Whenwill You Change Those Moronic Tw Time?

Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
edited November 2008 in General Discussion
Now the TW are scheduled at MIDNIGHT Eastern time.

What are you thinking about, PWE?

Such hours are even better suited for Chinese players than North American East coast players.....

Even the timing of PW-MY TWs are better suited to us that yours.

When will you wake up? People have been complaining for weeks about the bad timing of your TW. Are you not even able to make such an easy variable change in the code of the server to put the TW at more appropriate hours for everyone in north america, where the bulk of your players are?

Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
Post edited by Blancheneige - Heavens Tear on


  • embl3m
    embl3m Posts: 494 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    midnight isnt that late lol
  • ultima999
    ultima999 Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    This question is now almost as popular as the question "When are you gonna lower the item mall's prices?"

    My guess: the answer to this question is probably the same as the other one.
  • Aurumfaramon - Heavens Tear
    Aurumfaramon - Heavens Tear Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Oh i hope they do change it to something earlier, maybe I could take part in england then, that or just do all the damned TW's on saturday so I don't have to worry about missing out... damn work.
  • crystalhaztazahs
    crystalhaztazahs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    PWI staff does need to change the times. 11PM here is ridicious and a TW war could go for 3 hours, thats to 2AM in the morning. What's keeping some of the ideas suggested from happening?
  • Originalsin - Sanctuary
    Originalsin - Sanctuary Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    if the games dev's and corp. are anything like the one that owns and develops 2moons, they wont actualy do anything, basicaly tell you "we are taking it under consideration indefinately" and expect you to still keep playing your heart away hoping that they will actually listen to some good suggestions
    WiccanWay Recruiting ACTIVE lvl40+ players, PM or mail Dylann for more information. Thank you.
  • Tawonda - Heavens Tear
    Tawonda - Heavens Tear Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Just my 2 coins worth... While they are at it they can fix it so that you don' t have multiple TW's that your Faction is taking place at the same time.
  • Zoe - Heavens Tear
    Zoe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Just my 2 coins worth... While they are at it they can fix it so that you don' t have multiple TW's that your Faction is taking place at the same time.

    The game is called Territory WARs. Since when did war not involve being attacked on multiple fronts at once? This is a fail-safe to ensure 1 guild can't dominate the map.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
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  • Aurumfaramon - Heavens Tear
    Aurumfaramon - Heavens Tear Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    No I feel multiple at once is part of the game HT would be **** awful if a faction could do them one after the toher, simply putting there very best up to defend each and every territory, the point is that any single faction should if they get big enough have to defend multiple territories.
  • Aurumfaramon - Heavens Tear
    Aurumfaramon - Heavens Tear Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The game is called Territory WARs. Since when did war not involve being attacked on multiple fronts at once? This is a fail-safe to ensure 1 guild can't dominate the map.

    Lol it would become like a gentlemans duel "pistols at dawn with tom, followed by swords at 1pm with john."

  • Tawonda - Heavens Tear
    Tawonda - Heavens Tear Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I still do not care for it. If you have multiple Factions fighting a single Faction at different times it at least gives the attacked Faction time to regroup and take a breather before the next fight begins. If you have a few days to have the TW's played out why not spread them out a bit so that you don't have to pick and choose which territory you will have to give up and which to defend. I don't really care if the contested territory is lost or gained but at least give the parties in question a chance to fight one battle at a time. Even if you had one Faction covering half the map other Factions could still attack that primary Factions Territories in such a way as to spread them out a bit. Having 3 or 4 TW's scheduled to take place at the exact same time is just plain stupid.
  • adra12
    adra12 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I think the TW time being midnight this week has to do with the clocks changing, they may not change the server time or something which would make the new midnight time be 11 next week
  • Tawonda - Heavens Tear
    Tawonda - Heavens Tear Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The game is called Territory WARs. Since when did war not involve being attacked on multiple fronts at once? This is a fail-safe to ensure 1 guild can't dominate the map.

