Hackers..and contacting GMS..

Posts: 72 Arc User
edited December 2008 in Twilight Temple (West)
Okay.. I have a chick online that I've been talking to for about an hour now who keeps bragging about how she can **** the game, and all these hacks she uses and sells and what not..
I really think she is just B.S.ing it all. but still..
After so long of this I reported her..
NOthing.. she's still going..
I used a trumpet to try and contact a GM twice..
Still nothing..
Is there any way to report hackers faster?
Or a quicker way to get contact GMS?
Thanks! =D
Post edited by Ammerex - Lost City on


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  • Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    and now she is trying to convince me and some other users to help...>.<
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Well you could screenshot and then send a ticket (http://support.perfectworld.com/ticketing) and wait for them to investigate it.

    Empire Alliance
  • Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    tricycle wrote: »
    Well you could screenshot and then send a ticket (http://support.perfectworld.com/ticketing) and wait for them to investigate it.

    best plan i think also helps to prove that u wernt invloved
    So for my bad spelling ^^
    Dieing with style and skill since 1989

    Frav Qoute :
    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."
  • Posts: 359 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Try typing

    /GM <some text>

    in your chat. It helps.
    I was going to post a reply... then I realized, you would likely reply in anger and insult me, to which I'd most likely respond with a wittier comment or slay you with a macro and then, onlookers, seeing that comments had been made, would interpret the traffic as interest, thus earning you attention you don't deserve for your **** post. So, when you DON'T see a comment from me, THAT is me saying "FAIL" in a much more effective manner.

  • Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    best bet is a ticket! depending on what time of day it is they respond super quick to the ticket system! I've reported something and gotten a responce like 20 mins later using the ticket system
  • Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    right click and report hacker, they respond super quick, did that ones on a bot, gm showed up fast.
    "If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut."b:shutup
  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    is there such a thing as a **** to allow a player to PK someone without their permission? i had someone attack a lv7 veno of mine, while i was in LosCity, near the blacksmith. i said no once, then let my auto message take over ("I neve PK, sorry".) but he kept pinging me, and i kept ignoring them. suddenly, out of nowhere, this countdown started, and he started attacking me! i ran-for some reason toward the south gate-,and saw my wolf drop off the screen as he killed it, and the guy was still after me as i hit the little hill outside the south gate. by this time, my HP was so low i was going to die anyway, so i logged off in desperation to get away from him.

    no, i have no clue who he was...i'm used to ignoring PK Kreeps, so i never looked past seeing that it was a lion barb.

    now,im paranoid about anyone offering to duel. i personally hate PK, and wish i hadnt started on LostCity...but i didnt know the diff then, and now have too much invested in this server to leave it. PLEASE, is there anyway to avoid a repition of this??
    *...foxes dance across the hilltops by moonlight...*
  • Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    is there such a thing as a **** to allow a player to PK someone without their permission? i had someone attack a lv7 veno of mine, while i was in LosCity, near the blacksmith. i said no once, then let my auto message take over ("I neve PK, sorry".) but he kept pinging me, and i kept ignoring them. suddenly, out of nowhere, this countdown started, and he started attacking me! i ran-for some reason toward the south gate-,and saw my wolf drop off the screen as he killed it, and the guy was still after me as i hit the little hill outside the south gate. by this time, my HP was so low i was going to die anyway, so i logged off in desperation to get away from him.

    no, i have no clue who he was...i'm used to ignoring PK Kreeps, so i never looked past seeing that it was a lion barb.

    now,im paranoid about anyone offering to duel. i personally hate PK, and wish i hadnt started on LostCity...but i didnt know the diff then, and now have too much invested in this server to leave it. PLEASE, is there anyway to avoid a repition of this??

    You are lowbie enough to just reroll you know.
    Doin' it my way.
  • Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    is there such a thing as a **** to allow a player to PK someone without their permission? i had someone attack a lv7 veno of mine, while i was in LosCity, near the blacksmith. i said no once, then let my auto message take over ("I neve PK, sorry".) but he kept pinging me, and i kept ignoring them. suddenly, out of nowhere, this countdown started, and he started attacking me! i ran-for some reason toward the south gate-,and saw my wolf drop off the screen as he killed it, and the guy was still after me as i hit the little hill outside the south gate. by this time, my HP was so low i was going to die anyway, so i logged off in desperation to get away from him.

    no, i have no clue who he was...i'm used to ignoring PK Kreeps, so i never looked past seeing that it was a lion barb.

    now,im paranoid about anyone offering to duel. i personally hate PK, and wish i hadnt started on LostCity...but i didnt know the diff then, and now have too much invested in this server to leave it. PLEASE, is there anyway to avoid a repition of this??


    not ALL CAPS and 10 CAHRACTERS


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