Venomancers and Rare Pets

shisa Posts: 4 Arc User
edited December 2008 in General Discussion
Ok, im getting tired of all these venoes getting mad over a rare pet, whether they cant catch it, or whether it dies ( accidentally or purposely ). If you don't catch it, GET OVER IT, theres always tommorow, if someone else catches it ( even if they already have it ) dont call them greedy, and dont start insulting them. If they catch it, it just means that they deserve it. And for the people who get pissed just cause someone accidentally killed it, like i said GET OVER IT. Its a game, have fun, dont start getting all mad or accusing people of botting, or hacking. Just cause someone has a faster tame cast, doesnt mean theyre hacking ( -ch armor and -ch potions ). Now for those who kill it purposely, they have every right to. It maybe a rare pet, but its still a monster that anyone can kill, if it was "illegal" to kill ( like ive already seen some people use as an excuse), then it wouldnt be possible to kill at all. Theres always the next day, just have fun, thats what games are about.
Post edited by shisa on


  • Lazyluna - Heavens Tear
    Lazyluna - Heavens Tear Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    LOL. I think what ticks people off more than anything (at least for me) is the few people who occasionally camp a rare spawn JUST to kill it. Now that's just rude. Otherwise, rare spawns prove entertaining. So much drama, it's like a soap opera. ^^
    b:bye RETIRED
  • Niamy - Sanctuary
    Niamy - Sanctuary Posts: 269 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    ufffffff well i must admit just when read the thread name i think just was other thread against the venos, this last days venos arent popular... no? :p waaaaarggggggggghhhh kill the veno, burn the witch!!!!!!!!! :p b:laugh
    Well i agree with the thread and disagree at same time... why? because u say veno in general and u must reffer to the people in specific, i use a veno, and i dont care if other tame, kill, play football, adopt or anything just they do with rare pets, if i dont get... well next time meybe :p


    PS: Remmember to dont generalize, some venos like me re good b:pleased
    Venomancer 82
    Cleric 55
    Barbarian 32
    Wizard 54
    Believe me when I tell you will not want to test my anger...
  • Xtonyx - Heavens Tear
    Xtonyx - Heavens Tear Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    lol i squad with a veno friend of mine to capture rare pets, i.e. lil wabbit lol. the first time i went there i didnt know i was walking into the set of a soap opera. But it was fun. and i agree/disagree with your statement. Yes some venos overreact when they dont get it, but that can be understandable at and there are some noobs who stay there at the spawn to kill the rare pet at sight to **** people off. And yes i couldnt have found that more frustrating i got too into itb:laugh
    ~sig by Saitada, a total badass b:laugh
  • Asgenar - Lost City
    Asgenar - Lost City Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    The fact that this is an issue is just fail.
  • XCloudStrife - Heavens Tear
    XCloudStrife - Heavens Tear Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I kind of agree with the topic. It is just plain rude if someone comes buy for the sheer purpose of being an **** and killing the pet.

    But adversely, if another Veno beats me to it, so be it. If you can outcast my veno and get the Shadou cub (I want one so bad) then kudos.

    But for the Clerics and archers who come by, snipe the enemy in one shot and port out before anyone can get near the damned tame, go die. I'm going to come kill steal you until my heart's content with paying you back for being asses.
  • Alliandrin - Heavens Tear
    Alliandrin - Heavens Tear Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I have to agree with the first post.

    I have had threats made against my faction members because one ONCE accidently killed the bunny while trying to weaken it for his girlfriend to tame.

    Threats of reporting for harrassment and trying to get both of them banned.

    I find this absolutely ridiculous. ESPECIALLY when it's the bunny. It spawns EVERY hour ffs. People need to lighten up. If you're so desperate, wait for your chance, if you miss out bad luck. Go buy it. People have every right to tame it or kill it for whatever reason they please.
  • NecroVaL - Heavens Tear
    NecroVaL - Heavens Tear Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Hmm.. Many Veno's are petty, or should say 'selfish'..
    They only want the pets (especially rare pets) to their own. If they can't capture it, they will killed it, rather than letting others known it.
    Can't blame this type of person though. There's never a rule stated that no killing of rare pets is allowed.. So just accept the fate if you are hunting a rare pets...