    Actually the game is called "Perfect World Internationial" not "Territory WARs". There have been many historic battles that only took place between two sides. But that is neither here nor there. The point is that I personally think that Factions should at least have the opportunity to defend themselves without having to decide which territory they will keep and which 2 or 3 territories they will give up because of the way the territory wars are scheduled. I'm all for Territory Wars but I think they could do a better job of scheduling them.
  • adra12
    adra12 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Well if flying gets removed again it is possible for a supirior guild to defend 2 maybe even 3 simultaneously(assuming the third is not a top 5 guild)
  • Kazue - Heavens Tear
    Kazue - Heavens Tear Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I still do not care for it. If you have multiple Factions fighting a single Faction at different times it at least gives the attacked Faction time to regroup and take a breather before the next fight begins. If you have a few days to have the TW's played out why not spread them out a bit so that you don't have to pick and choose which territory you will have to give up and which to defend. I don't really care if the contested territory is lost or gained but at least give the parties in question a chance to fight one battle at a time. Even if you had one Faction covering half the map other Factions could still attack that primary Factions Territories in such a way as to spread them out a bit. Having 3 or 4 TW's scheduled to take place at the exact same time is just plain stupid.

    By your logic one guild could very well hold every territory in the game. Of all the games i played, never once did my enemies line up one at a time. Actually while we're at it, please make it so that only one mob can aggro on me at a time. It would give me some breathing room.
  • Tawonda - Heavens Tear
    Tawonda - Heavens Tear Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Not so. I do not propose that one Faction should control all the territories in the game. I am proposing to allow the battles to be spaced out so that everyone has a chance to protect their existing territories and if desired attack a different territory fairly. If a smaller Faction owns two territories and the TW's are scheduled so that both are being attacked at the exact time, then depending on who's attacking the defending Faction will either have to divide up it's forces and perchance loose one or both; or, give up one territory and try to defend only one with the hopes that it will survive. If the TW's are scheduled so they do not overlap then the smaller Faction can at least try to protect the territories it currently controls.

    If a larger Guild has many territories then it has many fronts of attack and they can be attacked over the space of the alloted TW window. Say if they had perhaps 6 or 7 territories and each of them are being attacked by a different Faction and each territory war was scheduled to take place at exactly the same time. That Faction may end up with one perhaps two territories depending on which Faction is attacking but they do have the possibility to loose everything if they over extend themselves. No Faction is so big that it cannot be taken down if the server picks at it's territories. You can only have so many people in a Faction and your forces can only cover so much at one time. If the TW's are scheduled so they do not overlap then the larger Faction will have multiple TW's during the course of the TW window and the shere amount of time spent in the TW's will wear down that larger Faction anyway and they will still loose territories due to exhaustion if nothing else.

    All I'm asking is for a fair fight.
  • Kazue - Heavens Tear
    Kazue - Heavens Tear Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Not so. I do not propose that one Faction should control all the territories in the game. I am proposing to allow the battles to be spaced out so that everyone has a chance to protect their existing territories and if desired attack a different territory fairly. If a smaller Faction owns two territories and the TW's are scheduled so that both are being attacked at the exact time, then depending on who's attacking the defending Faction will either have to divide up it's forces and perchance loose one or both; or, give up one territory and try to defend only one with the hopes that it will survive. If the TW's are scheduled so they do not overlap then the smaller Faction can at least try to protect the territories it currently controls.

    If a larger Guild has many territories then it has many fronts of attack and they can be attacked over the space of the alloted TW window. Say if they had perhaps 6 or 7 territories and each of them are being attacked by a different Faction and each territory war was scheduled to take place at exactly the same time. That Faction may end up with one perhaps two territories depending on which Faction is attacking but they do have the possibility to loose everything if they over extend themselves. No Faction is so big that it cannot be taken down if the server picks at it's territories. You can only have so many people in a Faction and your forces can only cover so much at one time. If the TW's are scheduled so they do not overlap then the larger Faction will have multiple TW's during the course of the TW window and the shere amount of time spent in the TW's will wear down that larger Faction anyway and they will still loose territories due to exhaustion if nothing else.

    All I'm asking is for a fair fight.

