Patching - Stuck on Badwords.txt

gryphen Posts: 9 Arc User
edited October 2008 in Support Desk
I have have gone through every single patch thread I could find and have tried every single solution I saw and nothing seems to work. The PWI patcher just keeps getting stuck at badwords.txt and asking to retry again.

I am sure the install files are fine because I have had this installed in the past. The install files were kept on my backup drive so the same ones that worked before are the same ones I am using now.

The manual update doesnt work either. I load the patcher, click manual, select the file and it looks like it is about to patch then comes back with this:

"Update server connection fails Please try other update server"

I have tried reinstalling, deleting the suggested files from other threads, manual patcher, manual files (from other users).

The only think I know is it IS PWI, not my computer or its software. I know this because ... I was running it fine until today and NOTHING has changed. Although, I did even go as far to completely disable my firewall and bypass the router to double check...which of course didnt help.

Btw, looking through the PWI folders I dont see badwords.txt anyone. It looks as though the patcher is trying to install it, as if it has already been downloaded.
Post edited by gryphen on


  • gryphen
    gryphen Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    So no one has any sure fire fix for this?
  • sikozu
    sikozu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    The only time I ever got that error was when activex controls where on and there was no way to turn it off on my husbands laptop (he had a bare bones version of xp) Other than that I would say turn off your firewall and anything that might be blocking you from updating.

    EDIT: I finally read your post and it seems to me like they are having server issues?
    ★ :Sikozu :: Venomancer: ★ :Nebira :: Cleric: ★
  • gryphen
    gryphen Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    sikozu wrote: »
    The only time I ever got that error was when activex controls where on and there was no way to turn it off on my husbands laptop (he had a bare bones version of xp) Other than that I would say turn off your firewall and anything that might be blocking you from updating.

    EDIT: I finally read your post and it seems to me like they are having server issues?

    I guess so.. :(

    I reinstalled again and went back through the forums for a third time to see if there is anything I overlooked. From what I have seen, only one other person who has claimed to have had the badword.txt problem has fixed it. The post said he fixed it up installing a language pack ... which I already have installed :(

    This kinda sucks, with all the performance issues I have been having with this game and the control ... believe it or not I was starting to come around and like it. Now I cant even get back on and I have Warhammer Beta sitting on my desktop :/

    Anyone have any solutions here before I completely give up on this game?
  • hydrocorsotine
    hydrocorsotine Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Go to C:\Program Files\Perfect World Entertainer\Perfect World International\Patcher\Server. Double click on the text document updateserver. Tell me what it says in the text document.
  • gryphen
    gryphen Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Go to C:\Program Files\Perfect World Entertainer\Perfect World International\Patcher\Server. Double click on the text document updateserver. Tell me what it says in the text document.

    "patch" ""
  • gryphen
    gryphen Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Heh, dunno why I didn't think of this before (maybe cause it doesnt actually solve the problem, just covers it up).

    I have this installed my my fiances machine and her is already patched up and working fine. Going to try copying ALL of her files and replacing mine.
  • gryphen
    gryphen Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Welp, that helped ... kind of...

    I am now able to launch the game but of course ... cannot connect to the servers. It doesnt even show a ping for them.

    When I go back to the patcher and click verify ... guess what? It cant connect to the server. If I go back to my fiances computer it connects fine.

    We are going through the same router (she is wireless and I am wired though). We have the exact same copy of windows, software, firewall, antivirus, pretty much everything accept hardware. This was working on my computer before I formatted.

    It just leaves me clueless that after coping her working files (all 3+gb) it still has a problem and search the forums it isn't just me but no one seems to have an answer. :(
  • lipe124
    lipe124 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    its ur pc, I've copied the game to another machine and ran the game with no prob at all. Check that the folder isnt read only for some weird reason, that would be one explanation for ur problem.

    As for why you cant connect to the server after the copy I ahve nooo idea, it has to be a firewall issue.
    Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Go watch it alone ;)
  • ryuuzaki
    ryuuzaki Posts: 680 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Check your security program settings again. Find your exclusions lists, and add elementclient.exe to it. If it's already on it, remove and re-add.

    Even if your firewall is disabled, it can still cause a problem. I remember one case of a Comodo Pro firewall just recently, even disabled it still needed Perfect World to be accepted as a trusted application.
  • gryphen
    gryphen Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    lipe124 wrote: »
    its ur pc, I've copied the game to another machine and ran the game with no prob at all. Check that the folder isnt read only for some weird reason, that would be one explanation for ur problem.

    As for why you cant connect to the server after the copy I ahve nooo idea, it has to be a firewall issue.

    Normally, I wouldnt disagree with you. However with as many options as I have exausted ...

    Besides, how can a bunch of people all start getting the same error at the same time. The game was working for me fine the other day. None of my hardware changed.

    I even reloaded windows AGAIN just to try it without any other programs installed and it still didnt work. When I reloaded windows I did so with my streamlined dvd that has ZERO firewall, the windows firewall and all protection measures are uninstalled .... even uac. I also connected the computer directly to the modem, no router.

    Btw, I take it back. I said my fiances computer was working, and it is. However, if you click the verify button it wont download either. Clicking verify didnt break her install, I was able to cancel out and still login to the game but point is it wouldnt work either.

    Just for giggles, try clicking verify and see what happens.