    There was once I'm hunting with a few more Veno's for a rare pets. I accidentally killed it, as the pets has quite a huge number of HP left, but 1 shot of critical hit, killed it... The others was so angry, and 'accused' me for killing the pets... I was like 'puzzled'... DO you think I act on purposely? If I can control 'critical hit' that's the best part.... And yet, without accepting my explanation, I got killed by one of them...
  • Silberklaue - Heavens Tear
    Silberklaue - Heavens Tear Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    well I can't agree completely with the thread starter.
    It doesn't really bother me if someone else tames the pet (even if it's for selling) or kills it by accident.

    But what really makes me angry is people camping at rare pet spots just to kill them. ...especially when they do it every day and tell everyone "no, I haven't killed it, you're lying"
    - I can buy the pet from someone else? I don't want to wait until I can afford a 1,3mil kitty (yes, recently the prices seem to have increased), I'd be lvl 50 maybe and don't want to lvl the pet from 20 :/

    don't forget some people live in other time zones and it's already hard enough to be at home when the 12h pets spawn. for me it's around 3am/pm, most people sleep or are at work/school then.
    There's never a rule stated that no killing of rare pets is allowed..
    I can go kill tigers? - no sorry, just joking^^; but that was my first thought while reading the sentence :)
    Need help catching the Snow Hare (not to sell it -.-)? pm me! :)
  • XBaelx - Lost City
    XBaelx - Lost City Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    just add more pets like 100 or so and nerf all Venos that should fix the Dramas...
  • Lecher - Sanctuary
    Lecher - Sanctuary Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    i agree with the topic starter partially...

    i've been a pet handler in multiple mmorpgs and i know what it's like being on both sides of the fence

    i've killed someone's tame b4 and seen them get pissed and i've had the same happen to me, and when it's a rare tame, you can really get angry.

    this is unstoppable, it's human nature to get angry when you're sitting for 45 mins for that 12 hour spawn to pop and when u click tame some bum runs up and sees u just standing there thinking u're afk getting attacked and kills your pet.

    my only offer in solution, do what i do, stop wasting time trying to locate the pet and getting angry you didnt tame it... buy 45 gold charms, sell them, then buy whatever it is you want in the game.

    i paid 850k for that shaodu cub ONLY because i wanted it, and i know that if you offer double what u'd have to you'll get it right away... which i did, in under 1 min.

    same with chientien edges shout 400k in world chat you'll get as many as you can count immediately.

    if you're wondering how to afford stuff to get money... tip #1...

    create a 2nd character and have them buy everything from player/shops for cheapest u can find and sell overnight for regular price...

    for the less organized or richer players... just buy gold and there u go

  • Sir_walter - Heavens Tear
    Sir_walter - Heavens Tear Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    A "rare" pet is nothing more than a mob to any class other than venomancer, If one spawns and I'm near I'll kill it like any other mob. I've done it on purpose before also was farming near bunny spawn got tired of hearing veno's arguing about it, I got that one b:sin
  • Flauschkatze - Heavens Tear
    Flauschkatze - Heavens Tear Posts: 998 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I don't care if the bunny is killed^^ there are plenty of them

    but if someone knows the rares are something special he shouldn't kill it.
    and btw, the rares are not only for venos, or how do you think people get baby pets?

    Thanks to Torhn for coloring!
  • mythago
    mythago Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    make all pet eggs non tradable, that'll kill off the farmers
  • Larkel - Heavens Tear
    Larkel - Heavens Tear Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Yeah, not all Veno's rant about it. In fact, I have alot of fun just chatting with other veno's at the spawn spot. We wait... chat and whoever gets it gets it, then we try again.
    The only complaint I have ever had was having to wait to get to high lvl to even get a shot at one. Though, I don't lose sleep over it.

    What does suck however is when someone comes to kill it out of spite. Not everyone can sit there every single day and wait for it. Not only that but it spawns at certain times, so again being there at a specific time is hard. So, yeah it kind of sucks waiting for it and then someone comes and kills it to be an ****. How hard is that to understand??