    In the other versions of pw warloads own all but 12 lands and immortal own all but 14 lands. And these are done with possible conflicting TW times. With no conflicting TW time the strongest guild can take 1 land per week and still manage to defend all their land. In game resources should be scarce, not plentiful. Each guild need to allocate their defenses if they are faced with multiple attacks. If we go by your suggestion, there will be no exhaustion. since a guild can have 200 members, they only need 80 to be on at any given time to defend, while the other 120 can sleep. If there are conflicting Tw times, then a guild might exhaust their resources, since its hard to get 160 members online at the same time.

    Edit: fights are not suppose to be fair. I don't see 4-5 mobs ganging up on me as fair, but they do. and thats life. And since i am an archer, don't expect me to stand there and face my enemy face to face. I'll shot them in the back given the chance.
  • farseerdk
    farseerdk Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Uhh, just something i guess you guys didn't notice:

    Most of the annoucments here are in PST. So the GM team here is probably based off the west coast of north america (California, oregon, washinton state, British Columbia) etc. 12 midnight eastern is 9pm PST... Seems reasonable.
  • Kazue - Heavens Tear
    Kazue - Heavens Tear Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    farseerdk wrote: »
    Uhh, just something i guess you guys didn't notice:

    Most of the annoucments here are in PST. So the GM team here is probably based off the west coast of north america (California, oregon, washinton state, British Columbia) etc. 12 midnight eastern is 9pm PST... Seems reasonable.

    if memory serves, i think the gms are in redwood city, california. aleast thats the company address when i bought my zen.
  • farseerdk
    farseerdk Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    if memory serves, i think the gms are in redwood city, california. aleast thats the company address when i bought my zen.

    well there ya go, question answered.
  • surtr
    surtr Posts: 3,378 Perfect World Employee
    edited October 2008
    if memory serves, i think the gms are in redwood city, california.
    That is correct, yes.
    ==/Senior QA Lead/==

    Surtr from the south wielding fire
    The gods' swords shine in the darkness, like stars in the night
    Mountains collapse into rubble and fiends shall fall
    Man walks the road to ruin as the sky splits in two

  • Transcend - Lost City
    Transcend - Lost City Posts: 448 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    These territory times are horrendous. I can't sacrifice every Friday, Saturday, or Sunday NIGHT for TW.

    Speaking from a pacific time zone, why not have:
    Friday TW's at night, with start times from 7pm through 10pm
    Saturday TW's throughout the day, or even starting at 2pm through 10pm
    Sunday same thing as Saturday.

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  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Posted straight from your site:




    Why is the very latest time used each day? Come on add the other time slots you have listed. At the moment TW is at 00:00 that isnt even a posted time here...
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The times are set by the game, and how the guilds are doing their attacks.

    This is a global-scale game, and not all time zones will be happy at any given time.

    I wish the times were on GMT myself. Then almost everyone has to adjust.
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  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The times are set by the game, and how the guilds are doing their attacks.

    This is a global-scale game, and not all time zones will be happy at any given time.

    I wish the times were on GMT myself. Then almost everyone has to adjust.

    It's amazing to see that you absolutely dont care for a good portion of your player base. Did PWE even gave a thought about it to begin with? It's only global PWE's head I'm afraid. Do you have any idea of the demographics of your player base? If not, here is one for you :

    Let's face it, like it or not, the majority of your players are in North America, with Europe coming second.

    Currently the TW timing is perfect for player living on the Pacific Coast, those living in the middle of the Pacific Ocean (which is practically devoid of any human life, how many of your players are from Easter Island?), and the estern asian coast (China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines), which are mostly IP banned from your servers, and the Australian area.

    It's atrocious for North America East Coast (too late) and western Europe (too early). Can we bet those account for more players than the Middle of the Pacific Ocean and Eastern Asia?

    With the opening of PW Europe official servers, you may loose a good chunk of your European player base, that will choose to move there because of better ping and better TW timing.

    No, you cannot make TW timing fit for everyone, but at least you can adjust it so it will fit the majority of your customers. Something the current timing absolutely don't do. Refusing to doing so is like shooting youself in the foot.

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    It's amazing to see that you absolutely dont care for a good portion of your player base. Did PWE even gave a thought about it to begin with? It's only global PWE's head I'm afraid. Do you have any idea of the demographics of your player base? If not, here is one for you :

    Let's face it, like it or not, the majority of your players are in North America, with Europe coming second.

