Rp Player list

Lycidas - Sanctuary
Lycidas - Sanctuary Posts: 10 Arc User
edited January 2010 in Twilight Temple (West)
I wonder...
i want to play Rp on this server but don't know which player is
addicted to RP and which one would say "WTF?" so i decide to make up a list
you post your char names which would be available for RP.
so i gonna start

Names: Lycidas, Shealia, Jaquento.
Class: Berserk, Veno, Cleric
Couple ?: Non , Has left me =(, non
i hope some people on this server knows how to RP.
Post edited by Lycidas - Sanctuary on


  • Seravin - Sanctuary
    Seravin - Sanctuary Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I love RP

    Seravin - female Archer with a *ingame hun* b:dirty
    Snowdance - Veno without a hun b:sweat
    Credit to Forsakenx for making this Wonderful Signature. ^-^
  • azphaiel
    azphaiel Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Azphaiel - Wizard

    and yes... after 12 years of it I can RP well enough.
  • trigali
    trigali Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Trigali - Barbarian

    Been doing this for some time now as well.
  • Tiduss - Sanctuary
    Tiduss - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Tiduss - Human

    I like to roleplay so drop a message sometime :)
  • Zapher - Sanctuary
    Zapher - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Hi me and my sister love to rp.We love PWI but people are quiet where we play dunno if its cause we are still in the nub town but w/e.

    Name: Zapher
    Class:battle cleric
    Race:obviously Elf

    Class:Support cleric
    Race: ELf
    Pm Us!!! lol we are lonely.
  • Eshachan - Sanctuary
    Eshachan - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I love RPing and I'm pretty darn good at it too.

    Name Ashechan
    Class Venomancer
    In-gamehun Noneb:victory
    PM me anytime honsb:thanks
  • Oldbear - Sanctuary
    Oldbear - Sanctuary Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Is to be a good RP character ourselves. And to make it show a little. Initiate conversations. Don't behave like a clone- you can walk instead of running. Sit instead of meditating. use gests and postures while talking. help low levellers. It will be noticed. Remember how you had hard times fighting with Soldier ants and Wolves- go and make it easier for your fellow player if he could use your help. if you're developed enough you can even talk during a fight :) That too will be noticed by fellow players.

    Of course you're not obliged to do any of this- just go and do your levelling. and say noob once in a while to the low level people. You can do that too. But personally I feel the first choice will make gaming much more enjoyable.
  • sanai01
    sanai01 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I think this is a really neat idea you guys are getting at. Good luck to all of you and hope you all have fun.

    Love. Love. Love. I'm a trigger hippie.
  • xodiumx
    xodiumx Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Name: Synie
    Race: Untamed
    Class: Veno

    Pretty much always down for RP so hit me up :Db:victory
  • Oldbear - Sanctuary
    Oldbear - Sanctuary Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    squaded up with a cute LV1 wizard lady :) and I'd say I enjoyed the company. she was just in the process of figuring out everything so i just gave her bow and arrows to support me in long range. and lot of fatherly advice, hehe (dunno how she viewed it) :) I can't really teach a wizard though since i don't have one myself. I think it was the best part of my yesterday's gameplay...yes i went later and did some quests and LV-d up too but...that didn't felt as good, rather routine actually.
  • Wolfengard - Sanctuary
    Wolfengard - Sanctuary Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Name: Wolfengard
    Class: Archer
    Couple: non

    I enjoy RP'ing and to get together with other RP players would make it even more enjoyable b:laugh
    It's nice that you've made this thread, a great way to meet other RP players. PM me in game sometime, I'm usually on like everyday lol. Oh and I'm not only talking to the thread author, I'm also talking to everyone who posted in this thread. Feel free to PM me and we'll do some RP

    peace ~ Wolf
  • enraya
    enraya Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Oh~ glad I decided to finally check the server forums today.

