Continue with Venomancer or BladeMaster?

Forthewin - Heavens Tear
Forthewin - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
edited October 2008 in General Discussion
My blademaster is lvl.21 and my Venomancer is lvl.22.

I want to play a blademaster because:
-Equip stats will have a lot of effect on your dmg. and def.
-Fun to play, I like using physical weapons

I don't want to play Blademaster because:
-I hear they suck at PvP, but I play on Heavens tear so I don't know if that will really matter.
-No specific role, not really needed
-Are not the best damage dealers or tanks
-Potion consumption is high

I want to play Venomancer because:
-Best for PvE and i'm on a PvE server
-No potion consumption needed

I don't want to play Venomancer because:
-Too many Venomancers on Heaven's Tear
-Equipment does not affect you much since you depend on your pet to do everything for you
-Combat is pretty boring
-I heard they aren't really good in PvP either.

So which one do you think i should continue with?
Post edited by Forthewin - Heavens Tear on


  • vallove00
    vallove00 Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Hmm.. Would suggest BM... But of course up to individual....

    Actually, Veno 'attractive' is that they have own pets... Or should says can use ALL pets...
    But for other class, only certain pets can be use...

    If you love face to face, BM is good choice...
    If you prefer range, den perhaps Veno... As your pet will attack, while u casting in range...
  • Venoblood - Heavens Tear
    Venoblood - Heavens Tear Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    If you like riding solo in-game, then a Venomancer would be your best choice. If half of the time you spend in the game is looking for a group to help you with your quests, FBs, or just in plain general training, then a Blademaster would be of a better choice (considering you have a Cleric aboard, of course).
  • markillian
    markillian Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I like BM better cause I'm a melee type person, I'm good at melee, and I suck at any other class. I am a melee person.

    So the question is, which one is funner for you? Thats really the only thing you have to think about.
  • Oldbear - Sanctuary
    Oldbear - Sanctuary Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I like my BM. I don't need him to be the best in everything. I need him to be good enough to get the job done. And myself to be good enought to figure out how to get the job done if it looks like i can't just bash in and start spitting on everyone.

    I like that he has my head on shoulders and not wolf's or lion's.

    So he does not have wings. But he also doesn't have golden harp. Can't see that as a bad thing

    I don't care if other's level faster. Leveling takes lot of time and if that's one's primary goal then it would be a lonely way to play game that's full of people and sometimes exceptionally outstanding personalities who you never meet when too busy leveling up.

    So he does not have pets. But he has some friends instead

    I will keep playing my Blademaster
  • Leolf - Heavens Tear
    Leolf - Heavens Tear Posts: 380 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I like my BM. I don't need him to be the best in everything. I need him to be good enough to get the job done. And myself to be good enought to figure out how to get the job done if it looks like i can't just bash in and start spitting on everyone.

    I like that he has my head on shoulders and not wolf's or lion's.

    So he does not have wings. But he also doesn't have golden harp. Can't see that as a bad thing

    I don't care if other's level faster. Leveling takes lot of time and if that's one's primary goal then it would be a lonely way to play game that's full of people and sometimes exceptionally outstanding personalities who you never meet when too busy leveling up.

    So he does not have pets. But he has some friends instead

    I will keep playing my Blademaster
    Bear has a good point (except about not liking wolf heads >_> JK). I usually only cared about leveling in MMOs, and always wondered why I didn't have friends. Just like the rest of life, sometimes you need to slow down.

    That's not to say "Don't be a venomancer", as a lot of my PWI friends are venomancers. Anyways, yeah, go with whatever is more fun for you.
  • Bobncut - Sanctuary
    Bobncut - Sanctuary Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Looking at your list of pros and cons, it looks like the things you enjoy fit better with blade, but you don't like the potion consumption and the lack of a clear role. The PvP stuff is not all that relevant unless you want it to be by your choice of server, but it really depends on what branch of weapon specialty you choose after level 30 for your blade (sword-type are better at PvP and 1-on-1 mobs but weaker than axe-types at AoE and TW, for example).

    On the potions, I've found the apothecary skill a fantastic way to cut expenses. The mats all grow wild (you don't have to get a lucky drop from mobs) and the time you spend resting between mobs can often be used harvesting herbs. By skill lvl 2, you have access to craftables that can completely replace your potion expenses.

    On the lack of a clear role, many blades actually consider this a pro since they can adapt to the needs of whatever group has been assembled. One group will ask you to tank and the next will expect you to be another damage dealer. I've found this variety more fun than always tanking with my barb. But, if you're concern is with not being the best at something, that really is the tradeoff. You can try to specialize, but the only thing you will ever dominate is the stun capability for what that's worth. Still, there are a lot of opportunities for a blade to be the best in a particular group at something.