    Currently the TW timing is perfect for player living on the Pacific Coast, those living in the middle of the Pacific Ocean (which is practically devoid of any human life, how many of your players are from Easter Island?), and the estern asian coast (China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines), which are mostly IP banned from your servers, and the Australian area.

    It's atrocious for North America East Coast (too late) and western Europe (too early). Can we bet those account for more players than the Middle of the Pacific Ocean and Eastern Asia?

    With the opening of PW Europe official servers, you may loose a good chunk of your European player base, that will choose to move there because of better ping and better TW timing.

    No, you cannot make TW timing fit for everyone, but at least you can adjust it so it will fit the majority of your customers. Something the current timing absolutely don't do. Refusing to doing so is like shooting youself in the foot.
    x2. If I had time to write a full reply it would be exactly this, down to the punctuation.
  • markillian
    markillian Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The times are set by the game, and how the guilds are doing their attacks.

    This is a global-scale game, and not all time zones will be happy at any given time.

    I wish the times were on GMT myself. Then almost everyone has to adjust.

    lol the times are set by the game? You choose the available times that can be chosen. look at PW-MS (Europe, although its actually more like a true international version since theres no IP blocks), there TW start at 20:00 GMT +1:00 time normally, so of course you can change the times> If you couldn't change the times PW MS would have the same TW times as this version

    This isn't a global scale game. Why won't the PWI staff admit it? They IP ban Asia, give TW times that are only good for West Coast Americans (not even good for East Coast Americans lol), and the only thing really international is the name.

    PW Multilanguage aka PW Europe doesn't have ANY IP bans, and while their TW times aren't ideal for people in the US, they're atleast fine for everyone in Europe.
  • Blancheneige - Heavens Tear
    Blancheneige - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,494 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    markillian wrote: »
    there TW start at 20:00 GMT +1:00

    and while their TW times aren't ideal for people in the US, they're atleast fine for everyone in Europe.

    Funny thing is, it does....

    If I'm not mistaken, 20:00 GMT +1 =

    14:00 GMT +5 (US East Coast)

    11:00 GMT +8 (Pacific Coast)

    They are not very good for Friday, but perfect for saturday and sunday....

    It's ironic that a European server offers better TW time to Eastern North American players than a North American based server is able to do...

    I hope this new information will make PWE's administrator thinks a bit more about this now...

    Thanks Brit for the sig b:laugh
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    There are plans for additional servers physically located in different parts of the globe, and those clock times for those server should be the same as the time zone they are in with where they are located. Keep in mind this is an open beta, and we are ramping up and growing. We're not even at 2 months of Open Beta yet!

    The following are my personal opinions and PWE is not responsible for my opinions.

    As no forum users except PWE staff have access to our server player demographics, you'd be surprised how many continents PWI is played from. Every single one except Antarctica. Please do not pass off rumors and loose guesses as fact when they are not. They are opinions.

    Please do not assume that I do not care about PWI's player base. Please do not assume PWE doesn't care about their player base because of a time zone issue. The rotation of the Earth is not going to change so that it is more convenient for people to play a game.

    We do have some countries IP banned, because they have their own regional versions through licensing agreements with other companies.

    TWs occur at different times of day to try and accommodate different time zones. It is not going to match up with your specific time zone every time, or at all.
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  • Foxgodz - Heavens Tear
    Foxgodz - Heavens Tear Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I agree,the times aren't well suited to everyone's needs,but at least they try to make it balanced.Just remember it's not Perfect world USA.It's perfect world international so stop pushing other countries off the map.>.< Doesn't mean an apple or a pear where the mayority of people who play come from..

    BTW,I am in the same timezone as US-players.But u don't see me demanding for a greedy comfortable TW-hour.
  • Lostfaith - Lost City
    Lostfaith - Lost City Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Just remember it's not Perfect world USA.It's perfect world international

    That Quote could be added to english dictionary next to the explanation of word "Sarcasm".

    Dont know what makes this server more international.. fact that europe gotta play their TW's at 5-6 AM every weekend or fact that every official event held in this server ends up with questions from America's culture / people. I dont have nothing against america myself but you gotta be blind if you dont see that one continent getting much more advantage in a server we are calling International.