is a failed leader. I never judge a guild by how many high levels it has or how many territories it takes over. I judge by retention rate. Many players joined Genesis liking what it has to offer according to the recruitment ads and whatever. Aurellius failed to retain those players and failed their expectations, thus resulting in their leave. In this case, a pretty big leave rate. It's not about whether he stole or not. Hong can freaking *charge* all his guildmates 10mil a week but if all those guildies of his stay in his guild and have a good time, then hes good in my book.

    There is absolutely *no* excuse here. Result = everything.

    There is only result. "Good" leaders may make mistakes but they do not fail. Two ways of looking at it.

    -Aurellius recruited a bunch of good people and failed to live up to their expectations, causing bunch of them to leave. Leader's fault.

    -Aurellius recruited not so good people, which means he should have been more careful in his recruitment process and should have been keen in removing bad roots. Leader's fault.

    So either way he failed. And the fact that he made this topic showed that he even admits his failure, which is fine. Lets look at it this way. If PWI is a crappy game, I do not care whether Xarfox makes everyones coffee in the morning, hes a failing admin.

    Haha. If any TE surf this board they can tell you I sit on TE's management *all day* with these type of complaints and so far they're putting up with it. b:shutup

    There may be lots of "good" guilds in the server but a big one I know of is Radiance. I have never heard of "ex Radiance" being stringed together in a phrase. That means their leader succeeded.

    Can Genesis come back? Certainly. As soon as Aurellius learns from his mistakes and have a clear picture of where he wants his guild to head and recruit the people who are heading the same way, then delivering their expectations.

    end of long post.
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Hehe... Okay. Fine. Aurellius is a good leader. But he is a failed leader. I never judge a guild by how many high levels it has or how many territories it takes over. I judge by retention rate. Many players joined Genesis liking what it has to offer according to the recruitment ads and whatever. Aurellius failed to retain those players and failed their expectations, thus resulting in their leave. In this case, a pretty big leave rate. It's not about whether he stole or not. Hong can freaking *charge* all his guildmates 10mil a week but if all those guildies of his stay in his guild and have a good time, then hes good in my book.

    There is absolutely *no* excuse here. Result = everything.

    There is only result. "Good" leaders may make mistakes but they do not fail. Two ways of looking at it.

    -Aurellius recruited a bunch of good people and failed to live up to their expectations, causing bunch of them to leave. Leader's fault.

    -Aurellius recruited not so good people, which means he should have been more careful in his recruitment process and should have been keen in removing bad roots. Leader's fault.

    So either way he failed. And the fact that he made this topic showed that he even admits his failure, which is fine. Lets look at it this way. If PWI is a crappy game, I do not care whether Xarfox makes everyones coffee in the morning, hes a failing admin.

    Haha. If any TE surf this board they can tell you I sit on TE's management *all day* with these type of complaints and so far they're putting up with it. b:shutup

    There may be lots of "good" guilds in the server but a big one I know of is Radiance. I have never heard of "ex Radiance" being stringed together in a phrase. That means their leader succeeded.

    Can Genesis come back? Certainly. As soon as Aurellius learns from his mistakes and have a clear picture of where he wants his guild to head and recruit the people who are heading the same way, then delivering their expectations.

    end of long post.
    nuf said hisui b:victory
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Aurellius - Heavens Tear
    Aurellius - Heavens Tear Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    There is only result. "Good" leaders may make mistakes but they do not fail.

    This phrase Hisui by no means of blunt assault shows your ignorance of a leadership position.
    You deny me the right of being human.
    Humans fail, we are not an idol of perfection, being a leader does not somehow lift us above the position of human error.
    I've read all that has been posted and it appears to me an image of a leader has been formed to be a supposed perfection.
    One who does not falter, who recruits people with the proper scrutiny.
    You fail to succumb to the realization that in a guild sacrifice is done not just on the leaders part, but on his members part.

    A leader sacrifices his time and his effort for the better of the guild, understanding that what actions are made may not please people but may be best for them.
    Sacrifice on the members part is baring with that type of authority.
    In your opinion I am a failed leader, simply because I lost a fair amount of members.
    That is an ignorant judgmental way of sharing your opinion.
    Evidently I have not failed, because even now as we speak Genesis has members coming into our guild, and my most loyal members still remain.
    I do see the big picture and do my best to interpret,however, an aspect that many people fail to realize is NEEDS first not WANTS catch my eye in that picture.

