Rare pets

Posts: 0 Arc User
edited November 2008 in Suggestion Box
i dont like the fact that people go to the 12hr animals and tame them then turn around and sell them..sure u make lots of money off of them but it makes it harder for those of us who want one to keep to get em...i mean the bunny at least it spawns every hour...but things like the cat and the bear are 12hrs and its not fair that those who are selling them are making it hard for us who want them. i have friends who agree but then again maybe some people dont...but i dont think u should be able to sell the 12hr ones it just makes it hard to tame themb:cry
Post edited by simplybri on


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  • Posts: 519 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    but people need money to survive in this game. Sure the competition is tough. So just try, and, try again until you succeed.
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    well maybe not restricting them for selling but those who tamed the pet have an unfair advantage: they know when it will respawn next time as it's 12 hours later.

    So there could be 2 ways to solve this:

    1) make it spawn at a fixed time so everyone knows when this will take place (and maybe announce it by means of the duke)
    2) if you tamed a rare pet you will not be allowed to tame that pet within the next 24/48/72 hours. So you don't know when the next ones will be tamed after spawning (though one could figure out, as they get farmed quite fast)
    about Pure Wizzards:
    1. You like having more than 1 element (elements are like women after all?)
    2. You like seeing big numbers when hitting things. (Or getting hit)
    3. You think you are gutsy but actually just too plain stupid to pick something easy.

    But... 4. You're definitely in it for the endgame.
  • Posts: 3,814 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    well maybe not restricting them for selling but those who tamed the pet have an unfair advantage: they know when it will respawn next time as it's 12 hours later.

    So there could be 2 ways to solve this:

    1) make it spawn at a fixed time so everyone knows when this will take place (and maybe announce it by means of the duke)
    2) if you tamed a rare pet you will not be allowed to tame that pet within the next 24/48/72 hours. So you don't know when the next ones will be tamed after spawning (though one could figure out, as they get farmed quite fast)

    Oh those won't work. Certain people that get rich by selling the pet will kill it if they can't tame it. If they don't let anyone else tame it then only they have one and can charge whatever they want. Greed kills the game yet again.
    Main characters
    Celestial Sage Venomancer Zoe - 100
    Sage Barbarian Malego - 91
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Oh those won't work. Certain people that get rich by selling the pet will kill it if they can't tame it. If they don't let anyone else tame it then only they have one and can charge whatever they want. Greed kills the game yet again.

    ok... they will not be able to see or attack the pet during that time b:victory
    about Pure Wizzards:
    1. You like having more than 1 element (elements are like women after all?)
    2. You like seeing big numbers when hitting things. (Or getting hit)
    3. You think you are gutsy but actually just too plain stupid to pick something easy.

    But... 4. You're definitely in it for the endgame.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I couldn't agree more, you should not be able to even target a rare pet for at least 48-72 hours after you capture it. This type of change would still let people catch them to sell (just at a slower rate) while making it possible for others to have a chance to capture the pets to use as their battle pet.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    You'll get your rare pet eventually, as more and more are introduced into the market, prices should theoretically go down. This happening, people will start straying towards other big money making tactics, leaving you to tame your pet.
    IGN: Deimos
    Faction: Modo
    Level: 2X
    Server: East, untill OB when I'll switch to EU
    Guild: None for the moment.
  • Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Even having them unable to target/see them wouldn't work. It's not hard to get a character to level 20 (or even 30) to be able to tame most of the rare pets, and then they just camp the dummy char at the spawn point for whatever pet and log it in at the spawn time.
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    well having the whole restriction extended to a whole account would be the lest problem.
    about Pure Wizzards:
    1. You like having more than 1 element (elements are like women after all?)
    2. You like seeing big numbers when hitting things. (Or getting hit)
    3. You think you are gutsy but actually just too plain stupid to pick something easy.

    But... 4. You're definitely in it for the endgame.
  • Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    well, not only venomancers want those rare pets, so maybe think of others classes not only about ur. If no1 would sell them, then there would be only venos running around with them, do u think its fair to others? and remember that others classes need 5 bunny eggs and 200k to get one all class bunny. im rly thankfull to those who do sell them.
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    nobody says that they should not be sold at all
    about Pure Wizzards:
    1. You like having more than 1 element (elements are like women after all?)
    2. You like seeing big numbers when hitting things. (Or getting hit)
    3. You think you are gutsy but actually just too plain stupid to pick something easy.

