From Dragons Leader, Whip



  • ozzyvirus
    ozzyvirus Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    all i got to say is that its a Game have fun be nice be freinds your not wining nothing from hating each other and such on,
    if you want your guild to be good and powerfull look for ways to keep your guild in place, look for stuff that you can talk to people easier. owell things happen and allways will just have Funb:victory
  • Crash - Heavens Tear
    Crash - Heavens Tear Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    ozzyvirus wrote: »
    all i got to say is that its a Game have fun be nice be freinds your not wining nothing from hating each other and such on,
    if you want your guild to be good and powerfull look for ways to keep your guild in place, look for stuff that you can talk to people easier. owell things happen and allways will just have Funb:victory

    turk ur just a traitor and so many ppl just hate ur ****, TE and Dragons all hate u that im sure of as alot of them pretty much blacklisted u,
    and for u to say "all i got to say is that its a Game have fun be nice be freinds your not wining nothing from hating each other and such on" seems pretty funny to be gathering that u was shouting on arch west in caps CRASHY WHERE ARE U? for about 5 mins b4 u found me then started trying to put me down by thinking ur funny that ur guild won the TW war, after hoping from guild to guild eventualy ur gonna have no more guilds to go in, so i hope u no what ur doing because to be honest any apparant friends we were disapeared ages ago.

    and hippocrates, rules are there to be broken, plus alot of other people go throwing there noob insults but i dont see them being quoted for it, kthxbye
    retired from PWI server Heavens Tear, October 2008
    want to start on Harshlands ASAP!
  • Drivel - Heavens Tear
    Drivel - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    rules are there to be broken

    The hypocrisy of that statement is immeasurable.
  • Crash - Heavens Tear
    Crash - Heavens Tear Posts: 100 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The hypocrisy of that statement is immeasurable.

    true, i was refering to the forum rules so i suppose i should have been more specific?
    if i wanted to refer to real life or the ingame rules i wud have said otherwise, but meh
    retired from PWI server Heavens Tear, October 2008
    want to start on Harshlands ASAP!
  • vagrant0
    vagrant0 Posts: 290 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    So let me get this straight, a tactic which was practiced, and even recommended on MY servers is now banned because members of a guild don't know how to shift +click or alt + click? Sorry to say, but that does not make sense. Sure it may be a bit underhanded, but people should be expected to LEARN HOW TO PLAY THE GAME before they should expect themselves to stand a chance against another faction, let alone a faction that, from what I have read here, outnumbered them 2-1, and probably had a level advantage as well. Honestly, glitch or no glitch, Dragons didn't seem to have much of a chance this time around. Even 5 more players can mean the difference in a TW if they are used right. But I wasn't there, so who knows, 2/3 the Genesis members could have been standing in a corner picking their nose, but from the way it sounds, this is unlikely.

    If ignorance truely is a cause for making game knowledge bannable, then why not start banning people for knowing how to use their skills, spend their stat points, wear good equipment, use charms, or any other knowledge based "advantages"? The fact of the matter is that this tactic, although a bit dishonest if it was intentional, isn't exploitive. Afterall, if you have alot of guild members clustered around a tank, you would need to either shift + click, or assistattack in order to target them.

    Enforcement of this "exploit" is also likely impossible since it is very easy for the catapult to go back over you, and both tiger and fox form are small enough in stature that the catapult can cover them. Do you expect people to no longer use tank form when moving catapults too? I wouldn't imagine that making an auto-clickthrough for catapults would work too well since teams would be unable to control their own, and such a function has been needed for Venos since forever. So what it comes down to is intentions... Unfortunately, intentions cannot always be judged by a screenshot made amidst the chaos of an assault.

    The fact of the matter, atleast from what it sounds here, is that Dragons are looking for an excuse for their quick loss that doesn't involve the fact that few people showed for an important TW. This is one of the reasons why large guilds, where players actually care about the guild, have an advantage when it comes to TW, although they may not all be able to show, there's a good chance that many will. Blaming a loss because your members don't know basic game actions really just makes your guild look bad, taking it to these extremes, only makes it even more so. Stop being sore losers, and use it as a lesson for the future. If you were indeed schooled by Genesis, look at what you saw, and learn from it. One territory does not mean the end, and if your guild is worth anything, they will be able to take it right back. You have been told about how to defeat this "tactic", and had you done any research before hand, you would have likely found the same exact information Genesis had used.

