Way Too Expensive!!!!



  • Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Then why dont you ask people in Archosaur instead of buying it for real cash?

    Also you can buy gold for 100k each so then everyone wont have to spend on rl money.

    Sou Sou Moutoku = The most badass **** in Anime History. Never diss Kohime Musou or die.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Why are all of you Cash Shop haters shouting "DOOM" because some items in the game cost $30?

    You want a flying mount? Get one for $5. Going too slow? Then improve it with addons or buy a more expensive mount. You can spend $5 ONCE and have the mount forever in this free to play high quality game. What the hell do you have to complain about? It's an 100% free game with the option to purchase items to donate and help support the game, plus 95% of the items are permanent and exchangeable!

    Charms are useful, and are also $2.50 a piece for decent ones. If you think that's expensive then you need a real job. $20 a month into the game doesn't break the bank.

    Also, for the original poster, if you don't have better things to do with $200 than buy virtual goods, you have a problem and have NO reason to complain about cash shop prices just because you can't buy everything thrice over.
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    To the person above me.

    I am going to be spending $60 for wedding package this Christmas. I think that its WAY over priced but im only getting it cause its for my gf.

    The truth is, if you don’t think it’s overpriced, then oil isn’t overpriced, because you only play 70 bucks a fill.... I mean, buying a car isn’t expensive because its only 1k a month... /sarcasm

    Right now people aren’t willing to buy gifts for Christmas. Shops are only going to make around 11% then usual. A guy was killed at Wal-Mart cause everyone wanted to save a few extra bucks on black Friday.

    So you must not be old enough to really know what’s going on in the world. Its not a happy place as everyone thinks in Asia and in other countries. Please refrain from posting if you do not know what you are talking about.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    O.K. now let me make a better cared post than one when i am going to bed.

    As i was saying these are USA servers, not Chinese (which we all know have much weaker currency and also much lower wages), the transition from Chinese to American makes prices go up just for that reason (American game masters cost more than Chinese, American company that will link your server also wants more for its service). There we go, it has nothing to do with the economic crisis or them getting greedy. They allow you to trade all items and buy/sell ZEN with in-game coins, most cash shop games i played don't allow that, and have items with expiration dates for the same amount you can buy a perm mount in here. the perm mount in 2moons costs 40$ (people still bought them), much worse (game) than PW.b:victory
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I am going to be spending $60 for wedding package this Christmas. I think that its WAY over priced but im only getting it cause its for my gf.

    I do agree that $60 is a lot to pay, but again you do not have to do this. It's a decision made by you and your girlfriend which is fine, but don't blame the game for an option they aren't forcing on you.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    My main question is do you have to spend any money at all on this game to progress normally? It is a great game i love it so far, but i read something about when you get to lvl 10 something happens with ZEN or something.

    Can anyone enlighten this?

  • Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Only change at level 10 that I'm aware of is that you lose a bit of experience when defeated from that point on, and that you can use Teleacoustics to World Chat. As far as I can tell, the Cash Shop is not necessary for PvE. There are some useful items and great cosmetics, but some players never bother with them.
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    When you start losing exp you have to option to buy guardian angels to reverse that effect. That might be what people were referring to.
  • Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    This is really really broken, the forums aren't working :<
  • Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    The truth is, if you don
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    chiefdings wrote: »
    My main question is do you have to spend any money at all on this game to progress normally?

    You don't need to use the Cash Shop once if you don't want to to progress through the game normally.
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    nec wrote: »
    I have played a few free online games such as Mabinogi, Exteel and Maple Story etc. and this is the only game I haven't spent a single cent on. I like to support the company if I enjoy playing their game but the prices for this game are ridiculous and they won't be getting my money.