    Name: C.C.
    Class: Elf Archer
    Couple: N/A

    I like roleplaying as well, and haven't exactly gotten to do so in a MMO, so this'll be a new experience for me (I've done plenty of roleplaying in forums, though, it probably ((more like definitely)) won't be the same). I try to go on every day, but with real life school and everything I can't guarantee that.... I'd really enjoy being able to meet with other people, though! <3
  • Oldbear - Sanctuary
    Oldbear - Sanctuary Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I don't think this private messaging stuff works very well for RP...i've tried to find some of the guys here but most were offline then. I also have got few private messages myself but for some reason they always come in when i'm in the middle of a fight. probably they were not from roleplayers because nobody bothered to introduce him/herself properly...ever.

    What would work? We know there are quite few roleplayers out there and there are not many cities.
    how do we recognize each other? (anything but "any RP-s out there PM me plz")
    I have a suggestion which i've noted that some already do. They say greetings to everyone when arriving the city. just like a normal traveling character returning from faraway land goes into the inn and says on the door "Hello folks. It's been a while. so what's the news?"

    I've usually tried to reply to those greetings (unless i'm afk) and i think it's good hint that when somebody arrives like that - s/he's most likely also a roleplayer.
  • Wolfengard - Sanctuary
    Wolfengard - Sanctuary Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I like that idea, I did it once before.. only problem for me is that when non-RPers reply back with "yo sup" or "yeah I'm cool how r u?" They're being nice of course, but I feel kinda awkward answering back in a RP way b:laugh
  • Wolfengard - Sanctuary
    Wolfengard - Sanctuary Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    To all RP players, gather here and share some of your stories with us. I'm sure you all have tales that like to be spoken.

    PM me ingame and we'll RP
  • bollocks
    bollocks Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    about ant soldiers, does anyone have their coordinates? I look everywhere, and all I can see is giant ants, which doesnt count towards the preparation quest from the old hunter. Help would be very much appreciated=)
  • Chi san - Heavens Tear
    Chi san - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    About soldier ants, does anyone know their coordinates? I look everywhere, and all I can see is giant ants, which doesn't count towards my preparation quest with the old hunter. Help would be very much appreciated=) PS: I tried to reply a little earlier, not sure if my post was sent.
  • Deathsscion - Sanctuary
    Deathsscion - Sanctuary Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    It is so nice to see people gather together with a common idea. I wish you luck with your search for those that share your ways. As long as you have people that will stand beside you that is all you will ever need.
    The ants are beside Firecrag Grotto but that is getting off topic.

    Death's Scion
    A drifter among the clouds
  • Oldbear - Sanctuary
    Oldbear - Sanctuary Posts: 486 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Maybe it's good time to introduce Old Bear as well. He was raised in simple villager's family and his uncle was a blacksmith so he was helping him out a lot with his chores. He build a hut at the slope of Volcanic Purgatory but never got the chance to really settle in...Wraiths attacked the hut and nearby village and Bear, having lost most of his friends, has been traveling since realizing that as long as wraiths keep storming villages and other populated areas - no settle down is possible.
    He wears the badge and the military rank of Archosaur to get better equipment but he's no real army soldier. He's stayed lone ranger and that how he's still seen traveling from place to place.

    Name: OldBear
    Class: Blademaster
    Specialized: Sword or Swords / Heavy Armor
    Military Rank: II
  • Kaelysta - Heavens Tear
    Kaelysta - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Name: Kaorey
    Class: Cleric

    Hey, PM me anytime, kinda new to Perfect World, but hopefully I know enough to message back, lol. :P
  • Ooran - Sanctuary
    Ooran - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Ah, a roleplaying post, interesting to see on an MMORPG, I'll have to give it a shot. Drop me a PM if I'm on and I'd be happy to start an RP with you.
    Name: Ooran
    Class: Cleric
  • Weezil - Sanctuary
    Weezil - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Ah i'm so glad people roleplay on here, I'm still pretty new to Perfect world but i would love to try start rping on here ^^

    Name: Weezil
    Class: Barbarian
    Personality: Bit of a mad thing, very feral in the way he acts and lives but is a kind beast. Can be shy with strangers.
  • Wolfengard - Sanctuary
    Wolfengard - Sanctuary Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Glad to see some new RPers around, pm me anytime and we'll RP
  • sqloc
    sqloc Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I consider myself an experienced Role player so..

