Your Thoughts on the races and Conflicts

Atheina - Sanctuary
Atheina - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
edited November 2008 in General Discussion
I have been reading and reading and see nothing but a bunch of complaining.
About archers bugging venos bugging and everything else thats complain able.

Ok venos can solo fbs that is true but we all so lack in defense ( thats why we have pets)

Wizards have the highest magic out put and low defense.

Archers I have heard correct me if I'm wrong here they have the highest dps phy att

Clerics can also have high magical damage and high healing.

Not to clear on Blademaster damage out put ( fill me in here )

Barbarians used for tanking correct me if I'm wrong here. ( Some high damage out put)

There are a lot of ups and downs, pros and cons for each class and race through this game. There are bugs that people take advantage of. You can't fix one race and not fix the others.

I don't see why we all can't get along peacefully and party like crazy. If you want to take advantage of the game then buy from the cash shop.

But remember just your points of views and thoughts here ( No flame on anyones comments if so hope admins delete that post )
Post edited by Atheina - Sanctuary on


  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    inb4arguments and flames

    It's because people feel discriminated against. If you're a Veno, people can blame you for bugging Gouf or fb29, complaining about how you have it so easy to have a pet tanking. Then you feel it's unfair that Archers get to use that AoE and gain tons and tons of exp so fast.

    It's just people getting riled up because they either want something the other does, or they feel like they're getting soloed out (Venos getting banned), so they dislike others.
  • Atheina - Sanctuary
    Atheina - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    That is true

    I am a veno and I can solo fbs but i also lack in magic damage which my pet helps for tanking. But I also like to party most of the time.

    But if we look at the amount of squads that want a veno so that there pet can tank the bosses while everyone else does the damage.

    Each race and class has been balanced for the game, I know of some Barbarians that can solo fb19.

    If people want to try and solo a fb then they need to restat there points so they can.

    Archers wearing heavy armor or clerics wearing heavy armor.

    To many different builds in this game.

    But people who abuse bugs should be banned. But I stress this point here if a class has an aoe skill that has an advantage to do massive amounts of damage and earn tons of exp then thats not a bug if ( its part of the game design)

    Bug ( veno in fb29 to lazy to kill mob to open door and pulls boss through the door thats a bug that shouldn't be abused )
  • kargor
    kargor Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Well, "thoughts on races"? They are all standard MMO"RP"G, except maybe for Venomancers --- so far, not a lot of games I've played had a summoner of some sort.

    And summoners generally have a disadvantage when it comes to parties --- they are designed as solo classes. PW added the pulling stunt, though. In addition, for those wanting to PvP, Summoners tend to be a really really really bad choice --- no player goes for the summons, they all go for the master. And that master tends to be squishy...

    The ban-trap that PWI GMs set up for Venomancers... I'm not there yet, and when I get there I'll try to research how to avoid it --- if that's even possible, or if I get that far. It pisses me off that GMs are actually allowed to do something like this --- but with the cash shop on the blacklist and the company flagged as not trustworthy, there isn't that much of a risk. Now it's just a free game :-)

    I've heard that people got banned for just being there while a Venomancer was nearby, but not even in the same party.

    That's just the risk you take with F2P games --- their staff is cheap, too. This is the first game (for me) where it actually turns into a problem that could affect me.
    Yindra --- Lvl 64 Venomancer (Sanctuary)
    Getting too grindy by now :-(