wanting to start a cleric

silverqt Posts: 3 Arc User
edited November 2008 in Cleric
hi i started perfect world international yesterday but been on malashya eng over a year ago. I tried venommancers didnt like it becuase of the pets and i tried wizard but messed me up bad really bad. Anyway i decided i want to make a cleric i herd there solos are good with the hybrid build but not sure what im supposed to get per lvl i think minmal strength to wep and minimal magic to armour and pump rest into vit. if i can get a expample of per lvl that be great because every two lvls confuses me. but if i get 2 lvls thats ok ill make sure i book mark this thread. Armour i understand robes. Skills not sure exactly what skills to keep at one or max. i love healing and buffing but its just gonna be me since i like to solo. i found a good skill chart in pw.my forum but the skill names are difrent and it was for pure healing clearics or some ppl call it full support. I always liked the clerics as a soloer and always wanted to be one. Im asking if anyone can give me good info on hybrid build and skills like a chart to max or keep at 1 or 5 or whatever for my build it be awesome and i dont want to mess this one up to because the guild im now in are in need of clerics and all the couple ones in there now are support i dont want that i want to be rite in the action. thanks
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  • xlovex
    xlovex Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    EDIT: woops i forgot about stats

    Clerics are mainly int based, and if you don't get at least 3 x (level) in your int,

    1) your heals will suck
    2) your damage will suck
    3) your regen will suck
    4) you will feel sad

    So, for support/soloing, i would suggest either

    1) 9 int/1str for robe wearing max damage, max heals, max regen.
    2) 6-8int/1 str/1-3 vit for slightly tankier robe wearer, this is the standard for full support clerics.
    3) 6 int/2 str/2 dex - for light armor wearing. I don't really suggest this one, but maybe useful if you don't care too much about damage, and want more survivability

    Well first off, as Cayeon says in his wonderful guide, there isn't really a hybrid.

    All Clerics need at least a few of the atk skills, or you'll never get high enough to party.

    All Clerics need (well should) get at least one of the heal skills, for ease in leveling, if nothing more.

    All Clerics should get some of the buffs, for the same reason.

    The word "hybrid" merely points to your preference for one type over the others. Now from your post, it seems that you'd love a support centric build more than a pure atk based one, so I'll try to point you in the right direction.

    Heres a list! Since everyone loves lists ^^


    1) Never get more than 1 point in the first heal. Its worthless. Utter ****. Pains me to think about it.

    2) Get as much Ironheart Blessing (second heal skill) as you want. You'll never go wrong with it. A support build will max (or close to max) this whenever they can. Its an HoT (heal over time) with much greater mana efficiency (heal per mp spent), also, is -stackable-, meaning you can have more than one regen at a time. If you spam it, it will be not only the best HoT, but also the best heal period (you get get 6-8 of them running simultanously. This equates ~giganto heal per second)

    3) Get wellspring surge lvl 1, asap. Its fairly mana efficient, and good for when you don't need to heal as much as Ironheart offers. Don't level it unless you really need to though.

    4) Get revive, and max it if you want full support. Lvl 1 revive gets the job done, though people will complain that they didn't get all the exp back. Well **** them, you're doing them a favor =O But, get as high as you can afford, to avoid confrontations =)

    5) Get Purify lvl 1. Its all you need. Higher levels only decrease cooldown.

    6) Get Soon the Light, Stream of Rejuvination, and Regen Aura (blue bubble) maxed if you're a support cleric.


    1) Max Vanguard. It will save your life, and the lives of your teammates.

    2) Get magic shell if you want, but its the first place I skimp on if I need to save sp. Its not really necessary.

    3) Celestial Guardian's seal, is pretty nice. I wouldn't get more than lvl 5 or so, because by then your natural regen is a lot higher, and its usefulness will gradually decrease over time.

    4) Get Spirit's Gift. More damage? Yes please!

    5) All the aoe versions of the buffs: get if you're support. Waste of sp otherwise.

    Atk Skills:

    1) Max plume and cyclone. Those are your main leveling skills, and even support clerics should have little to no trouble maxing, or almost maxing them for leveling. If you want, just max cyclone, since you can use it to kite things indefinately.

    2) Plume Shell - max it, it will save your life.

    3) Razor feathers - pretty worthless. Skip it.

    4) Thunderball - I never used it, no comment.

    5) Seals - Not really worth it unless you want to pvp/are a higher level. Not really sure about that though, I never got these.

    6) Siren's Kiss - my cleric couldn't survive even one monster beating on me, so how can I survive a whole mob? XD I didn't get this one.

    7) Wield Thunder/Tempest - yea these rock. Get them if you're not really support.

    8) Metal mastery - i wouldn't get this unless you somehow had a -lot- of sp to waste. Benefits don't really show until high levels of this.

    I just realized i basically paraphrased a huge guide.

    Anyway, a summary:

    1) get ironheart
    2) get plume/cyclone, or just cyclone
    3) get the buffs
    4) get revive and purify, at least level 1

    EDIT: another edit, I really should've read the entire post before replying. Anyway, even with just plume/cyclone, you will solo just fine. In fact, most pure FA (full attack) builds mainly use those two skills anyway. Perhaps think about dropping a few buffs/not max ironheart if you want wield thunder (a slow casting, but powerful first hit skill), or tempest (the 2 spark req is sort of eh. Its not really necessary for leveling)
  • silverqt
    silverqt Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    thanks just before u replyed i found what i was looking for on the malaysian perfect world just con=vit and intel=mag in it but same thing.

    i apreciate u posting about it i went for the vit mag str as u suggest and also shows in this thread per lvl everything u need i am not 15 and had no problems yet thanks :)