Starting class?

Raziall - Sanctuary
Raziall - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
edited October 2008 in Dungeons & Tactics
I'm wondering whether or not to make a cleric, venomancer, or an archer..New to the game and don't really know the difference between them, could someone explain their ups/downs?
Post edited by Raziall - Sanctuary on


  • gattsuru
    gattsuru Posts: 3,184 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    There's an overview here.
  • Raziall - Sanctuary
    Raziall - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Well, in terms of fun then, what would be the best?
  • Antimodes - Sanctuary
    Antimodes - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I looked at all the classes when I started and I decided to make a wiz first. Honestly, I love the class. I mean they aren't complete pansies for hits, and they can just nuke the heck outa everything. Quests go by quickly.

    I like to keep hp potions on me though for when I take on the tougher mobs. No downtime really.

    I see alot of people make blademasters, but I also see it takes em a little bit to **** up the mobs. The necro class looks fun with pets, and the archer class I think is supposed to deal alot of damage like the wiz but I think it has the drawback of keeping mobs away to do the dmg.

    The tank class im guessing is just that, and clerics are wanted by alot of guilds as I don't see to many. So it must be slow going with one.

    Though id suggest collecting everything you find. Each coin adds up the hundreds. And your gonna wanna want lots of cash to spend on each of your wiz spells. It's not to hard to make cash in game though. Like lime stones, people just leave em when they kill mobs, they're worth 120g each, and I collect em by the 20's Nice pocket change for spells.
  • kargor
    kargor Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I see alot of people make blademasters, but I also see it takes em a little bit to **** up the mobs.

    Not much of a surprise really. I'm not talking from PW experience here, though, but Blades tend to be gear-dependent. If they don't have "the best" gear... well, they are going toe to toe with the monsters, sou you better get the best gear.
    The necro class looks fun with pets

    It's not a necro, more along the lines of a summoner. Just one summon, though.
    and clerics are wanted by alot of guilds as I don't see to many. So it must be slow going with one.

    Again, no PW experience here, but even though most games don't go to the extreme, a cleric is often a support class nonetheless,
    Though id suggest collecting everything you find

    Yeah, some people are just too rich and leave their drops on the ground.
    Yindra --- Lvl 64 Venomancer (Sanctuary)
    Getting too grindy by now :-(