    I guess you could say I expected something like this from my post.
    My post wasnt me coming before perfect world with my tail in between my legs. I wrote what I did with confidence that ya I messed up, but I was going to do better next time. Instead I get people telling me how bad of a leader I am because I didnt live up to their expectations.
    That may not of been the most graceful way of saying it, but review all that has been posted on me.
    What costed for my members, costed the same for me if not more, call me whatever names you please, but if you glance over the previous posts, look at how far a majority of it was about fake money, and yet we act is if the fake money isnt a big deal.
    I think many people dont even realize their own greed towards such a thing, as if I havent spent my own money in territory wars?
    The more I see the posts in this forum thread, the more I'm beginning to think that although my decision wasnt the best, it was not a failure.

    I also know I use the term greed alot, but do not be mistaken, there is an underlying reason for that greed, and that is power.
    You can deny such an accusation or not, but when someones focus in a game based on level is to become a high level, greed can slip in unnoticed.
    I'm not saying there is anything wrong with power, just pointing out, that alot of people, not all, that left Genesis had their mindset on power.
    Do you all not see a conflicting situation already? Genesis = a guild not made for power + Some members wanting power, predict the outcome.
    Wanting power isnt a bad thing in my opinion, what extent you let it go to is however.

    You can me a failure, a bad leader or whatever you wish Hisui, but after reviewing your posts, you are more along the lines denying me the right to fall.
    With all the stuff that has been set against me... I'm still here, not any less confident than I was the day before, yet the door to leave is no farther away.
    I've fallen in the past, and I've picked myself back up, in my opinion a bad leader would of tried to cover up his failure.
    Most leaders would of tried to find some other incident to preoccupy everyones eyes with, to take focus off themselves.
    The more you accuse me of being a bad leader is just going to make it 10 times harder when you fail, and believe me, you will fail.
    People dont learn from their mistakes, they learn from the consequences of them. I am not fleeing from the consequence, I'm welcoming the learning experience with the understanding that it has a cost.

    Joining my guild is a choice, just as leaving is a choice, I dont feel it is my responsibility to create fun to an extent for my faction. If people join Genesis to be hand fed then obviously they arent here for the right reasons already.
    Most seem to feel that a good guild has to have alot of members, since when in the world does that have to be true? Many things in this world that are good, are a MINORITY(If you cant figure that one out with examples, >.>).
    Aurellius failed to retain those players and failed their expectations, thus resulting in their leave

    You join a guild not to expect a red carpet rolled out for you. Sacrifice is made on your part when joining a faction that your going to have to submit to the way things are managed(Our code of conduct sheds perfect light on that). This whole, I failed their expectations is something they have to deal with. I dont go to each of my members and say what do you expect of me? I go to my members and present an idea and say, hey what do you think of this, any suggestions? What I do is not done on my say alone, however I sure get the credit for it when things dont go so well. I bet if the opportunity arose in the past, to where some sort of success and great thing happened out of this, the finger wouldnt be pointed to the leader for such an achievement.

    To prevent from being anymore verbose I'll end this reply.
    The Majority here, my view of success and yours is completely different. Dont go and call me a failed leader because I didnt do what in your opinion thought was better. Leaders come in all different shapes and sizes they share different mindsets, views and goals. This however does not define failure or not, because in some leaders mind, one follower is a success, when in others hundreds are a success. For one proposed leader out of opinion tells another that they failed is simply denying that man the right of being human.
    I made a mistake, but I have not lost my dignity or confidence in myself or my members.
    I look back on the posts and witness people who defended me and im reminded at the honor it is to have such members.
    My focus is on what matters most in this game, and that is the people playing it. All the items and whatever in this game are just additions, they are not the source of the laughs I've shared with my members.
    The source is the personality of each member, and the memories made like that effect the character of the person in their real life.
    That is what Genesis has built itself into being, and that is what it is.
  • Hisui - Heavens Tear
    Hisui - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,369 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    1. No. Because I have lead numerous groups, irl, to success of a project and dare I say the concept of leadership does not differ much in this game. And of course not I am not assaulting your right of being human. WTF?? LOL Not everyone can be a good leader so just chill.

    And you have walked right into situation II. Why did you recruit all those people who expects you to "roll out the red carpet"? There is definitely a mismatch of expectations here and its imperative you have the expectations aligned beforehand. At least BlazeofGlory kicked all of those whom she thought was unfit ASAP. But nope, I am assuming you kept all of them long enough to stir up a tidal wave and a leaving trend.

