slightly exhausted...

venusla Posts: 0 Arc User
edited September 2008 in General Discussion
I basically think PW is a very nice game and the new server will bring a lot of rooms and privacy for new players and veterans.

I have been playing this game with two of my friends and kind of made my char lvl 29. (i am not a hardcore player so i lvl up slow.)

I have been organizing my friends to do the same quests every single time so that we are all able to hunt together. One of my friend managed to play only when I play, so we are very alike in lvl up prograss and the quests. the other friend actually got his lvl to 38 because he refused to play it when I only play. he had to give up lvling up with me and went ahead lvled up his char faster. (we were different races, he had no patience to lvl up slow.) we are all here to keep up our own pace, so that is actually understandable too.

And as I was doing this, I somehow started to get exhausted. I thought about it why... and I soon figured out one thing.. handling 6-10 quests at a same time is actually so grind, and I never actually had a chance to call my friends to say "let's whack some monsters in XXX area! I heard the monsters drop quite nice swords!" All I have been telling my friends were "which quest are you doing? let's see if there is any quests we can do together.. ahh noo i don't have that quest.. okay you go ahead do your quest, i will do mine.. just let me know if you need help"

so I go alone, and start to party some other people that are doing the same quests.. then after about 15 mins passed, the party member says "okay i am done with my quest, bye bye, thank you for partying" and leaves. So now I look for other party, and then eventually I will say "ohh i am done with my quest, bye bye" so there goes some other people party me, and goes, wondering if I will see him/her again someday in the future. I usually tend to manage my friends, I had to manage my quest too but also had to manage my friends quest, so that we can still hunt together.

we did quests and quests, but the quests actually seemed to be comming endlessly forever (mostly the quests say see this guy, see that guy, go and see this guy, and then kill 30 of XXX and come back to this guy and go to that guy to finish this quest) .. so I kind of checked the forume to see when these quests will end, so that i am freed to just go hunt with my friends and find some treasure items and explore new dungeons. then the forume said "you will not have enough quests after lvl 40." I thought wow, i am freed from all these quests after lvl 40! so i shall keep it up.

then I checked other forumes and I noticed there are still so many... quests of similar kinds after lvl 40. I am a bit confused... I had to buy a re-Stat scroll for my friend because she kinda got confused with all those forume saying "wizards! go light armor build.. // nooo light armor build is not good, go arcane robe build!" my friend went to light armor build, and noticed she dies too often, so now she re-stated to arcane armor build wishing that she wouldn't have seen the forume and she is happier now. Forumes are basically so confusing and hoping there would be a nice and organized fansite set up for PWI.

but then, after organizing and keeping up nicely with all those quests after reading forumes over and over again.... my patience suddenly ran out and started to feel irritated. I am here to have fun and enjoy casual time with my friends, not to research which monsters gives what quests and do monster ks fight to get my and my friends' quest done. It has been stressful and I kind of lost the reason of why I am here now.

Well, of course PWI management would welcome those people more who are addicted to this game and do hardcore game play, but unfortunately, I think almost all of us can't be like that cuz we have school, work, and some bills to pay..

so i kinda halted lvling up for now thinking maybe I am not so mmorpg type of person.
I am starting to wonder if there is any other people who agree with me: is there any other people who spend PWI about 2-3 hours a day, would like to have fun with your friends freely and explore around, be kind and mature and not spamming "omfg! xD" in world chat??
Post edited by venusla on


  • Raaven - Sanctuary
    Raaven - Sanctuary Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    The beautiful thing about an mmorpg is you can do what you want, dont feel like questing one day, find a nice spawn for you and your friend just to grind mobs in. Want to explore, just go running along a road and hit up every town you see, enjoying the thrill of dodging higher level mobs. The fact is, its your time, level at your own speed and have fun with the game.

    I spent early this morning farming herbs on the new server, got just about two levels just doing that. (granted they are early lvls and come easier ) but the fact is, quests are not mandatory, they are there to ease leveling so the grind is not so bad. Try this, gather up all your quests, and just go wandering in the area, kill a few things along the way, in no paticular order and just have fun with it.
    Siggy Rotation time! Thanks to Zirconium for this lovely one!
    Item Data Base:
    Race Quests:
  • Kamatayan - Lost City
    Kamatayan - Lost City Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    blah blah blah.....too lazy to read all that stuff but yes yes PWi is very cool game. dont quit bro...
  • Ty - Heavens Tear
    Ty - Heavens Tear Posts: 604 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Completing quests is the easiest way to level up, if you really want quests to stop so you can just grind mobs then you're a saddist :P.

    At level 52 I have 16 quests active and I've never been quest free(about 5 being boss quests :eek:). Granted I'm always tying DQs into my journeys across the land which give a very nice boost in levelling assuming you're willing to fork out cash for DQ items or have the patience to grind them out. I think I may have tired of this game long before if there weren't always quests there to give a nice boost in XP.

    But I do agree about how quests lead you into grinding certain mobs therefore only getting certain drops, mainly DQ drops. That does tend to lead to a shortage of certain DQ items in the market. For instance I have about 90 Claws, and close to the same amount of Mystical Eyes from Tauroc mobs and i have about 30 element stones and 10 element crystals. Simply because of the way that the quests lead us towards these types of mobs. Very few quests lead us to kill aerial mobs which drop the majority of things like dews of herbs, ruby head herbs, pendant of the frost goddess. Same with the element line(frags/stone/crytals).

    Come to mention does anyone know a good mob to grind element crystals off...?
    I like pie
  • Feraldreamzz - Sanctuary
    Feraldreamzz - Sanctuary Posts: 374 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Take a break from questing =)

    Sometimes I just take a few hours and explore the lands. It fun to see what you run into, or what you might need to run away from!

    Sometimes I'll just set out and hunt for materials I need.

    Breaks from the constant quests is good for the mind, and there really is no real rush to level =)
  • Vasflam - Lost City
    Vasflam - Lost City Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    i understand what you say

    its hard when your friends are higher level than you and they dont want to group with you

    but perfect world is actually much better than a lot of other mmorpgs, at least they can help you with fb quests and get some decent exp for it

    in most other mmos, you dont even get anything for helping low level friends