question on how things stack

Yukkfoo - Sanctuary
Yukkfoo - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
edited October 2008 in General Discussion
I have a few questions on how things stack up.
When i use tha tcleric spell vanguard spirit, it says target gets resistance by % according to equipment. now the question is... is it based on my equipment when i cast or the targets?

On armour,if i have a chest piece that is say.. 500% fire resistant, and a leg piece that has 0 fire damage resistance will i still ge tthe 500% from the chest piece if i get hit in the legs? ot does teh mod appley to that piece of armour only?

With Pume shot, it sais i inflict physical damage equial to base magic +% + bonus.
if my bas e is set at 60 magic, and i have 2000 energy, which number does it add from the atribute or the mana pool i have?

i have more questions but i cant think of them now i ll post more after these are answered
Post edited by Yukkfoo - Sanctuary on


  • Zahara - Heavens Tear
    Zahara - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Vanguard Spirit, Magic Shell, and Sprit's Gift - % is based off of the person who is recieving the buff, not the person buffing.

    500%? Are you sure it's not just "500"?

    The % is determined by the overall gear, it all adds together and is represented on ur character sheet. By hovering over the total number of defence points in each division (phys, water, fire, earth, metal, wood) , it will tell you your overall % in reduced damage from each field.
  • Klath - Sanctuary
    Klath - Sanctuary Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    1) Target's.
    2) +500%? Are you sure it doesnt say +500 (no percentage)? All resistances and bonuses are added together, so if your pants give +100 fire resist and your armor +300, both together will give you +400. Check stats screen (hotkey C) to see the total resistances you got.
    3) It is based on your Magic Attack (100% of it) and Physical Attack (this one by a smaller %, 100% on lv10), plus the extra damage that says on description.

    My plume level10 says: "do your basic magic attack, plus 100% of weapon attack, plus 1369."
    I have:
    Physical Attack 248-348
    Magical Attack 1215-1407

    So my damage is:
    Minimum: 248+1215+1369 = 2832
    Maximum: 348+1407+1369 = 3124

    My plume shot damage is from 2831 to 3124, but this against a enemy with no physical defense.