Anyone who can patch Elements/

djinmonet Posts: 6 Arc User
edited September 2008 in Support Desk
For those of us who are always stuck on a file, have restarted patcher for many hours, tried the china pk, router ports, etc....

Can someone who can successfully fully patch please upload the usual and please, preferably the whole elements folder as many still are stuck on other files?

Thank you very much to those who have taken the time to do this for the last patches! (Ryuuzaki should get paid for the most complete manual patch) :)

And to mods talking to tech staff, yes, I'm sending in my DxDiag.txt, and log file now every maintenance patch after patching for a few hours.

For those of you who are not used to this patch dance, you unzip the file (whenever someone up loads it), and replace the files extracted in your folder/s for perfect world. (Whichever files your having trouble with, or all the files, but need to replace them in the same folder/loc the old ones are in.)
Post edited by djinmonet on


  • kuukai
    kuukai Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited September 2008

    after this you will be stuck again :p later
  • ryuuzaki
    ryuuzaki Posts: 680 Arc User
    edited September 2008
  • djinmonet
    djinmonet Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Thank you Ryuuzaki! Worked perfect, patched, and in game, hope this helps others! :)
  • everybody
    everybody Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Helps others?
    Download does not work in "Perfect World Updater" which is a terrific bug. Hey, technical stuff, I report oficially this bug. Please, fix it and explain the cause!
    By the way, server mainteance is typically USA-oriented. If it was USA AND Europe, it would be somewhere beetween 3-6 a.m. Pacific Time. That's my tip.
  • diz
    diz Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Thank you to those who posted the patches for us unfortunate souls repeating this problem for the 3rd time now!

    I'm hoping Perfect World will take one more step up and stay a step ahead by solving this completely, but at the very least just simply post the needed files immediately after releasing a new patch/version so we can just get right to it! I had to search the forum to finally find this.

    I'm downloading it now, I hope it works as well as the other "manual" patches do.

    Please start posting these right away in the future!

  • ovdoom
    ovdoom Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    man i hope this work got a question though do u still need a extration program after u downlad this.
  • ryuuzaki
    ryuuzaki Posts: 680 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    You will need something like 7-Zip to extract the files, yes.
  • djinmonet
    djinmonet Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Hi yet again begging Ryuuzaki, or any other kind soul to upload this file. :) Thank you in advance again!

    duplicity uploaded elements and task here That will only get you past those two files, but might be enough for some people, unfortunately not for me.
  • rayearth
    rayearth Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    This is a very important thread so Im bumping it
  • kuukai
    kuukai Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    bump for >_> uploads <_<
  • rayearth
    rayearth Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    oh and would you mind to upload the latest one up because it stop working again for me
    thank very much
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    This patch (to 13) is larger then previous ones, and takes some time to compile in the background.

    If you are Auto Updating the patch, try exiting the game if it doesn't look like it is making progress patching after 10-15 minutes.

    Exit the game, restart the game and resume the patching process. If it hangs again, try again another few times after 10-15 minutes with each try.

    We are aware of the patching issues some of you are having and are working to figure out the issues with the last few patches.

    There are no manual patches at this time for the current version.

    Thank you for your patience and helping us test the game in open beta! :D
    Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
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  • rayearth
    rayearth Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Cool and I have been doing that for (lost count) but like darthpanda16 said it is progressing very slowly
    and thank you for taking the time to respond.;)
  • burninator
    burninator Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I had the same problem, i downloaded the patches v5-v7 but how can i use these to help me log on to the game past the thing?

    Thanks in advance. :)
  • Fina - Heavens Tear
    Fina - Heavens Tear Posts: 93 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I finally managed to get it past the by manually downloading that file...but now it's stuck at
    I read the forums when bored at work for the lulz.
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