Rare pets killed!?

cabbitprincess Posts: 24 Arc User
edited December 2008 in General Discussion
What in the world is it with people and killing rare pets? I've tried hunting for a Tabby Plumdrop TWICE and every single time this stupid JERK has a dumb flying pig come in and kill it. I just recently learned their are two spots, so I have an idea this time. Not only that there were two of these pricks, and possibly even belong to a guild. I may have put this in the wrong forum, and if I did I apologize, but will the game masters please PUT A STOP to this, it's bad enough you make us wait twelve hours per spawn, but for people to come in and kill them is just WRONG ><
Post edited by cabbitprincess on


  • tankhunter
    tankhunter Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Learn to deal with it, the drama those pets generate is a pain.

    To a veno, its a rare pet, to any other class, its a rare mob with some decent exp to the killer. camp out overnight if you have to to be assured that you get the pet, but dont go blowing up on the forums over it being killed.

    That just attracts more people who would kill it to laugh at you.
  • cabbitprincess
    cabbitprincess Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    tankhunter wrote: »
    Learn to deal with it, the drama those pets generate is a pain.

    To a veno, its a rare pet, to any other class, its a rare mob with some decent exp to the killer. camp out overnight if you have to to be assured that you get the pet, but dont go blowing up on the forums over it being killed.

    That just attracts more people who would kill it to laugh at you.

    I've camped out twice and it still happened. And honestly if they are going to kill it just to spite me, let them, if we catch them, and if enough of us report them, then just maybe they might not get to come on anymore ^^ I think that would be fair justice to anyone who intentionally kills a rare pet ><
  • Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear
    Kimyrielle - Heavens Tear Posts: 280 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I am not sure if what they are doing is actually a rule violation, except that it can be viewed as griefing of course. It's stupid that those pets give any XP at all, because this part is what makes this matter very hard to judge on, from a rule point of view. Because the other poster is right, to a non-Veno they are technically just another mob.
    Personally I still find it incredibly rude to kill them (XP or not), because everyone knows what they mean to a Veno. But in the end it's all about good manners and respect of others. Expecting everyone (or even most) to possess either is probably not a good idea, since you will get disappointed on a daily basis if you did.
  • Chloe - Heavens Tear
    Chloe - Heavens Tear Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    People do not kill them for the exp. They kill them to make sure no one other than them can tame the pet. If someone other than them gets the pet, that person can't sell it to you now can they?
  • swiftlikeafox
    swiftlikeafox Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I agree these things cause too much drama..... personally I think they should be made untradable, that would cut out alot of the drama right there because people would no longer be hunting them with the intent of selling them.....ahhh but then we still have the "all-class" pets, so people would still trying to hunt more than their fair share, maybe limit us to one rare pet a week, that'd be nice.
  • Jrudora - Lost City
    Jrudora - Lost City Posts: 445 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    People are sadists.
    Better luck next time.
  • Niamy - Sanctuary
    Niamy - Sanctuary Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    If someone kill a rare pet is not a stupid...
    rare pet = mob
    ppl kill mobs
    ppl kill rare pets is normal
    So they re not stupid :p is part of the game... the luck and patient.

    Venomancer 82
    Cleric 55
    Barbarian 32
    Wizard 54
    Believe me when I tell you will not want to test my anger...
  • Tsukina - Heavens Tear
    Tsukina - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I have already made a thread on Venomancers who whine over not getting a rare pet. THE REALITY IS that ANYONE is allowed to catch it or kill it. If it is killable, it is a monster, and it is absolutely legal to kill. It doesn't matter on where you stand about it being unfair or as iv'e hear "illegal". People have already threatened people to report them for killing a rare pet. Too bad, not reportable. As for the other venoes who make money off of them, if they catch it, they deserve it, they have every right to go there and tame it. Another reality you have to face is that YOU have your wants, and THEY have their wants. They can catch it to sell, or to make "baby pets", and thats that, you have no right to tell them what they cant or can do, unless of course it is illegal, which it isnt! For the venos who call others greedy, by calling them greedy, your the one whose greedy, your the one who doesnt want them to get what they want. Its a game, so chill out, have patience. If you cant handle a little competition, dont bother playing. Its the way this version of PW is, as well as the other PW's. If you cant handle something simple like catching a virtual pet, you need to set your priorities straight. Go play pokemon if your just gonna whine.
  • Aesdrid - Sanctuary
    Aesdrid - Sanctuary Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    What in the world is it with people and killing rare pets? I've tried hunting for a Tabby Plumdrop TWICE and every single time this stupid JERK has a dumb flying pig come in and kill it. I just recently learned their are two spots, so I have an idea this time. Not only that there were two of these pricks, and possibly even belong to a guild. I may have put this in the wrong forum, and if I did I apologize, but will the game masters please PUT A STOP to this, it's bad enough you make us wait twelve hours per spawn, but for people to come in and kill them is just WRONG ><

    Just stop and think for one moment ...

