Game Soundtrack

aerowalker1 Posts: 0 Arc User
edited October 2009 in Suggestion Box
I am a new player and hopefully I am not missing this, but it appears that there is no way to change the soundtrack in the game. The music is dreadful and boring...sounds alot like the relaxing music at a Chinese restaurant. Anyone agree here? I read the game background and it makes sense but something that still is in theme with the game but a little more exciting would be better.

Also the sound effects are a little cheesy. b:chuckle Other than that so far game is impressive overall.
Post edited by aerowalker1 on


  • Meadowind - Lost City
    Meadowind - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
  • Kimmiko - Sanctuary
    Kimmiko - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I think that also, they play the same thing over and over and over again it gets on my nerve, When I try to put my own music on, its makes the game laggy, I got pretty P.Oed! lol.So really really agree with you. Thanks for reading!
  • sophos
    sophos Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Darn I just posted about that too.. sorry for the double.

    In for instance Lineage 2 for every area there is a different soundtrack, depending on the scenery. I totally agree with aerowalker1
  • ciser
    ciser Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    mute the game sound
    and play Ur own music
    if that make the game laggy
    get a better PC
    but that won't hold me from saying that the game soundtracks are bad
  • Ballador - Sanctuary
    Ballador - Sanctuary Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I have played PWI since late in september 2008, I thought the game music was awesome then, and I still think the game music is awesome.
  • Malego - Heavens Tear
    Malego - Heavens Tear Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Nice necro there. Topic is a year old.
    I am a barb that does not powerlevel, nor cash shop. I may not be the highest level, nor have the best gear. However unlike others, I know how to play.b:pleased
  • andracil
    andracil Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Die supernecro.
This discussion has been closed.