    Of course I'm not denying you the right to fail, which means you indeed think you have failed right? This is a game damnit! Why would I care if you fail as long as you're enjoying your time. But yea in real life applications if half your team wants to ditch you because of their attitude problems then it is indeed your failure. You had the opportunity to personally select the people to be in Genesis and yet many still left *for the same reason* Sometimes "ooops" doesn't cut it.

    There is no need to defend yourself anymore.

    I am just stating the result. Are you one of those people who gets C+ in a course then goes up to the professor and preach about the passion and work you put into the class? Well guess wha, you bombed your tests so you failed! So simple. You had a guild implosion; you failed. What is there to not admit?

    Nobody is putting you down though. I clearly stated that you can pick yourself up and start anew and not fail again. You can treasure the opportunity that despite the initial failure many still trust in your capabilities, which I must say rarely happens irl.

    Yes leaders do come in different shape and sizes. June and Hong don't exactly share the same online personality for example. They probably govern their guilds entirely different from each other. But ALL LEADERS have something in common; the ability to keep the members together. Retention retention retention. If you do not agree with that then you're not fit to call yourself a leader in any form. Hell you can't even be a leader of thugs without it. Think about it.
    私の番ですよ。- Sig by Symour

    Check out ForsakenX 's sig thread O_O
    Enrage - We Eat.
  • Aurellius - Heavens Tear
    Aurellius - Heavens Tear Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    If I did not have retention there would be no Genesis right now. I do see and understand what you are saying, however the way you conveyed it I feel created a misunderstanding of your emotion when sharing it. I have led groups in real life as well, I've had clans prior to perfect world some still going as far as im informed, and others hit their peak and upon other circumstances not my own, fell.

    We can chat back and fourth about this and that, but I can only learn about people by giving them a chance, and by giving them a chance I run the risk of them doing something out of line.
    The people I recruited, all made a good first impression, after that they caused no problems, instead it was more along the lines an issue within themselves and they did not express outwardly. I have kicked people for acting completely out of line, some were new recruits others were members who had been present for a fair while. I am a strong believer in the idea that true colors are shown under trials.
    What it came down to is, these were good people from the beginning, never seemed to show much in the way of problems.
    Then again however, I've expressed numerous times, I can only be so effective by how much information I am given.
    Many of my members failed to inform me of situations that time and time again I asked for, and if they dont do that, I cant punish them for that.
    So therefore the ticking time bomb was something that I had trouble finding out about until it was too late.

    You being a leader Hisui should know from experience that every group/clan/faction has a point of trial. A moment where personalities conflict in a mass number, or situations erupt and spark feuds. Sometimes it takes a short time for that trial, other times its over a long period of time.
    This happened to Genesis...

    Also on the phrase of you denying me the right to be human, what I was inclining from that was.
    You said, leaders do not fail, I consider myself a leader but i also consider myself a human. If humans fail, and leaders do not, then who in the world is a leader so to speak?
    I was merely going a bit more indepth on what you shared in that phrase.
    So for me to say I'm a leader going by the phrase you said, would be me saying I am above human, therefore above failure.

    Also, please dont mistake my words for me getting pissed off, because honestly I'm not. It isnt an easy task to convey emotion through text as you have noticed im sure.
    The bottom line I feel from all this is, whats done is done, there is no turning back. I have been working with my members on ways to avoid such a mishap again. Genesis will continue forward however hard the trek may be, but in our own eyes we will do so free of pressure. I think I speak for my members when I say, It is all fun for us in the end, and enjoyment of each others company is a sufficient reward for us.

    Last thing,
    The difference I speak of Hisui in leadership from other leaderships, is that fact that my past leaderships alot werent online. Online holds the lack of accountability, while in real life, your face to face with the person, there is no running without people knowing who you are or what you have done.

    Thanks for enlightening on your words a bit more..
  • Stickygreen - Heavens Tear
    Stickygreen - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    koodos to both Hisui and Aurellius, im glad there are still some people around who can argue without flaming each other. +1 to you both
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

  • Sereniama - Heavens Tear
    Sereniama - Heavens Tear Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Yukiko wrote:
    First of all, the General Discussion section does not read "Heavens Tear, put all your quarrels here".

    Second of all, people DEPEND on TW money to help them finance their characters. If you misplaced greed for need then yes, you are a bad leader, and I am not surprised many people left.

    Shut the **** up, you dont even know what your talking about you idiot. I hate you.

    I think Aurellius worked his **** off to get those territories and now your just gonna be a ****ing snob about him bieng a bad leader? You are a seriously warped person. Please, go **** yourself in the **** you sad nerd.

    Sou Sou Moutoku = The most badass **** in Anime History. Never diss Kohime Musou or die.
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