Congrats to all who got Midnight!

snicker Posts: 0 Arc User
edited November 2008 in General Discussion
hey PW'rs! Congratulations for an overwhelming response to the halloween event! AND Everyone who benefited from it... GRATZ!!!

For those of you, like me, who got totally lumped into an unlucky boat(rule 17 under general rules here) too bad! it's "A lesson learned the hard way!" Oh well!

When the "10k bug" happened... "I WAS" the 1st person on the forums here, to bring it to the attention of the staff and was subsequently banned from the forums and the servers THEN shut down immedietly upon my bringing it to their attention.(the thanks for my bug report i guess?)

All of my threads were also subsequently searched-out... and deleted PROMPTLY.

To cover my butt and not violate rule #15 under the "general rules of conduct" i would like to say that there has also been an overwhelming response amongst the community here for "fair-play" as it seems we also have our "own" perfect world unbeknownst to some of you who would rather censor/ban/prejudge (in haste) than read/understand OUR point of view. This includes recent verbal attacks in the official forums (as well as in-game) upon a well-known guild(friends of mine) stating they are using alleged "cheats" to gain winnings in TWs. I call foul!

G*****s, on Heaven's Tear, is a reputable guild and has faced numerous attacks both verbally AND has been made to look like "cheaters when in fact, if you had been there, would KNOW different.

That said, there are alot of ppl such as myself who are feeling a wee bit , ripped off. Please understand when people join the PW servers, leaving OTHER mmo's behind to drag our "MANY" friends here.... some of us "DO PAY REAL $$$" to gain credit within this game that without doing so, certain in-game items are unattainable. (charms, mounts, etc CASH SHOP items).

Without us, (paying customers) the auctioneer's "gold trader" would NOT exist!!! PERIOD!

Please do not be so hasty in turning away, the people who FUND this project,... next time.

That is my plee to this company. I have NOT violateed ANY of the rules in this post. Trust me, i HAVE read the rules, and adhered to them. Congratz to all who got Midnight, Israfel(and the likes) and i feel for those of you, like me, who did not gain a thing throughout this event. The odds were stacked against us during this event and it has been noted.

This post has in no way violated the rules. Please, moderators... let me say my "piece" this time since it is the truth and I welcome comments.
I have a nasty dog in my "Van" that is "Guard"-ing my investments.
THIS POST DOES NOT violate ANY rules of posting here. So please at least let me have my "say" before you ever again take "our" money and then

"mute" us for pointing out "your" mistake.

In a "perfect world" free speech EXISTS! Let that echo please!
Post edited by snicker on


  • pwhan
    pwhan Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited November 2008

    (that means a lot considering I am usually quite long-winded)
  • snicker
    snicker Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    i tried to keep it as concise as i could :(
  • pwhan
    pwhan Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    No no! The jab about being long-winded was toward myself. Meaning that I so wholeheartedly agreed, that I was not my usual self. I love the post!
  • snicker
    snicker Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    thx for reading. i am pretty upset about how things have transpired this past couple of weeks and it's a real "burn" for those of us who fund this project, monetarily, in the Real World(RL)... seeing my credit card statements haha.. [removed]

    /cheers from the mmo world!
  • xarfox
    xarfox Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Hello snicker,

    Now regarding the issue you bring up, the number of people who completed the Halloween Quest during that narrow window of time was minuscule compared to the overall number of people who completed the quest during the span of the event.

    Lastly, we would never ban someone for submitting a bug report to us. Looking at the previous post you made that you claim was "deleted unjustly" you were posting angrily telling people to go play another MMORPG. That was the reason you were temporarily banned from the forums, not the reason you claim above.

    Edit: Before I even made this reply you continued to spam and promote another MMORPG on our forums. This is in fact against forum policy.
This discussion has been closed.