A Bit Curious.

streaker Posts: 0 Arc User
edited November 2008 in Barbarian
I Was talking to a lvl 37 barb (when I was lvl 30) Already had more hp then him, and dex.

I'm level 31 now, I can clean sweep den of wild wolves alone in 30 mins (Minus boss)

I Expect to be able to solo the boss by level 37. Ive got like 57 vit, 88 str, 7 mag, and 24 dex (With items), my what i call perma-buffs (I use them at pretty much all times) are in this order Blood Bath, Inspiration of the beast king, and poison fang.

What kind of strange build am I doing? Because when i duel lvl 37ish BMs, i can take them down to about 1/4 +/- a little, depending, before I die. but they never beleave my lvl until I party them so they can see.

Am I doing something wrong? setting myself up for failure long run, or am I doing good?

Thanks In Advance.