    Same here, most games that have shops in them like perfect world that use real money are very very cheap .. unlike perfect world... to spend money on one mount on perfect world you could be the best player in anyother game useing the same ammout of money ... if anyone gets that.... might sound a lil confusing lol XP
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    NO ONE is forcing you to buy Zen, there problem solved b:bye

    you know, it always amazes me... someone has a flip remark, that does not improve the conversation in anyway! buddy, if you do not have something better to say, then do not say it at all,,

    and yes the prices in the Cash Shop are stupid, they should be half of what they are, and i would say far more than dbl the ppl would be buying stuff, at least 30-40 members of my faction have said just that..
    May your days be long, and your hardships be few in life
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Hmmm sound like people should make a petition or some then. I'm sure if people make the issue big enough they would change it.Better to deal with a problem then just complain about it.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    i just email the GM asking about the price of zhen...


    pay by cash ( UKash )

    5000 +500 cost $53.99

    now im buying UKash here in UK and it cost me 39.44 Pounds

    note : 1 pounds is x2 of dollars now im paying $78-79 instead of $53.99 this price is too over correct me if im wrong.

    cash is cash should be same price wut ever it says but if u pay credit card should be more coz it will clear 3-5 days time.

    hoping this thing will solve soon coz im planning to buy 10000 + 1000 and it will cost me 80 pounds in dollars around $160 i cant pay that kind of amount specialy if u got family and children to feed lol. help us players and help the game!
  • Posts: 180 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I don't know its just that people should feel lucky to the fact this game even has a gold exchange... not a lot of "free2Play" games have this feature.. only one off the top of my head is Puzzlepirates....so i think if they desided to make the cash shop a true "Cash" shop it might be a lower price.

    just my 2 zen worth

  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Since everyone seems to think that the Perfect World International Cash Shop is over-priced, why don't we compare the cash shops of MapleStory, Mabinogi, and Perfect World International?

    Stat Reset

    MapleStory: AP Reset - $3.10USD - Removes one stat point from one stat for reallocation. One time use. Not tradable. (Deleted after 90 days)

    Mabinogi: Rebirth - $9.50USD - Does not reset stats, but allows you to attain more ability points. (Permanent item)

    Perfect World International: Basic Reset-all Note - $1.00USD - Removes 5 points from all stats for reallocation. One time use. Tradable. (Permanent item)

    EXP Loss Prevention

    MapleStory: Safety Charm - $0.70USD - Prevents EXP loss on death. One time use. Not tradable. (Deleted after 90 days)

    Mabinogi: Nao's Support Service - $9.50USD - Ability to be resurrected with minimal penalty. Not tradable. (Lasts 30 days)

    Perfect World International: Guardian Angel - $0.30USD - Prevents EXP loss on death. One time use. Tradable. (Permanent)

    Inventory Increase

    MapleStory: Inventory Expansion - $4.00USD - Increase one section of inventory by 4 spaces.

    Mabinogi: Extra Storage Service - $9.50USD - Ability to buy bigger bags in-game, and doubles bank inventory. Not tradable. (Lasts 30 days)

    Perfect World International: Inventory Extension Stone - $3.00USD - Adds 8 slots to inventory. One time use. Tradable. (Permanent item) Note: There are in-game quests available to increase your inventory space.

    World Shouts

    MapleStory: Super MegaPhone - $1.30USD - Ability to send a message server wide. One time use. Not tradable. (Deleted after 90 days)

    Mabinogi: Not available.

    Perfect World International: Teleacoustic - $0.10USD

    Ground Mounts

    MapleStory: Not available.

    Mabinogi: Thoroughbred - $10.90USD - Increases movement speed while mounted. Limited summon time of 92 minutes per day. Not tradable. (Permanent)

    Perfect World International: Windsprint Panther - $10.00USD - Increases movement speed while mounted. Useable anytime. Tradable. (Permanent)

    Flying Mounts

    MapleStory: Not available.

    Mabinogi: Not available.

    Perfect World International: Paschar's Spite, Spotted Skymant, and Bloodmist - $5.00USD - Gives ability to fly at faster speed. Tradeable. (Permanent) Note: There are in-game quests available to obtain flying mounts.


    MapleStory: Wedding Ticket and Complete Outfits - $50.00USD - Gives ability to wed, shows effect when next to each other, and provides a couples only quest. One time use. Not Tradeable.

    Mabinogi: Not available.

    Perfect World International: Bride and Groom Packs - $60.00USD - Gives ability to wed, complete wedding outfits, titles, special items, quests, and abilities, and increased exp while grouped together. One time use. Tradeable. (Permanent) Note: Information based on what I could find on the forums and various websites.
  • Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I agree its too expensive if my zen went further id be encouraged to keep blowing money cause you get alot of stuuf that makes it WORTH IT.

