P2P or F2P?

razere Posts: 19 Arc User
edited December 2008 in Dungeons & Tactics
I have been reading through several of the forums, and the general consensus seems to be that in order to really be able to play, at least once you get to the higher levels, you will need to spend RL money, which I happen to be rather short on right now, (college does that to you).

Is this true, or can I play this game, and have a good time, even at the higher levels, without spending $$$ on it?

Also, is there a certain character that would be easier, and more fun to play, without spending any money on it? I've heard the Venomancer is a good choice, but I was going to play this game primarily with a friend, and she already took the Veno.

I was looking at either Cleric or Mage, any suggestions?
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  • Chloe - Heavens Tear
    Chloe - Heavens Tear Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Well the way people like to level involves blowing through cash shop items like no tomorrow. You can do it without that and not spend real money on the game when you get higher. Clerics though will need mp charms for sure later on. You'll be asked to heal for bosses that require one they are so strong. Wizard is the best idea to not have to spend so much.
  • Kittychan - Heavens Tear
    Kittychan - Heavens Tear Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    You definately don't have to spend money at all to get a high level, since you can buy all the cash shop items with in game money anyway, but clerics and mages do tend to get more expensive then a venomancer. Two venos actually make a better combination than a cleric/mage and a veno since you can heal one another's pets for bosses and questing will go a lot faster. If you want a cheap and easy character, then I would suggest going veno ^^
  • razere
    razere Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Veno is easiest to play, got that, but I really want to see others' skills, so I wanted to play a different class than her. What is the second easiest?