A Few Suggestions

Ash - Heavens Tear
Ash - Heavens Tear Posts: 58 Arc User
edited September 2008 in Suggestion Box
Too many quests and running around so much back and forth everywhere gets a bit dull sometimes.. So may I make a suggestion? When I was younger, I played this text game called Dragonrealms. One main thing that made it really great was there was a Teaching skill in it, which allowed players to Teach other players, which encouraged people to be more social and sit around and talk and roleplay. They could also gain experience by practicing skills. Well it would be so nice if this game had a feature like that as I think it would give it more depth.

Your designers should really go and merge with Simultronics on their Hero's Journey game.. as they've been working on it forever and the basic game design is like Dragonrealms and will be great but I think they need help on the graphics/world design end.. I wish the people who designed these games would merge and work together. That would make for an amazing game.

PW has so many things so tight that it completely excels over all other games at, but a shame they don't have an open skill system and teaching. I wish they did because it would really be perfect then. Oh.. and a territory/house design option like they originally advertised on the MY site... Even if they put it in the boutique and it's kind of expensive. That would be fine, I'd pay for it. I already spent $20 so easily just the other day. But this is way better than paying per month because what happens if you don't play for a few months? Your money's down the drain just to keep your character.. At least if you spend your money in boutique you have a choice and it's not being spent when you're not playing. Or even better would be to allow people to choose... To get free boutique items/zen and pay a certain amount per month or pay for the boutique items only?? That's an idea for the players who play religiously for hours and hours every month. So there would be an option for both casual players and the ones who play all the time.

And PW makers could make money as they deserve to for their hard work. But definitely I think the boutique is a way better option then pay per month alone as the pay per month is a big reason I never play the other games. I just never played religiously enough to justify it. Figures though I'm totally addicted to PW.. lol But still I just cannot always play everyday all the time.