    Here is an example In SecondLife you pay 4.09 for 1000 lindends or play money. In game that 1000 gets you alot more stuff like most hair runs between 100 to 450 . you can get whole outfits for 100 to 500L. So you can see that for a nice 4.09 you can get alot of stuff with that.
    Also In Second life you can actually walk inside buildings sit down on the chairs and I see a huge PW meltdown if they dont start making the game more useable with some real animations, clothing choices, changeable hairstyles and makeup or skins ect and take the price of that zen down soon.
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I agree its too expensive if my zen went further id be encouraged to keep blowing money cause you get alot of stuuf that makes it WORTH IT.

    Here is an example In SecondLife you pay 4.09 for 1000 lindends or play money. In game that 1000 gets you alot more stuff like most hair runs between 100 to 450 . you can get whole outfits for 100 to 500L. So you can see that for a nice 4.09 you can get alot of stuff with that.
    Also In Second life you can actually walk inside buildings sit down on the chairs and I see a huge PW meltdown if they dont start making the game more useable with some real animations, clothing choices, changeable hairstyles and makeup or skins ect and take the price of that zen down soon.

    If you consider SecondLife to be anything close to an enjoyable gaming experience, you have a problem. $4.09 gets you a hair style and some clothes....yeah you go have fun. I'll keep playing an actual game called Perfect World International.
  • Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    rild wrote: »
    Ignorance eh? Well I said my peace here. People on these free to play games think it's a good deal to blow so much real life money for some pixels.

    I'll just keep my opinion to myself.

    when you type something it can be rather annoying to other when you spell a rather simple word wrong "peace=piece" also like many have said there are more ways to get what you want if you are willing to work for it i grind lvl 51-55 mobs for DQ items that they drop then npc them for coins so take ur pick grind a few hours then npc ur **** to get around 100-200K or spend 20$ on a set of pixels you can get with out 20$ being spent u must however invest time into this to see what you want to happen also if people stop buying from the Cash Shop the prices will go sky high ingame for gold in the AH and also Cash Shop items will b around 3-5x more expesive if there are less buying them so this is what i have to say about this : when u want something done you do it you set the example and let others know what u intend to do that way you can get support about it and when it gets around to it then you have changed what you want to change that is what i mean like it says : if you want something done do it yourself and dont wait for others to do it for you
    Check my older posts by profile I am far older than 2010 I was from beta just got on forums in 2008 otc for the first time.
  • Posts: 123 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Since everyone seems to think that the Perfect World International Cash Shop is over-priced, why don't we compare the cash shops of MapleStory, Mabinogi, and Perfect World International?

    Stat Reset

    MapleStory: AP Reset - $3.10USD - Removes one stat point from one stat for reallocation. One time use. Not tradable. (Deleted after 90 days)

    Mabinogi: Rebirth - $9.50USD - Does not reset stats, but allows you to attain more ability points. (Permanent item)

    Perfect World International: Basic Reset-all Note - $1.00USD - Removes 5 points from all stats for reallocation. One time use. Tradable. (Permanent item)

    EXP Loss Prevention

    MapleStory: Safety Charm - $0.70USD - Prevents EXP loss on death. One time use. Not tradable. (Deleted after 90 days)

    Mabinogi: Nao's Support Service - $9.50USD - Ability to be resurrected with minimal penalty. Not tradable. (Lasts 30 days)

    Perfect World International: Guardian Angel - $0.30USD - Prevents EXP loss on death. One time use. Tradable. (Permanent)

    Inventory Increase

    MapleStory: Inventory Expansion - $4.00USD - Increase one section of inventory by 4 spaces.

    Mabinogi: Extra Storage Service - $9.50USD - Ability to buy bigger bags in-game, and doubles bank inventory. Not tradable. (Lasts 30 days)

    Perfect World International: Inventory Extension Stone - $3.00USD - Adds 8 slots to inventory. One time use. Tradable. (Permanent item) Note: There are in-game quests available to increase your inventory space.

