New Design on forums and website.

Reisha - Heavens Tear
Reisha - Heavens Tear Posts: 27 Arc User
edited December 2008 in General Discussion
Ok I was always told to start positive on critism so I like the new forum look, however, I dont like the new website look. It looks too kiddy game orientated. Please change it back or to something more orientated for a mature audience.
Post edited by Reisha - Heavens Tear on


  • RayVer - Lost City
    RayVer - Lost City Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    the new design is "okay" but I liked how the old one was done properly for 1900x1200 resolutions. The background on the old forum/website used to expand across the entire page. Now on this new version it's cut off so I see solid color to the left and right of the page.

    Now if it used to be like this then I would have thought it was okay after seeing this one but the fact that they downgraded the total width makes its look real bad everytime i look at it since I remember how the old one was with a full page covering background.
  • RayVer - Lost City
    RayVer - Lost City Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    oh and also the design on the main homepage looks VERY childish. I'll be honest, if I would have seen that design first time around (when someone told me to go there and download the client) I would have NEVER downloaded it after seeing that website design.

    The design influences a lot on the viewers perception of the game. I'm a webdesigner and one thing you know as a webdesigner is if you dont grab the users attention within the first 6 seconds then they usually click back and go to something else.
  • Wrathx - Heavens Tear
    Wrathx - Heavens Tear Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    They did say that they are going to be changing the forums around more which I can't wait because my opinion is that the forums right now are really squished together. A little more spacing would be nice between the thread names. That's just my opinion though. Perhaps have the thread names a different color than the poster's name under it.

    The actual PWI webpage is okay I think but the portal page is horrible. Like the other guy said, it makes it look really kiddish and the new game you are introducing on there that looks kiddish itself doesn't help.

    Just my opinions anyways.
  • Scarag - Heavens Tear
    Scarag - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I agree with the above posts that the home page does seem to attract a much younger clientel. One part I like about this particular online game is the number of much older players. I like them around much more and from a fincial aspect for this company I would think they would want older clients because they make and spend money equaling more online gold purchased.
  • dvorak
    dvorak Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    i'll concede that the new portal pages definitely take a dramatic shift from our previous look and feel, but then there always is the new PWI section at:

    which maintains the darker aesthetic of our previous version of this website.

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  • Reisha - Heavens Tear
    Reisha - Heavens Tear Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Dvorak wrote: »
    i'll concede that the new portal pages definitely take a dramatic shift from our previous look and feel, but then there always is the new PWI section at:

    which maintains the darker aesthetic of our previous version of this website.

    That maybe, however, how many people are going to immediately link to that when first looking at the game? It's not just for us that we want it to look differently, but for the future people brought to PW. We're already here, so its not going to make us turn back.
  • RayVer - Lost City
    RayVer - Lost City Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I guarantee you about 90% of newcommers to this game will go to and not

    When a friend of mine told me to check out the site and download the client I went straight to and I'll bet most people will continue referring it to as
  • Tessafeyre - Heavens Tear
    Tessafeyre - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    *agrees* I would have never considered this game if that was the first thing I saw when I went to it. Very non appealing to adults.
  • Mysticode - Sanctuary
    Mysticode - Sanctuary Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    The new "look and feel" is very similar to the many asian created MMOs with their corresponding websites, kiddy and bubbly, filled with happy flashy colors hoping to attract young players.

    The best thing to do, and probably what they will do, is automaticly forward all north american users to the website (similar to how Canadians are forwarded to when they visit