    Another thing I noticed, for some reason my video card isnt being see when I do the video settings. It still lets me change the settings but just doesnt show my hardware.
  • lennith
    lennith Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I am having the exact same problem as gryphen. :( About half a year ago, I was able to patch and play Perfect World fine. But now, the client just won't connect, update, or even let me manually patch it!

    Just like with gryphen, my video card isn't being detected either. When the game was working for me, I was playing on a MSI geforce 7950 GX2, and the game could detect it fine. Now I am playing on an ECS 8800 (512 MB G92) GTS, and it is not being detected by the game at all.

    I have been trying for the past week to get this to work, and nothing seems to work :(
  • gryphen
    gryphen Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    lennith wrote: »
    I am having the exact same problem as gryphen. :( About half a year ago, I was able to patch and play Perfect World fine. But now, the client just won't connect, update, or even let me manually patch it!

    Just like with gryphen, my video card isn't being detected either. When the game was working for me, I was playing on a MSI geforce 7950 GX2, and the game could detect it fine. Now I am playing on an ECS 8800 (512 MB G92) GTS, and it is not being detected by the game at all.

    I have been trying for the past week to get this to work, and nothing seems to work :(

    Yeah, having searched these forums there are quite a few with the same problem. I dont think its us but I am still working with my computer to figure something out.

    The weird thing about the video card is that it was seeing mine fine and I was playing for about a week on it. I can play any other game I own fine .. just not PWI. Even before though when I was able to get on the performance was just HORRIBLE for the level of hardware I am using.
  • darkwind
    darkwind Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Mine goes through the same problems. I have been sitting here at my computer for over 6 hours getting the same problem. It says my client is the latest version, then say it's preparing to update. It starts, then stops at badwords.txt as mentioned. I have no idea what to do, it starts and stops each time, then gives me an error saying "file download appear error retry automatically in (insert number of seconds)" Then it does that, and only goes back to the same problem. I stopped it, then try to verify the files and it goes back to the updating, and stops at another file. I have never played this game for today, and I just got done downloading/installing it hours ago. It only took up to 2 hours and some minutes to finish it, but refuses to go beyond the point stated above.

    The other file it stops at is console_cmd.txt . Decided to edit in case someone finds this a problem as well..
  • gryphen
    gryphen Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    darkwind wrote: »
    Mine goes through the same problems. I have been sitting here at my computer for over 6 hours getting the same problem. It says my client is the latest version, then say it's preparing to update. It starts, then stops at badwords.txt as mentioned. I have no idea what to do, it starts and stops each time, then gives me an error saying "file download appear error retry automatically in (insert number of seconds)" Then it does that, and only goes back to the same problem. I stopped it, then try to verify the files and it goes back to the updating, and stops at another file. I have never played this game for today, and I just got done downloading/installing it hours ago. It only took up to 2 hours and some minutes to finish it, but refuses to go beyond the point stated above.

    The other file it stops at is console_cmd.txt . Decided to edit in case someone finds this a problem as well..

    Exactely, mine stops at that same file if I do verify. It stops at badword.txt if I just try and patch.
  • gryphen
    gryphen Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I'm out!

    Have had enough with this. Just spent my entire night working on this...going through some of the most off the wall things to get resolution. From swapping hardware to reformatting I have spent more than enough time proving to myself this cannot possibly be an issue with my rig or its software.

    The ONLY thing that sucks right now is that my fiance is looking at me with a sad face from me saying I am giving up on this. She really wants us both to play.

    Thanks for any and all suggestions. Though they may not have solved the problem I do appreciate the time taken to post them. To those still trying to resolve the issue, I hope you find an answer and I will check back from time to time to see if anyone figured anything out but I am not spending another second of my time testing.


    Edit: For any mod or admin reading this ... just a push in the right direction. For every single person I have found to have this same problem, they ALL seem to have blank system settings. When you load the patcher and actually click the settings button, the OS, CPU, RAM and Display card are all blank.
  • keryana
    keryana Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    I have the exact same problem... and I deeply want to play this game ! Anybody have found a solution?
  • hellnoob
    hellnoob Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    ok , a friend was this problem , and you have just to installe the chinese character

    it's only that ^^
  • juyo
    juyo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Would you be so kind to tell us witch chinese characters he installed ?

    Edit: Solved the update problem and blank screen on options window. My thanks goes to Stripe (Thanks a lot) and this thread . I do have only one question. Why the hell isn't that one stickied ?!
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    If it is indeed the Chinese language issue for you all, you will need to install the East Asian Language pack from your original Windows disc (XP). Vista "should" have it installed, but you may need to check and install it depending on what options were chosen when your system was built.

    We have been reading over your issues, and trying to figure out what the issues could be for you guys, but no firm resolution has been found yet.

    Please make sure you have downloaded, installed and if you got a manual patch, that you did it from here, and no where else:

    There are 10+ versions of the game and countless patches circulating out on the net, it is easy to download the wrong one from somewhere for a version from a different country or region.

    If you have installed the wrong client, or cross contaminated your install with a patch from the wrong location, you will have to uninstall that version and start fresh with the link above to get the correct PWI game client and PWI manual patches (if you need them).
    Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
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  • juyo
    juyo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    From my point of view it is tied to Chinese language pack. I had the same issues with MY-EN version of the game. Every thing I tryed then and now gave no solution until I tryed Stripes "cure".
  • newbierafe
    newbierafe Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Installing the language packs worked for me, tough it out guys :)
This discussion has been closed.