    World Shouts

    MapleStory: Super MegaPhone - $1.30USD - Ability to send a message server wide. One time use. Not tradable. (Deleted after 90 days)

    Mabinogi: Not available.

    Perfect World International: Teleacoustic - $0.10USD

    Ground Mounts

    MapleStory: Not available.

    Mabinogi: Thoroughbred - $10.90USD - Increases movement speed while mounted. Limited summon time of 92 minutes per day. Not tradable. (Permanent)

    Perfect World International: Windsprint Panther - $10.00USD - Increases movement speed while mounted. Useable anytime. Tradable. (Permanent)

    Flying Mounts

    MapleStory: Not available.

    Mabinogi: Not available.

    Perfect World International: Paschar's Spite, Spotted Skymant, and Bloodmist - $5.00USD - Gives ability to fly at faster speed. Tradeable. (Permanent) Note: There are in-game quests available to obtain flying mounts.


    MapleStory: Wedding Ticket and Complete Outfits - $50.00USD - Gives ability to wed, shows effect when next to each other, and provides a couples only quest. One time use. Not Tradeable.

    Mabinogi: Not available.

    Perfect World International: Bride and Groom Packs - $60.00USD - Gives ability to wed, complete wedding outfits, titles, special items, quests, and abilities, and increased exp while grouped together. One time use. Tradeable. (Permanent) Note: Information based on what I could find on the forums and various websites.

    also to correct something the Guardian angel information it also prevents item loss and from what i hear from a few sources when you die after lvl 10 you dont lose only exp when you die you also lose sp and the Guardian Angel also prevents this please correct me if i am wrong
    thx have a fun day and continue to gripe i wil enjoy my game and play it i do know that it is expensive but add in the effect of the key word [PERMANENT] it helps to make people realize that it should still be there when in other games it gets [DELETED] after a time period or [DOES NOT EXSIST]
    for instance in silkroad online there are buy able ingame mounts for game gold but u can get [silk] and purchase better versions but with the same effect [DELETED] when u dismount and all [CashShop] ARE NOT TRADEABLE so be greatful that you have this option ty have a nice day if some1 agree's with me hit me a messages in my profile i wont be back here for sometime that is why
    Check my older posts by profile I am far older than 2010 I was from beta just got on forums in 2008 otc for the first time.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008

    You're comparing Perfect world cash shop with 2 other MMO's that come from the SAME company... NEXON is known for having high costing cash shops. Yet you compare perfect world to 2 MMO both from Nexon... of course they will be very similar prices....

    Compare them to something else that isn't Nexon. Not to mention PWI has a lot more usefull cash shop items that maple and mabin doesnt have, so it cannot be compared... The point is that it is rediculous to charge $50 for a mount when we can go back to MY version and live it up nice. It's just a bit laggy. PWI says they have people to pay so prices will remain the same... yet if they lower it, they could get so many more people buying... it evens out.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    This difference between this game and Mabinogi, is that you can't even play Mabinogi without paying. Without Nao's service you're screwed. You can't get Paladin, you can't do any of the main storyline, and doing a dungeon is just a plain pain in the bum.

    As for this game you can actually play without paying realy money. No matter what you want there's always a way to buy it with in game coins. I don't like their prices, however I'd rather much play it than a game like Mabinogi which I just recently quit due to the fact that to play decently I was forced to pay at least 40 dollars a month.
  • Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    i hear from a few sources when you die after lvl 10 you dont lose only exp when you die you also lose sp and the Guardian Angel also prevents this please correct me if i am wrong

    I've yet to lose a single unit of SP, as of level 34. There is XP loss, and a very small chance to drop an item when killed by a monster, but Spirit seems to be one of those things that only goes down when you spend it.
  • Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Lolz...all this time and they still don't know what they're doing. b:thanks
  • Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Actually, It's not the price **** of buying the gold as much as it is the amount for the items in the cash shop. Because 20 bucks is only gonna get you so far, lol. Though, I guess the more you can buy of gold would help. Now that they introduced the $10 should help some. Spending $10 bucks a month isn't so bad. Could get some charms and such.
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    luffiy wrote: »

    You're comparing Perfect world cash shop with 2 other MMO's that come from the SAME company... NEXON. Compare them to something else that isn't Nexon. Not to mention PWI has a lot more usefull cash shop items that maple and mabin doesnt have, so it cannot be compared...

