Loot Needs Fixing!

Tara - Lost City
Tara - Lost City Posts: 137 Arc User
edited October 2008 in Suggestion Box
Ok i'm probably going to get flamed and feel like shouting into the wind with suggestions on here as no one answers squat ... but here goes nothing.

Loot Distribution is the most stupid setup in a game i've ever seen you have random or Free great cant change these in a party which seems super **** to me...

Random is so not random its not funny basically 70-90% goes to a couple of people in the party and noone else THAT'S NOT RANDOM... one of which is almost always the party leader why... please explain to me why ? many people are abusing this fact wont join a party unless they are leader or only will add you.. Melee people generally get nothing

Free is exactly what it states, thats great but Melee people get most drops as they are up front killing the stuff gets to the items first takes all so then you get ranged people getting nothing and leaving parties or wont even join on Free mode... Ranged people get nothing
See a pattern here..

Fix this **** please its painful enough getting parties why make it harder than it needs to be
Round robin or something yes it can be abused but generally you still get some thing...

I was just in a 2 man party about 30 items dropped i got 3 leader got the rest WTF
Please consider at least looking at the party loot Situation..
Post edited by Tara - Lost City on


  • Avernus - Lost City
    Avernus - Lost City Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I was party leader last night and 70-80% of the party loot did not go to me, which is fairly typical compared to when I'm not party leader.
  • Vlarkin - Heavens Tear
    Vlarkin - Heavens Tear Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i agree completely, as a ranger I have heck getting shares in drops, done quite a few fb19s an 29s, and see massive piles of drops yet im lucky to get 1 of the many on average, this makes it very difficult as an archer, to gain any amounts of money, as much as i enjoy the game I would love to see a better set-up for the "random" loot share....
  • celticguard
    celticguard Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I totally and fully agree with you i have played onlines for along time and most have good party systems where its all equal one person picks something up and theres a 50/50 chance of someone in the party getting said item where as this game that isn't so and it is annoyin as when clerics or archers join a squad the closest person to the mob gets the drops b:sad me and my friend always split everything but would be nice to see the system made better and more equal
  • Lazyluna - Heavens Tear
    Lazyluna - Heavens Tear Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    The party loot system is a bit of a joke. There should be a sequencial system. Random is stupid, always has been and always will be. Why? Cause every party has an unlucky duck. Besides, with sequencial, no one can claim they're not getting anything. (Let's face it, some people take pleasure in just calling 'foul' for the sake of it.)

    Although sequencial can be abused in some ways, you can always kick anyone who's found abusing it or find another party. In the end, it's just fairer. Everyone gets an equal cut when a sequencial distribution system is left alone. <3
    b:bye RETIRED
  • Dyson - Heavens Tear
    Dyson - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Well like most MMO's I've played have a nice set up where you either have free for all, where say you're in a group of 3, and you kill the mob, whoever starts first picks up that loot and gets it, then next monster the next person and so on, so with this game you'd have to have it set up where it knows what items are tagged to what person, then you have magic(blue) items, which here would be nice if they had a roll system need/greed if someone pick sup based one a 1d100. and other idea's like that.

    I think it would be a great idea if something like this was implemented for the better distribution of items throughout party members.
  • Tara - Lost City
    Tara - Lost City Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Glad 90% of people agree with me on this issue can we get some sort of GM to advise us of why the loot system is so broken or bias?
  • missmisa
    missmisa Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I agree the random loot is broken. A better system is follows.

    Every loot a mob can drop has a certain degree of quality/rarity.

    Gold - gold is shared among party All/6 spread to P1-6
    Pots - pots are shared in sequencial order P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6
    Quality 1 Item: **** like arrows bolts and shots, and junk: sequencial P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6

    This way a player doesnt get **** which "wastes" his turn at getting loot (and thus means it cant also be abused). All players have a sequential order for this loot.

    Quality 2 DQ item: Sequencial P1-6 It's also fair if this gets spread around evenly.

    Quality 3 Materials: glues, oils etc P1-6 Again this is fair if it's spread evenly around the party.

    Quality 4 Equip: armor, rings etc Spread evenly

    Quality 5 Rare and valuable items: Random because they're rare the party might not find many of these.

    I think this is pretty good basic setup for loot which should be considered..
  • uncut
    uncut Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Seems to me it shouldn't be hard for them to actually keep track of the total value of loot each squad member has received (just one extra variable per player). Then just give the next loot to whoever has received the least so far.

    So one player may recieve a lot of cheap stuff while someone else gets one expensive item ... but at least they end up with roughly the same value.

    If someone joins a squad part way, they're just assigned the average value the other players have received so far as they're starting value.

    Another option is to actually keep things balanced with Coins - give the loot to one player (whether Random/Free/Round Robin/whatever), but they then give Coins to the other players to even things out. (e:g: 3 player squad, pick up something worth 150 - one player gets the item and gives 50 Coins each of the other two players). Works as long as everyone has some Coins on them ...
  • Tara - Lost City
    Tara - Lost City Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    missmisa wrote: »
    I agree the random loot is broken. A better system is follows.

    Every loot a mob can drop has a certain degree of quality/rarity.

    Gold - gold is shared among party All/6 spread to P1-6
    Pots - pots are shared in sequencial order P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6
    Quality 1 Item: **** like arrows bolts and shots, and junk: sequencial P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6

    This way a player doesnt get **** which "wastes" his turn at getting loot (and thus means it cant also be abused). All players have a sequential order for this loot.

    Quality 2 DQ item: Sequencial P1-6 It's also fair if this gets spread around evenly.

    Quality 3 Materials: glues, oils etc P1-6 Again this is fair if it's spread evenly around the party.

    Quality 4 Equip: armor, rings etc Spread evenly

    Quality 5 Rare and valuable items: Random because they're rare the party might not find many of these.

    I think this is pretty good basic setup for loot which should be considered..

    I like the ideas i wish some Gm's would actually Post on the Forum about game issues isnt this Open Beta or what ?