    But... 4. You're definitely in it for the endgame.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I wish they would just randomize the pets locations
    Kinda like the Wraith attacks

    This way people wouldn't really be able to farm one to three grid coordinates for 1 animal every 12hours on the hour, or on the hour with the rabbit.
    Then players get the chance to be walking around and see the rare animals out in the field and say "OMFG there it is!!" and then tell some high level buddy Veno, "get over here QUICK"

    However this would probably lead to an increase in price...
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    i see what u mean by that it is unfair...but still the 12hr pets are the hardest to get because of how long it takes to spawn them. while the all class bunny doesnt take as long...thats the only thing that is what im sad bout...that the 12hr pets that a lot of me and others wait so long to get and then a lot times is caught by someone who doesnt even want it...just wants to sell it...so then we have to come back and try again and again and again. and i agree thats its unfair thatit takes so many eggs to make it all classT_Tb:cry
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    were do rare pets apear??? i never seen a wild bunny???? plz tell me :D ps i suport ub:victory
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    and what lvls do the rare pets come as????? couse i just started my veno char and i would really apreci8 if sm1 told me 8D
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    All the rare pets i have seen are level 20
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    their not that hard to find u can get the coords from others or from sites..but not all of the rare pets are lvl 20..i know bunny, kitty, and the dodo bear are..but things like the huggy bunny and the great dodo bear are not.
  • Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited November 2008

    Frogling - lvl 9
    Tabby plumdrop - lvl 20
    Shaodu cub - lvl 20
    Snow hare - lvl 20
    Windwalking piggy - lvl 30
    Cuddly pup - lvl 40
    Kowlin - lvl 60
    Armored bear - lvl 80

    Those are all the rare pets. Huggy bunnies aren't rare, but you need to be 75+ to tame one.
  • Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    If all rare pets would spawn every hour it would be nice :)
    I really want to have the kitty to fight with it -.- but I've no chance to tame it at full health, so no chance against all the high lvls around who probably sell them -.-

    the bunny isn't a big problem, I caught two today within 2 hours^^ there was no other veno around, I guess most people are still sleeping when I wake up^^

    ...so if you want me to catch a bunny for you (If you're a veno and want to fight with it) I'll try to help. I don't catch the bunny for selling it or making all class pets (at least not as long as none of my friends wants one) and If there are other venos who want it as a fighting pet I won't try to take it away. I just save the snow hare from being killed or sold^^

    try to pm me ingame: Silberklaue
    Need help catching the Snow Hare (not to sell it -.-)? pm me! :)
  • Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Nah, I think we should beable to sell them. Though, here is what I think should happen. I think once someone has tamed a rare pet, they should be put on a timer for when they can get another 72 hours for real. Honestly, I have tried everyday for weeks and weeks to get a flying pig, but guess what. I never get it why? Because there is one chic that is high lvl better skills and she gets it everytime. Kudo's to her, but I really do think a timer on that would be very nice. So, at least someone, anyone else could actually tame one. There are people there everyday hoping to get one to actually play with, not SELL!

    I stopped going, lol. Until I get to lvl 60 or higher there is absolutely no chance and there is also potions you can use too. The combo=never gonna get till same playing field.
  • Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Yeah, I didnt read the entire thread after posting this. DIdn't know others had thought about the timer. I have been saying that for a long time lol. Anyway.. as others have said, it still be kind of an issue unless they couldn't kill it. I'm all about competing if it's fair.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    yes a i like the idea of a timer..that way the same person doesnt come back everyday and get the pet...it would make taming them a whole lot betterb:question
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    make them respawn at different locations will be the best and a good challenge between the playrs who are trying to catch them. we can no longer talk about rare pets if we know each time the exacte position of those pets, even if the respawn time is 12h b:shutup
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    thats a good idea..but then how would u figure out where its going to spawn next...you would spend half the time looking for the pet and then before u know it its gone..and then you try the next time looking for it in a new spot..at least with it showing up in the same area i have a slight chance of getting itb:puzzled
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I agree that random spawning would be much better. It actually rewards u a) for playing the game, as it increases the chances to encounter 1, and b) for having lots of friends and clansmen, so that u can call a fellow Veno to come and tame it. And if u r very helpful to her maybe she'll be kind enough to reward u with a baby pet.

    Anyway waiting at a spawn location is not cool, and socializing is better than trading, IMO anyway.


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