    Kinda the point. Perfect World International actually focuses on QUALITY items for purchase. You can't compare the cash shop to other games, because other Cash Shops don't compare to the quality and price of the Cash Shop.

    And for those wanting to go and play the MY version, have fun getting your account banned.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    also to correct something the Guardian angel information it also prevents item loss and from what i hear from a few sources when you die after lvl 10 you dont lose only exp when you die you also lose sp and the Guardian Angel also prevents this please correct me if i am wrong
    thx have a fun day and continue to gripe i wil enjoy my game and play it i do know that it is expensive but add in the effect of the key word [PERMANENT] it helps to make people realize that it should still be there when in other games it gets [DELETED] after a time period or [DOES NOT EXSIST]
    for instance in silkroad online there are buy able ingame mounts for game gold but u can get [silk] and purchase better versions but with the same effect [DELETED] when u dismount and all [CashShop] ARE NOT TRADEABLE so be greatful that you have this option ty have a nice day if some1 agree's with me hit me a messages in my profile i wont be back here for sometime that is why
    Since everyone seems to think that the Perfect World International Cash Shop is over-priced, why don't we compare the cash shops of MapleStory, Mabinogi, and Perfect World International?

    Stat Reset

    MapleStory: AP Reset - $3.10USD - Removes one stat point from one stat for reallocation. One time use. Not tradable. (Deleted after 90 days)

    Mabinogi: Advance Play/Fantasy Life Pack- $9.50USD to $14.90USD - Skill Reset Cap every Saturday/Per Char on your account (average 4 per month). On time use. Not tradeable. (more then just that from those packs).

    Perfect World International: Basic Reset-all Note - $1.00USD - Removes 5 points from all stats for reallocation. One time use. Tradable. (Permanent item)

    EXP Loss Prevention

    MapleStory: Safety Charm - $0.70USD - Prevents EXP loss on death. One time use. Not tradable. (Deleted after 90 days)

    Mabinogi: Nao's Support Service/Fantasy Life Pack - $9.50USD to $14.90USD - Ability to be resurrected with minimal penalty. Not tradable. (Lasts 30 days)(You get a Minimum of 3 uses per day with a max of (unknown). Use just the 3 averages out to be about $.11USD per Reserection. Service also gives you 3 bombs a day and 1 gift every week)

    Perfect World International: Guardian Angel - $0.30USD - Prevents EXP loss on death. One time use. Tradable. (Permanent)

    Inventory Increase

    MapleStory: Inventory Expansion - $4.00USD - Increase one section of inventory by 4 spaces.

    Mabinogi: Extra Storage Service/Fantasy Life - $9.50USD to $14.90 - Ability to buy bigger bags in-game, and doubles bank inventory. Not tradable. (Lasts 30 days)(links all chars on your account together and lets you opens shops)

    Perfect World International: Inventory Extension Stone - $3.00USD - Adds 8 slots to inventory. One time use. Tradable. (Permanent item) Note: There are in-game quests available to increase your inventory space.

    World Shouts

    MapleStory: Super MegaPhone - $1.30USD - Ability to send a message server wide. One time use. Not tradable. (Deleted after 90 days)

    Mabinogi: Not available. Now Available - betten $.50-$1 (can't remember)
    Perfect World International: Teleacoustic - $0.10USD

    Ground Mounts

    MapleStory: Not available.

    Mabinogi: Thoroughbred - $10.90USD - Increases movement speed while mounted. Limited summon time of 92 minutes per day. Not tradable. (Permanent)

    Perfect World International: Windsprint Panther - $10.00USD - Increases movement speed while mounted. Useable anytime. Tradable. (Permanent)

    Flying Mounts

    MapleStory: Not available.

    Mabinogi: Not available. (not yet but will have, but will be. They will be about same price as horses and really dont fly that high, so still not as cool)

    Perfect World International: Paschar's Spite, Spotted Skymant, and Bloodmist - $5.00USD - Gives ability to fly at faster speed. Tradeable. (Permanent) Note: There are in-game quests available to obtain flying mounts.


