More control over our accounts.

demonicka Posts: 11 Arc User
edited December 2008 in Suggestion Box
This shouldn't even be a suggestion.
This should be a given.

Every other similar service already provides this, from forums to email providers.
Every other mmorpg INCLUDING other versions of PerfectWorld already provide this... so why do we NOT have this?
Perfect world is the ONLY service that does NOT provide this.

what am i talking about?


I cannot change my email.
I cannot change my security question or answer.
I cannot change my city.
I cannot change ANYTHING except my password, which guess what? it turns out can easily be changed by someone WITHOUT access to your email.

Give me one good reason, just ONE good reason why we are not allowed to access and change account information without going through customer service? It's not even technically hard to code!

as is, the email i registered with is now closed, so i have no access to it, and my old email could be reregistered to someone else, which could use it to reset my password if they know i play perfect world. not to mention, what if for some reason someone manages to steal the password and private question answer? it's not unknown to happen, alot of people keep their passwords and information in a hidden file or written on a piece of paper somewhere.

What was the customer support's response? if i couldn't give them a list of info , i would just have to make a new account. ignoring all the money or what not spent on my account.

It's your game, but they're OUR accounts. There is NO logical reason why we should not have control over our accounts, especially when every other mmorpg out there gives you control over your account, especially when they charge money for things. somehow other mmorpg's are looking as more & more attractive places to spend my money.