tips on which pet to get next?

angyl Posts: 16 Arc User
edited November 2008 in Venomancer
I'm just coming up to lvl29 and levelling a volcanic magmite & a petite sawfly, I like them both a lot (even though the sawfly is a liability when it gets stuck in the mud!). I still have the 'get 20 hay' quest which I'm working on to get an extra pet in my bag.

Can anyone give me any ideas what pet to tame for my 3rd to take me into the coming levels or whether to drop one I have? My plan is to get an eldergoth archer at lvl41 to maybe replace my magmite.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks =)
Post edited by angyl on


  • Ermosa - Heavens Tear
    Ermosa - Heavens Tear Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    get turtle, there will be quests for killing mobs under water
  • angyl
    angyl Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    get turtle, there will be quests for killing mobs under water

    Thanks Ermosa, any particular type of turtle?
  • swiftlikeafox
    swiftlikeafox Posts: 307 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    After you're finished with the 3rd pet slot you'll get a quest for a 4th pet slot.... which you should be able to attain around lvl 40 by killing the Lofty Pterosaurs around Heavens Tear, 4 pet slots actually gives you alot of freedom. You also get an option for a 5th which is atainable around lvl 60, but starts getting a little rediculous in how many items it requires.

    In my opinion a water pet isn't really necessary, I was able to complete all of my water quests without even the need for a pet at all, and without dying even a single time, If you can see yourself spending alot of time in the water, then by all means get a water pet, but IMO there are so few water quests and the mobs are so managable that it's not even really worth the effort.

    My recomendation would be since you already have the two standard pets, fill the other slots with pets that appeal to you.... try to focus a little on individuality instead of trying to look and play like every other Veno out there, experiementing with other pets does have it's rewards, and you'll soon find the Golem/sawfly combo, while GOOD for what it is, is not the end all be all of pets, you'll find yourself more and more using your other pets more frequently.

    Some of my favorites

    Wolves(any level, though I think my favorite would have to be the grotoden wolfmaster) - Most well rounded stats of any pet in the game, these guys are fast, have decent(not great) p-def and m-def, low attack damage, but at a faster .8 attacks per second, I don't think your damage per second suffers much.... btw I've found that faster pets tend to hold aggro MUCH better than the big slowpoke Golems, this may be due to the fact that when a monster breaks aggro, the faster pets are still nipping at their heels and trying to steal it back.

    Foxwings(lvl 34+) - The sawfly has better stats pretty much all the way around, except in the area of m-resist, but these guys are cool and alot of fun, make no mistake, they ACT alot more like a real pet, they have several cute and comical animations, good traveling companions and fearless little fighters, which have no problems letting you know when they're slightly annoyed by increasing the volume and tempo of their chattering..... this tends to happen when they have to fly faster to keep up with you or after they've just fought a tough mob, it's hilarious...... this guy wins a spot in my petbag over my sawfly anyday..... though I do still try to keep my fly leveled up for air-emergencies and such.

    Overclocked Mechrab(lvl 40) - Mechanical crabs with a wind-up key on top of thier shells, more fun animations, they stop to wind themselves back up every now and then...... I'm honestly surprised I don't see many Venos with these, they have nearly as much P-def as a Golem, the speed of a wolf, and are nice and compact..... nice speedy little tanks, Won't block your view, and they're excellent at holding aggro...... Has nearly replaced my Golem entirely as my Tanker.... yeah, he's THAT good!

    Masstiff of the great Divide(lvl 43) - Menacing looking two-headed hounds from hell. From what I can tell so far, their stats are nearly identical to those of the wolves..... EXCEPT they have insanely high M-resist, better HP-regeneration, and slightly improved attack damage...... if you're looking for a magic tank, look no further!

    My opinions entirely of course, ymmv..... go out there and experiment with some other pets, stand out a little, be yourself or get lost in the crowd.
  • fuzzles
    fuzzles Posts: 628 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    If you can afford it, I would suggest a froggy, or one of those little legendary bears, not sure what they're called here. They were called Dodo bears in MY though. Both make better magic tanks than the golem, and unless something has changed, they're both better magic tanks than the two-headed mastiffs.

    Eldergoth marksman is a pretty sweet choice as far as ranged pets go. Best ranged pet in the game, in fact. But fairly limited in use.

    I would strongly advise against catching yourself a turtle and training it, bit of a waste of time I reckon. You'll only need to kill water mobs every now and then, and every time you do, you can simply catch whatever beasty happens to be nearby at the time and use that. It's more than enough. At level 80 you can get a pretty pimp water pet that will see you through for however long you choose to play though.

