We Just Want To See The Proof!

Ordain - Lost City
Ordain - Lost City Posts: 68 Arc User
edited September 2008 in The Fanatics Forum
daw I believe i speak for all RQ members when I ask you, the players of Lost City to show us the truth. Show us your so called videos of us out numbering you and losing, Hell just show us videos of us losing. Why can't you just do that? You all say you have them, You all say you'll post them, But in the end all we get are videos of you guys luring bosses on us while were AFK in town(Nice exploiting BTW). Proof,Now,Please.
Post edited by Ordain - Lost City on


  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Ask and you shall receive.

    3 to 1 RQ vs me and I'm just a level 30 mage. I don't even have hieros, as you can see from the screenshot, but I still kicked all your asses.


    I'm uploading the video as we speak.
  • mystic
    mystic Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    senovit wrote: »
    Ask and you shall receive.

    3 to 1 RQ vs me and I'm just a level 30 mage. I don't even have hieros, as you can see from the screenshot, but I still kicked all your asses.


    I'm uploading the video as we speak.

    Excuse me, sir, your unicorn appears to be a banana.

    Selfish blood runs through my veins. I gave up everything for fame.

    Pandora - 8X Mage - Lost City (PvP - The only server worth playing.)
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Typical RQ response. I post the proof you want and all you can do is criticize my graphics card.
  • Ordain - Lost City
    Ordain - Lost City Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    senovit wrote: »
    Ask and you shall receive.

    3 to 1 RQ vs me and I'm just a level 30 mage. I don't even have hieros, as you can see from the screenshot, but I still kicked all your asses.


    I'm uploading the video as we speak.

    Lol. That was awesome, though the fact that you took the time to do it :(. Also im not anorexic.
  • ningi
    ningi Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    senovit wrote: »
    Ask and you shall receive.

    3 to 1 RQ vs me and I'm just a level 30 mage. I don't even have hieros, as you can see from the screenshot, but I still kicked all your asses.


    I'm uploading the video as we speak.

    I ****ing lol'd.

    Hahaha, make a cartoon out of it plx? :D
  • ayako55
    ayako55 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    ROFL, that's by far the funniest comment on this forum. Nice picture btw. can't belive you took the time to draw it though. >.>

    If that's your graphic card then damn, I'm lovin it. XD
  • Just_cool - Lost City
    Just_cool - Lost City Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    senovit wrote: »
    Ask and you shall receive.

    3 to 1 RQ vs me and I'm just a level 30 mage. I don't even have hieros, as you can see from the screenshot, but I still kicked all your asses.


    I'm uploading the video as we speak.
    best pic ever =)) may i ask , what are your graphic settings? :D
    anyway... RQ will get PWNed :P
    IGN: JusT_CooL
    Server: Lost City
    Guild: ex-Conqueror

    Follow the example of good GMing :D
  • senovit
    senovit Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I edited my ini files to drop the graphics settings below the normal minimum, so that it could run on my PC-98. Video still uploading guys, it's about 0.2% through and has about 2 years to go.
  • Llama - Lost City
    Llama - Lost City Posts: 641 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Luring the boss to town is not exploiting. its called hitting a mob and the system allows it to follow. I'm still not banned btw. :)
    Just a reminder to those wondering:

    FYI::: Whether we care or not, making you lose exp, is so much better since you guys don't grind anyways, just try to gank people.. or how do I say "zerg".

    We have nothing to prove. No my friends its you that has something to prove. Bid us if you're so unbeatable.
    Hey Elayne. Its illegal to harass underage girls. And CQ won the map without you.
  • Tres - Lost City
    Tres - Lost City Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Bid us if you guys so godly. Dun complain about advantages for defensive side. War won't last 3 hours probably not even 1.
    Previous Character: Tres_Iqus 95 MG
    Current Character: Tres Cleric (See level above)
  • Fiery - Lost City
    Fiery - Lost City Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    No one waste time to make videos then host them somewhere, all busy leveling...
    Press M then click territories if you want see us.

    Proof yourself to us that you are worthy by taking it from us. Bid us this week and see who needs proving.

    Want a real challenge? just bid on that land. It's simple.
  • Mikoto - Lost City
    Mikoto - Lost City Posts: 108 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Luring the boss to town is not exploiting. its called hitting a mob and the system allows it to follow. I'm still not banned btw. :)
    Just a reminder to those wondering:

    FYI::: Whether we care or not, making you lose exp, is so much better since you guys don't grind anyways, just try to gank people.. or how do I say "zerg".

    We have nothing to prove. No my friends its you that has something to prove. Bid us if you're so unbeatable.

    How could you get banned for luring a boss you didn't even lure yourself? :D