    MapleStory: Wedding Ticket and Complete Outfits - $50.00USD - Gives ability to wed, shows effect when next to each other, and provides a couples only quest. One time use. Not Tradeable.

    Mabinogi: Now Available - In-Game Gold costs Min 30k. $0.00USD. Costs more to have outfits (last only as long as wedding). You get a title and special wedding rings (lasts as long as your married). You can get devorced for a fee to.

    Perfect World International: Bride and Groom Packs - $60.00USD - Gives ability to wed, complete wedding outfits, titles, special items, quests, and abilities, and increased exp while grouped together. One time use. Tradeable. (Permanent) Note: Information based on what I could find on the forums and various websites.

    Ok just wanted to correct some things about your Mabinogi quotes. There in Bold/Italics. Also, yes there are spelling errors but doing otehr things while doing this and may forget to use spellcheck. Sorry. b:sad

    First I like this game and it is very fun. I like that unlike Mabinogi you really don't need to buy anything. In Mabi, to enjoy the game you really need to by there rebirth cards every now and then to get more AP (wish is like skill points but its an entirely different systems).

    The rebirth cards have nothing to do with resetting skill points (AP) as in PWI and Maple the skill points that your resetting are STR, DEX and such. AP in Mabi is applied to specific skills simular to Spirit Points in PWI, but affect your char more in Mabi as skill increase your stats as well. Skill reset caps you get from the advance play are what they use to reset skill points. Number of point you can reset depends on the skills rank (lv) and how many points it took to get to that rank (lv).

    There are several service packs available in Mabi but Fantasy life provides all of them for a less then half the price.

    Each pack provides what you quoted they did and more. I could go into a detail compairison of all the stuff you get from the advance play.

    All and all though, PWI is so a pretty fun game. I am playing it while taking a break from Mabi. Price wise, the only things I see a want to pay for are inventory/storage stones and 1 outfit that I can't use till I am lv 30 anyway. So no real need to spend a lot of money or any on this game.

    Also what this game does offer that the others do not is a way to buy Zen/Gold with In-Game Gold. This I wish was available in Mabi. There are both sides of the coin. People that can afford ZEN/Gold and people that can't but are willing to "Kill Things and Take There Stuff" to make the In-game money to get it.

    If you think the prices are to expencive will it just all depends on how much you really want the stuff or not. You can buy a horse In-Game if you can't afford those sweet Panters and such. b:chuckle
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    It is rather amusing to read all these whiny posts, particularly considering that all you pplz are from US. Ever heard of free-market economy? (Well, with the latest Gov. $0.7 trillion bail-out package and overtaking of major banks, it may be the thing of the past for USA. Lets try our own form of socialism, shall we?b:shocked)

    But I've digressed. Here's the thing: if you can charge a hefty premium for something, you'd be STUPID not to. Items are expensive, yes. But ppl are buying. And your arguments of purported increase in revenue that PW would experience by slashing the prices are pure conjectures and speculations. These ppl aren't stupid. They have the data, analyze it, work out the best business model, and roll with it. It makes them money, so they laugh all the way to the bank with it. And just like everything else in life, your job is to allocate your limited resources according to your needs, wants, etc. Spend as much as makes sense in your specific situation.

    I agree that items are expensive. I shop anyways, just more prudently. Just as in real life, we'd all love to drive Mercedes and Jaguars, but end up buying Kias and Hyndais b:laugh. So here we'd love to have the best of everything, and for as little as possible. You draw the line somewhere. I really wanted that Polar Bear Cub mount now that i leveled to 40. But considered how much i spent on my Nakir's Judgement, and thought better of it. There you go.

    The game still kicks ****. b:victory
  • Posts: 2,158 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    lol i love how everyone says "you cant play this game without real money" im a level 79 soon to be 80 barb, and havent spent one cent on this game, bought my fashion/tele's/charms all with earned In game money. those who say you cant play at 60+ without rl money obviously HAVENT hit 60+. barbs are the most expsensive class in the game. i have spent 1 penny. less QQ more pew pew =)
    Less QQ more Pew Pewb:thanks

    "Don't argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level, and beat you with experience."

This discussion has been closed.