
EgaeniI - Heavens Tear
EgaeniI - Heavens Tear Posts: 48 Arc User
edited December 2008 in Archer
b:bye since i'm leaving, i thought i will share my top secreat build with every1 here XD, archer is the best class!! go archer!!

well as many posts before me, mainly there are 2 build, one is go pure dex another one is go enough dex and str rest goes into vit (i call it vit build) . i will talk about both here, but mainly dex.

the reason i go dex is simple: dex give extra attack, gives extra critical all that means one will kill faster, not just mob but pvp. bad thing about is.. with that build we die a lot, if other people has set eyes on us. dex archer normally goes into demon (demon gives extra critical %)

vit is not so bad neither, coz for crossbow u need a lot of dex to start with, so you wont have much points left to put into vit anyway, HOWEVER with the vit you put in, u will have about double the hp a dex archer has, but can survive a lot longer that = about 4-5 spells from wiz. vit archer normally goes into saga ( has +2 attack range higher base damage)

but for both build DO NOT put any points into magic

now i will talk about what skills should get for archer

take aim : unless u r going into saga later on, do not learn that skill, reason for it? it take way way too long to cast it. BUT IF U R SAGE it's +500% weapon damage, needless to say take aim > deadly shoot

quick shoot : not that good early on, good to save sp to learn other skills HOWEVER after lvl 89 gives extra 2508 damage sage gives extra 20 chi (decent) demon for 6 secs attack rate increase by 30% b:victory die wiz/cleric!!

knock back: well this is a good and bad skill, good is it knock mob back 12m, bad is, it only work on mob not player, AND lvl 1 u knock back 12m lvl 10 still 12m so unless u got too much sp too much money, i suggest u just put 1 point into it.

aim low : this is a skill used for pk against cleric /wiz, reason for it? stun take too long to cast and at lvl 10 still 90% chance to stun. so there's a chance they might not get stunned. at lvl 10 with aim low u have 100% chance to trap them for 8secs.. well thats enough for 3 skills at least, it's a skill you HAVE to learn and max it out. from max distance of 30m for archer, in a tw or pvp this is normally my opening against wiz/cleric.

stun : well this is like our only stun skill, i know it cost a lot of money a lot of sp, at max lvl still 90% chance to stun as i stated b4, but it's our only stun.. even thru it sucks.. we have to learn.

deadly shot: well, every know it's good. and it cost sp and money, it deals a lot of damage BUT unless u sneak up on some1 during pvp or tw.. no point in using it 2.5 sec cast time too slow.

barrage of arrows : zhen skill. needless to say, dont learn more than 5 lvls, u can use it in TW if u r good, well as soon as u try to cast it.. every1 will take aim at you. the trick is set it up wait for around 1sec hit esc, and run back. the damage will show, just take time, the exact time b4 u hit esc is all depends on every1's connection speed so test it out urself.b:chuckle

flame arrow: well extra 40% at lvl 10, u must be insane not learn that skill, saga will be able to max it to 60% so a very good skill to learn. but only effect your normal shot, doesn't stack with other skills

sharpen tooth : well this is bread and butter for pvp/tw/boss killing. it has a aoe, so very good in tw especially at the city gate. sad thing about this skill is IF you use it during grinding eg hit on a normal mob.. the exp is nurfed!! b:angry otherwise it would be the best skill for archer.

too tired :P i will post some more later XD
b:bye full time shop part time player
Post edited by EgaeniI - Heavens Tear on


  • EgaeniI - Heavens Tear
    EgaeniI - Heavens Tear Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    freeze arrow(**** i forgot the name) : it slows both mob and player's movement speed down, at lvl 54 i think it slows target down by 50% which is very good, for both early on and later on. the only problem with it is: the casting time. when u turn sage it become a magic water attack, no longer a phys attack, so one extra skill for killing bm/barb . for demon.. there's a 25% to instead of lossing 25 chi u gain 25 chi.

    bleed : well, as the name suggested.. it make ur target bleed. max out at lvl 79. it deals phys damage over time, so good for any boss/mob, its a good skill to use on fb/tt boss. they deal around 100 damage every 2secs or so, i know it doesnt sound a lot, but on tt boss... some of them u r attacking them about 10mins, lets say it attack 20times min. 20 x 10 x 100 = 20000 damage, that is a lot. oh and this is the good part XD for demon archer, this skill STEALS hp. YAY 40hp each time it deals damage, i know it is kinda small.. but yea!! we r stealing hp!!. for sage.. just don't wry about it XD

    poison arrow: well as name suggested, it will deal wood damage over time to the target. max out at lvl 54, its a good skill to have early on and vs earth based mob, but really.. the damage is rather small, yes i use it on tt boss too. reason : well we have over 2k mp there.. might as well use it. for Sage yes it drain 100mp everytimes target takes damage, so loss about 500 mp at last if u use it on player. but really.. i dont think its THAT usefull, if u have a mp charm on. for demon.. we dont care :P

    wing shield: well, it absorb damage, max at lvl 54, absorb 80% of the damage, at lvl 10 about 810 damage will be absorbed, so not bad at all. at the same time it reg mp at a very nice rate. the shiled will last 20secs. sage gets the damage absorb increase to 1250, that is very nice XD. and demon gets the time the shield will last increased to 30secs, hence reg a bit more mp. so they both good, i guess sage shield is slightly better. but if u cheap pefer reg mp the cheap way :P u will like the demon shield.
    b:bye full time shop part time player
  • EgaeniI - Heavens Tear
    EgaeniI - Heavens Tear Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    post after this might still need the room XD
    b:bye full time shop part time player
  • Envy - Lost City
    Envy - Lost City Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    take aim fires faster than any normal shot

    the moment archer gets in range to even try to start up a normal shot they can get take aim off instantly