    If I understand the situation right, you may have even seen this very same tactic used against you when you were attacking them, so should have probably raised objections to its usage at that point. Going out and declaring a sudden loss entirely because of a "glitch" right after losing a territory to a force twice your size, just seems like, as I said, being a sore loser. If someone PKs me using drugs, and makes me lose good equipment, can I call a "glitch" on them and raise a fuss? No. Could I force them to return the equipment because I didn't know about drugs? No. Just because you aren't aware an advantage exists does not mean you are free from its effects, and you are personally responsible for learning about what those advantages are. It is no different here, Shift + click is something that almost every player on the server has had to learn in order to use teleporters or bankers who are clogged by merchants. Are we to assume that you kindly ask people to break shop and make way every time you teleport? Or do you stand there for 30 mins playing with camera angles and hoping to get a lucky click? Do ALL of your members do the same? Clearly if someone was hitting their tank, someone had a target. Stop making excuses and give credit/blame where it is due, how bad must your guild members feel to have public excuses, ones which highlight a lack of game knowledge, made for their loss. Did you even thank those members who did show up for trying their best, or were you busy trying to point the finger this whole time?
  • Elchignolo - Heavens Tear
    Elchignolo - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Let me clear some points :
    1- The point was not in losing or winning : we lost on the Friday against Genesis, but they seemed to play fair (I wasn't there, alarm ran off but it seems I was too deeply asleep), so we finished the war in really good terms with them, congratulating each other. When u play a fair game, and lose, u just have to sincerely congratulate the winner.
    2- I didn't see any Dragon asking for the territory back
    3- This trick/glitch is not described anywhere, at least not in English, I Googled it, made searches on 6-7 forums concerning MY-EN, and found nothing : it seems that it is the first time anybody mentions that on a forum. So forgive my ignorance of PW-MY secrets, I was thinking we were on PWI.
    4- This Alt-click, if it works with catapults, isn't that easy during the siege, because I tried, my girl tried too, it didn't work. And yes, I'm used to Alt-click to select a mob behind a golem, same for all the guild members, thx... So idk, maybe u have to guess exactly where is the barb under the catapult??? Or using Shift at the same time??? I ended up going close to the catapults to move the camera and see the barb and select him using F9 (it seems I'm the only one who could damage them directly, because I had a lowbie veno in MY-EN and was used to glitch FB29 - funny to think that the only one able to counter this trick was a person trained in using glitches in MY-EN). Do I have to say that as an archer, I could die in seconds in the middle of the catapults, and still wonder how they could let me kill 2 barbs... Maybe, as you said, they were picking their nose (just joking on that one)
    5- Whatever the choice of PWI staff was, to accept this trick/glitch (I'm sorry but I don't call it tactic and even less strategy), or to refuse it, it had to be known by every PWI guild : if the GMs were accepting this use, then no other guild would lose because of this trick since it wouldn't be a secret anymore. And yes it's sad if the cost of not knowing PW-MY secrets it is to lose with no fun in a TW which is really late for everybody (a lot of Dragons are European, like me, and had to wake up at 3:30am for this TW on a Monday morning) .... I have no problem in accepting a loss, same for any Dragon, if you can't accept to lose, don't play MMORPG, I have a problem with being tricked and get my fun stolen. So I don't see these threads as whining, I see it as i) a question to the PWI staff about their position on this trick/glitch ii) make sure that this PW-MY secret was known in PWI (some members from guilds PM-ed some of my guildies telling them "why do u say that on forum??? Now everybody will know about this trick".
    6- Dragons is not a small guild, thx, but the TW hours are, for now, really not Europe friendly, maybe PWI should be named PW-WestCoast and not PWI if the TW hours are not modified.
    7- Oh, and yes, it's easy to tell if the barb is purposely hiding, he is usually turning his back to his catapult's objective and is not moving...
  • kami
    kami Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Thank you Elchignolo for pointing out Dragons intent once again even if some people seem to completely ignore what we have been saying all this time and keep ranting endlessly when it's obvious they can't accept the fact that GM's agreed with how their "tactics" ruin the fun for all.
    I am tired of defending Dragons honor to those that are obviously trying to justify themselves and their actions. You will not get banned or anything so please stops this meaningless discussion.
    The GM's have had their say and we should all respect it or leave the game is we don't like it. I will post this once again for those that just don't want to understand:

    Everyone please stop this senseless flaming. The GM's have answered my question and I thank them for taking the time to looking in this matter and trying to make this a fair game. I consider uncalled for all remarks made to Dragons. Let's not call people you don't even know names. As the GM said:

    Originally Posted by xarfox View Post
    "If you go and talk to any of the Battle Coordinators they provide full tutorials on how to participate in Territory Wars and purchase catapults. What the Battle Coordinators don't tell you is that you can hide inside of your catapult so other players can't click on you. There's a reason for that, and that reason is that it is not the intended way to use them."

    So yeah, we read our info, we knew what we were doing(even if we are small and our chances of winning were slim we played it fair). All of Genesis admitted after the first TW we put up a good fight. But we had no MY experience, and I am glad for that.

    I play online games for over 5 years now and I know how it can ruin the game the fact that "glitches" and "bugs" get exploited and no one does anything about it. I am sorry if we got misunderstood, but that was what we were trying to prevent. I am glad this game stands out from all others and that GM's here are doing their best to make everyone's experience of PW enjoyable.

    Thank you again to all that have the courage to speak for what is right. May the Dragon Spirit live forever in the name of fair play and harmony.

    GM's please, please close ALL threads on this subject. There is no point for them anymore.