    1. The Tabby spawns once every 12 hours
    2. The same person(s) comes by to kill it every 12 hours

    ... if I were you, you might want to stay away from people like that. I mean it doesn't sound like normal behaviour by any stretch. Definitely not people you want to take home to meet your parents. Unfortunately since PW is F2P it attracts all sorts of people. Most are very nice, but some maybe seriously disturbed. Be careful of the latter.

    Kids especially should be careful - NEVER give anyone ingame any information that can identify who you are and where you live in real life.

    Every coin has three sides: head, tail and an edge ... it is the third dimension that gives us depth.
  • Rosewhite - Sanctuary
    Rosewhite - Sanctuary Posts: 189 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I have already made a thread on Venomancers who whine over not getting a rare pet. THE REALITY IS that ANYONE is allowed to catch it or kill it. If it is killable, it is a monster, and it is absolutely legal to kill. It doesn't matter on where you stand about it being unfair or as iv'e hear "illegal". People have already threatened people to report them for killing a rare pet. Too bad, not reportable. As for the other venoes who make money off of them, if they catch it, they deserve it, they have every right to go there and tame it. Another reality you have to face is that YOU have your wants, and THEY have their wants. They can catch it to sell, or to make "baby pets", and thats that, you have no right to tell them what they cant or can do, unless of course it is illegal, which it isnt! For the venos who call others greedy, by calling them greedy, your the one whose greedy, your the one who doesnt want them to get what they want. Its a game, so chill out, have patience. If you cant handle a little competition, dont bother playing. Its the way this version of PW is, as well as the other PW's. If you cant handle something simple like catching a virtual pet, you need to set your priorities straight. Go play pokemon if your just gonna whine.

    Why I agree with what your saying. I feel the same way about people who complain about KSing. It's going to happen no matter what you try to do. I feel kinda sorry for cabbitprincess, but it just proves that those pets aren't really worth waiting all night for them when some idiot is just going to come along and kill it. Personally, i think they should just get rid of the rare pets all together and then no one will be able to complain about them period.
    I'm just a vagabond with flowers for Algernon...
  • fleuri
    fleuri Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    If someone kill a rare pet is not a stupid...

    Do you pretend this makes those people anything other than rude?

    Personally, I feel that this would be harassment on a PvE server and should have been reported.
  • swiftlikeafox
    swiftlikeafox Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    fleuri wrote: »
    Do you pretend this makes those people anything other than rude?

    Personally, I feel that this would be harassment on a PvE server and should have been reported.

    It doesn't matter if you report them because they have broken no rules, killing mobs is not harassment..... and it's not really worth losing any sleep over anyway, say a few unkind words to them, let them know how much of an idiot they are and get on with your life.
  • telessara
    telessara Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    The thing with people killing the rare spawns. 1) you have the people who are just mean and do it cause they can. 2) you have the people who do it for greed.
    There are venos who are higher levels with tons of -channeling gear. They put their high level pets on the rare. They normally tame it before their pet hits second time. If they don't get it it's "oh well cry more noobs."And off they go. They also kill the to keep the prices up of the rares. They do it for the money. And if alot of them get tamed means more for sale and lower prices. Like froggy, spawns in 3 spots. Yet ya don't see many around. Cause they get killed alot. I've been going to kitten and pup spawn an in the last 2 weeks only seen them tamed 3 times. Rest all killed.
    Only thing I can suggest to those wanting to tame for themselves is to try and get there the first 2-3 spawns after server reset. Otherwise good luck fighting the farmers for it.
  • Taliwia - Sanctuary
    Taliwia - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    i think i know how you feel. i tried finding a rare pet before and people keep swooping in and killing it.well, it wasn't rare but it took FOREVER for it to pop up again. i know how u feel sister. just keep on campin !!!!!! good luck. maybe you should make a deal with them. like maybe, if u win a duel, they'll leave the rare pets alone.if you lose the duel, you'll just keep on camping and it'll be the same. maybe offer them that and see what they say. train up before you offer.good luck
  • kotonoha
    kotonoha Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    That sounds very frustrating, but it's just part of the game. I actually like the added challenge and competition. It's more fun, and if I actually get the pet, it feels a lot more rewarding than it does for capturing normal mobs that most people don't care about. Sure, it's kind of lame and annoying that there are people who hang around just to kill them, but I don't think it's worth getting angry over. If taming the rares is upsetting you this much, maybe you should save up and buy one?
  • Chloe - Heavens Tear
    Chloe - Heavens Tear Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    No, no, NO. Buying one is EXACTLY the reason they kill them in the first place! Just think about it.