    User name - Brother_Kou
    Ic name - Dalo Kou, Or Brother Kou to most people.

    Class - Wizard
    IC profession - Wandering Monk

    Age- 20ish

    Drop me a PM and we can start a scene.
  • Temerayn - Sanctuary
    Temerayn - Sanctuary Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I've always wanted to develop my characters into actual well... fleshed out characters. Looks like I have a chance. I haven't rped in a while so I'm a little rusty but... I think I can get back into things easily enough. If you can't find me on one character try me on another as I'm most usually always on.

    I currently have two active characters: Temerayn and Keliahar.

    Temerayn: Female blademaster, currently a level 53, unattached
    Keliahar: wizard, level 44, unattached

    Temerayn started off much like any eager young adventurer, eager to test her blade she wandered off alone to face the many wraiths currently cluttering the countryside. Once the newness of her lifestyle away from home began to fade she started fighting for a reason, not just to test her skills but to make the world a safer place. During her training she's seen so many people who have suffered at the hands of the monsters, these wraiths, and now she is dedicated to doing all that she can to stop their forces.

    Keliahar, a young noble from Archosaur, was sent to leave with an aunt in Etherblade once the wraith numbers around her hometown increased to a dangerous number. She lived in Etherblade for many years leaving life normally until a freak wraith attack saw her closest companion, and personal guard, dead. Vowing to become more than just a useless noble she picked up a wand and swore to hone her magic skills so that no one would ever die because of her helplessness ever again. (And then she was dumb and chose the mostly pure int path so is struggling to keep from being helpless still XD)
  • Nikolwhite - Heavens Tear
    Nikolwhite - Heavens Tear Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Hi there b:bye

    Name: Nikolwhite
    Class: Blademaster

    PM me anytime you are lonely so we can start a RP b:thanks
  • LunarStorm - Sanctuary
    LunarStorm - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Although not in an RP guild i don't mind RP'ing, i often do it with Queen Xinette of the Templari xD
    If your a diehard RP'er and you come across me send me a pm and i will try to stay in character b:laugh
  • Eshe - Sanctuary
    Eshe - Sanctuary Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    =^_^= i'm in too... see yah in game!!!
    b:cute *** Life can be bittersweet...
    but it is always Beautiful ***
  • AlanAlthenna - Sanctuary
    AlanAlthenna - Sanctuary Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    I actually won't be able to be in the game for a few days (possibly the day after tomorrow I'll be able to play lag-free) but I like RPing and if anyone wants to contact me feel free to PM me in here, hopefully I'll be able to log in to the game shortly.

    My 3 (actually four but the archer is not quite fleshed out) characters are:

    Cleric lvl 15
    Your tipical city boy, is somewhat insecure about his own abilities but generally tries his best, can be a bit snobbish but is completely loyal and kind to those who treat him with kindness, is really patient but can get a bit snarky if pushed; generally shy, preffers if someone invites him along to being a leader but can and will act as one when needded.

    Wizard lvl 14
    Sammaniel can appear to be serious and uncaring but is quite warm beneath her icy exterior, has a tendency to chant in greek or latin before casting and is quite trigger-happy; she is a little bit self-centered but means well on others who she feels deserve respect, most of her actions carry some refined stance.

    Blademaster (forget the level, actually the third try of a character)
    A free spirit trough and trough, quite playful and outgoing, acs before thinking things through and enjoys teasing people, however, he has a strong sense of justice and will call someone out if he feels someone is being wronged, however, he's more likely to laugh than to frown.
  • average
    average Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I apologize for the thread necroing, but I'm just curious, how active is the RP here on Sanctuary? It's rather weak on Heaven's Tear.
    Not responsible for missing drops/loot because YOU didn't pick YOURS up.
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