Auction Filters: I know this is not that big...

Lyiger - Sanctuary
Lyiger - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
edited October 2008 in Suggestion Box
I have a suggestion about the auction filters. I know this is not that big of a deal but, that might mean it can be a problem that can be fixed faster than others...

The problem I am having is that I have to set the filter to search for a specific type of sword, or any weapon for that matter, instead of looking for all weapons or items. I don't want to look for all butterfly swords, I want to look for all weapons, not every single item. I mean maybe you could ask one what they want to search for, then we can check it off, then apply the filters. That way instead of me going though each and ever piece of equipment, I can just search swords and hammers or poleblades, and magic swords. Does anyone see what I mean?

I would love to hear from the rest of the PW community and just remember, this is only a suggestion. I'm not forcing my opinion on anyone, and i would hope that you do the same...
Post edited by Lyiger - Sanctuary on


  • Daez - Lost City
    Daez - Lost City Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I definitely agree with you that the current auction system should be improved, as it's extremely difficult in my opinion to search for items, and would be so much easier if say a "key-word" bar was added to the system.
  • Rabidpanda - Heavens Tear
    Rabidpanda - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    And maybe if we were lucky, a user friendly auction house would help to clear up the 9 million player stores in west archosaur... I mean really, I try to avoid this area as much as possible because it is so cluttered by players selling things.
  • Nalamwen - Sanctuary
    Nalamwen - Sanctuary Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I agree. I think a more user friendly AH would get more people to use it and it would help regulate the prices of items. I'd love to be able to just type in the name of the item i'm looking for and get a list of just that item. I also don't understand why there are two differant fees. You pay around 500 coins just to put something up for auction then if it sells the AH takes another 5%. I hardly ever use the AH because it's just frustrating trying to find something.

    I also think it would reduce the number of player shops wich could hardly be a bad thing.
  • Aurumfaramon - Heavens Tear
    Aurumfaramon - Heavens Tear Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I would liek at least to be able to filter by weapon type (/item type) because it is annoying having to filter for each fist in my level radius I just want it to show me all the fist weapons, sort of thing
  • Zolaren - Sanctuary
    Zolaren - Sanctuary Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I think a big reason there's so many player stores is because of the auction house fees ...

    How about this for an idea - add a new Cash Shop item that you can turn in at the Auction House to waive all auction fees for that character.

    That way the players serious about selling stuff can pay a little bit initially to get unlimited listings, while the company makes a bit of money (incentive for them to add this in ;)) Combined with better filtering (keyword search), it'd make the auction house much more useful, and eliminate a lot of the player stores.