    Person A tames the pets to sell them and get rich.
    Person B does not have the pet.

    Person A sees that person B is trying to tame the pet. If person B manages to tame the pet, then person A cannot sell them that pet later now can they? So Person A kills the pet to make sure no one but them can get the pet so they can sell it and get rich.
  • Aesdrid - Sanctuary
    Aesdrid - Sanctuary Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    No, no, NO. Buying one is EXACTLY the reason they kill them in the first place! Just think about it.

    Person A tames the pets to sell them and get rich.
    Person B does not have the pet.

    Person A sees that person B is trying to tame the pet. If person B manages to tame the pet, then person A cannot sell them that pet later now can they? So Person A kills the pet to make sure no one but them can get the pet so they can sell it and get rich.

    If this is true then it is pure unadulterated evil ... but ... why does this not surprise me?

    Every coin has three sides: head, tail and an edge ... it is the third dimension that gives us depth.
  • Kamili - Sanctuary
    Kamili - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    kotonoha wrote: »
    That sounds very frustrating, but it's just part of the game. I actually like the added challenge and competition. It's more fun, and if I actually get the pet, it feels a lot more rewarding than it does for capturing normal mobs that most people don't care about. Sure, it's kind of lame and annoying that there are people who hang around just to kill them, but I don't think it's worth getting angry over. If taming the rares is upsetting you this much, maybe you should save up and buy one?

    In reality it's griefing and the GMs fail to control it.
  • Wratha - Sanctuary
    Wratha - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    We have a huge problem on our server that the SAME veno everynight gets the spawns. No lower levels can compete because we are not high enough to use the fast casting potion she is using. This is way unfair to all the venos, by the time a low level veno is able to us eth epotion the pet is too low to be of use. It is suppose to be an oppotunity for everyone who camps it, NOT one person over and over.
  • fleuri
    fleuri Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    It doesn't matter if you report them because they have broken no rules, killing mobs is not harassment..... and it's not really worth losing any sleep over anyway, say a few unkind words to them, let them know how much of an idiot they are and get on with your life.

    Nothing will be harassment if you focus narrowly enough and if you ignore all consequences of everyone's actions and if you ignore the contexts in which their choices were made.

    However, if this kind of thing happened repeatedly, like CabbitPrincess was describing, something was going on and that something sounds to me like harassment.

    But, of course, neither of us can really say for sure. This determination belongs to our PWI gods. (And if they keep logs on events which happen with their rare monsters they should have an easy time verifying any reports they get.)
  • tankhunter
    tankhunter Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Yet again, to a veno it is a rare pet, to anyone else it is a rare mob to be killed.

    It's not harassment, the mobs have an equal chance of dieing as they are to being tamed. There is nothing the GMs can act upon, unless you were to provide a screenshot of a player announcing that they will kill the rare pet just to prevent you from getting it. At best you got "Kill Stealing" as an argument, which would be in favor of the person trying to kill it since they hit it first unlike every veno in the area simultaneously casting tame.

    The best way to fix this issue, is to just get those rare pets an increased spawn rate, a spawn every hour should do. This would accomplish a few things:

    1) Increases the chances of venos of any tameable level for getting the rare pet.
    2) With more chances to get it there will be more eggs on the market, which drives prices down.
    3) With more eggs on the market, there will be an increase in the number of baby pets available to all classes.
    4) The drama generated when the mob dies will not be as severe, in fact it will be significantly less. As there is always another spawn next hour.

    If need be the GMs can consider asking the devs to make a minimum taming requirement, so that venos that are 20-30+ levels over the monster cannot tame the monster, make it apply only to rare pets.
  • HisanoShino - Heavens Tear
    HisanoShino - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    well all i can say is it is probably their so called "Revenge" because veno got new "OWNING pet" or that is how i see it even though no matter what veno is the worst pvp char when not handled properly >.<
  • Sereniama - Heavens Tear
    Sereniama - Heavens Tear Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Who would want a stupid cat that dose NOTHING but meow?