    Personally I would recommend one of the level 2 starting scorpion things, they're one of the best PvP pets when trained up, or an eldergoth marksman, best ranged pet out there... but if you can afford it, the rare pets are smexy.
    Everyone here is ridiculously oversensitive.
  • Aenil - Heavens Tear
    Aenil - Heavens Tear Posts: 121 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    For the magic tank the Antelope Pup has the best magic defense, followed closely by the Frogling. They vary a bit in their stats. The Frogling has a higher HP than the Pup for one.

    The marksman is pretty worthless imo...

    And I'd agree that training a turtle is a waste. There aren't that many water quests before you can get the rare water pet, which I believe is called the Celestial Plumpfish at 80. It spawns just SE of Arch in the river.

    I'd also agree about the lvl 2 Pollen Scorpion / Scorpion Pup / Varicose Scorpion choice. They have the highest attack rating in the game for normal or rare pets.
  • Shaneekwa - Sanctuary
    Shaneekwa - Sanctuary Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    'm just coming up to lvl29 and leveling a volcanic magmite & a petite sawfly, I like them both a lot (even though the sawfly is a liability when it gets stuck in the mud!).

    Since this is an air pet I've found the same to be true. What Id do is only use it on flat terrain and not on hilly areas and you wont have this problem. On hills use any other pet except for the sawfly.

    Also like another poster pointed out you should have fun with the pets and try others out. I love my bear and like the crab is just fun to watch the extra animations.

    On the other hand if your a stat freak then maybe you want the very best! For me its the gollem. I personally use the volcanic but everyone knows the crystalin(Not spelled right) one has better stats but to me they're such a small deference that I really cant tell the difference. I also really like the antelope is allot of fun and fast.

    I'm not saying anything different then anyone else has stated but have fun and experiment with different pets and in the end you might like something thats not on the must have/everyone else has list.
  • zionwarrior
    zionwarrior Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    hey i use my frog an i gave it a few skills to make it more effective i would say deffinatly more so then the golum also i think it has better stats then most i am not + on the twin headed or mastiff yet but i think it has better then those also ima check into it an get back to you i use a vook cause its accuracy evasion speed and attack are off the freakin charts lolz but its other stats suck but i agree the foxwings are hella funny and cute ive been debating wether to get one or not also any1 know wuts better statswise the frog or shaudou cub over all i kno some have better stats in a few area but i think there really should be a site that lists each pets exact stats on the graph u kno if any1 has this info pls let me kno also the vook like the fox u talked about is very vocal when he gets pissed when i forget to feed him lmao a few times also he does more talkin after a tough mob and tip 4 ppl who dont kno or do but dont like to tell it it seems that when ur pets loyalty is maxed at 999 it eats a LOT less lemme kno wut u think okies ttyl later time to get some fun pets again lolz i love the mechrab its hella funny btw then hes like speedin up fast to catch up after u i think it would be even funnier tho if when is about to rewind it would like stop sorta drop down an then steam would come out from it an it would rewind an then pop up again n keep going lolz well bye allz for now
    Check my older posts by profile I am far older than 2010 I was from beta just got on forums in 2008 otc for the first time.
  • Kittychan - Heavens Tear
    Kittychan - Heavens Tear Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    This site has a useful chart with good number of popular pets and a comparison of their stats:
  • evilpacman
    evilpacman Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I agree with the other posters in that you should really get a pet that is fun for you. Even though most people hate them, I have a diabolic jester and love the thing to pieces! It makes a decent magic tank and has good evade stats. It's unique and I always feel proud when someone come s up to me and basically says "OMG! WHAT THE HECK IS THAT THING!!!" It's a lot of fun so basically get a pet that you like not what is the norm, you'll have a lot more fun that way =P.
    Pacman- Bard...of EVIL
    EvilPacman- Vampire...but a perfectly nice fellow

    Accepted into Phase 2 through the "Design a Skill" Contest
  • Moonracer - Heavens Tear
    Moonracer - Heavens Tear Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I dont get the Good or Evil thing.Do the good have 2 vs the evil?Can the evil use monsters as mounts for free?Plz help.
    Main: Moonracer (64) Veno
    Alts: Too many to count. (Most lvl 20)
  • bobbeh
    bobbeh Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Realistically you should have 4 regulars, water pets are not really necessary.

    Physical tank:

    Magmites are you only decent choice really. Nothing quite comes close it for what it's worth.

    Magical tank:

    Small frog, carapest or Shadou Cub. Shadou Cub will be the better choice with its MASSIVE HP and being the better all-rounder. Carapest will make a better a magic tank than the small frog but might get outdone in slightly in physical defense (due to slightly lower HP) and movement speed. Prickly Oddfoot pup is a good one if you can't get the frog and don't want the carapest.

    You'll need in the late games a puller to lure out bosses, which is usually a fast pet (Kowlin) or a ranged pet like the eldergoth marksman.

    Petite Sawflies for PvP, Flying pig for PvE tanking. Foxwing is doesn't actually outdo the sawfly much in terms of defensive abilities, while losing out badly in terms of damage.