    Sou Sou Moutoku = The most badass **** in Anime History. Never diss Kohime Musou or die.
  • necrofury
    necrofury Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    i agree with cabbitprincess its a pain when someone comes up and kills it but i belive that other classes should let venos try to catch if their there but if not go ahead and kill it also that if another venokills it it probably was an accident so dont get mad thing happen
    Veni Vidi Vici (I came, i saw, i conquered)
  • tankhunter
    tankhunter Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    necrofury wrote: »
    I agree with cabbitprincess, it's a pain when someone comes up and kills it, but I believe that the other classes should let venos try to catch it if they're there. If not go ahead and kill it; if another veno kills it then it probably was an accident so don't get so mad, bad things happen.

    I think, this is easier to understand and help gets your point across?
  • Wratha - Sanctuary
    Wratha - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I have to agree with tankhunter, there is some sort of problem here. Fair competition is one thing, but when someone is continually taming/killin pets for the sole purpose of proft/bullying, it takes away from the fun of being a young veno with a rare pet.
  • Leolf - Heavens Tear
    Leolf - Heavens Tear Posts: 380 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Yeah, killing a rare pet is an INCREDIBLY mean thing to do, but, unless you can prove it was done with malicious intent toward another user, it's not against the rules. It gives exp and drops for a reason.
  • peregryn
    peregryn Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    tankhunter wrote: »
    Yet again, to a veno it is a rare pet, to anyone else it is a rare mob to be killed.

    It's not harassment, the mobs have an equal chance of dieing as they are to being tamed. There is nothing the GMs can act upon, unless you were to provide a screenshot of a player announcing that they will kill the rare pet just to prevent you from getting it. At best you got "Kill Stealing" as an argument, which would be in favor of the person trying to kill it since they hit it first unlike every veno in the area simultaneously casting tame.

    The best way to fix this issue, is to just get those rare pets an increased spawn rate, a spawn every hour should do. This would accomplish a few things:

    1) Increases the chances of venos of any tameable level for getting the rare pet.
    2) With more chances to get it there will be more eggs on the market, which drives prices down.
    3) With more eggs on the market, there will be an increase in the number of baby pets available to all classes.
    4) The drama generated when the mob dies will not be as severe, in fact it will be significantly less. As there is always another spawn next hour.

    If need be the GMs can consider asking the devs to make a minimum taming requirement, so that venos that are 20-30+ levels over the monster cannot tame the monster, make it apply only to rare pets.

    Much as I like the concept in principle, would that not make it less a rare pet? This should in no way be taken as my siding with those killing the rare pets *with intent* either to drive up prices or simply to hurt others
    Yeah, killing a rare pet is an INCREDIBLY mean thing to do, but, unless you can prove it was done with malicious intent toward another user, it's not against the rules. It gives exp and drops for a reason.

    And sadly malicious intent is ...... difficult to prove in many of these kinds of cases. This very question in fact more than doubles the work of GM's attempting to enforce policy on the servers ...... the need to prove intent.
    Perhaps the greatest secret to getting along with others lies in learning to respect their opinion(s) even while you disagree with them.
  • tankhunter
    tankhunter Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    peregryn wrote: »
    Much as I like the concept in principle, would that not make it less a rare pet? This should in no way be taken as my siding with those killing the rare pets *with intent* either to drive up prices or simply to hurt others

    Yes, it would make them less rare. However, they generate a ton of conflict and drama as is, and with more posts like the OPs, will only cause it to spiral out of control and remain a headache for the GMs to deal with. Prices will still remain that only the most rich can get them.

    Instead of maybe 6 or so people getting these pets every 12 hours and keeping them, or selling them off at ridiculously high prices, out of possibly hundreds of thousands of players, we would have maybe a few thousand more players having them and the prices considerably lower.

    Not to mention less of a heartache for the GMs.

    Should it be left as is, or should it be improved for the better?
  • Gwendolynne - Heavens Tear
    Gwendolynne - Heavens Tear Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    You people make me giggle. If you can't catch the stupid pet, run through Archo and buy it. o.o; If you're a Veno you should already make money. I make almost 700k a day when I focus on it. Not that difficult. ^_~
    Character Roster:
    Gwendolynne : 101/SageVeno - Xyleena : 102/DemonCleric
    Delecroix : 101/DemonSin - Anatoxin : 9x/SagePsy
    Raevynne : 100/DemonBM - GotMeTwisted : 8x/SageSeeker
    Deicidea : 8x/Mystic - Diva : 95/SageBM/Retired