Boss Breakout

synr Posts: 3 Arc User
edited September 2008 in Suggestion Box
It was a major disappointment, I know that the product manager is trying to make the FB items fair and all, but it was too crowded and too laggy. We couldn't tell if we even tagged something, and if we did, people just crowded around to take the loot after the 30 secs were up. If you do this again, I have a suggestion of making the mobs way more spread out, only a couple at a time, and if a Squad tags the mob, only they can pick up the loot or it disappears after 5 mins and no one gets a thing.
Post edited by synr on


  • abremalin
    abremalin Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    While I was also a bit let down.. It was the first event ever and it could have been worse although not much worse. At first there was no lag with loads of people. The problem was that there were big teams doing massive amounts of dmg and anyone that was there solo had 0% chance of getting any loot. I was one of said solo players. And guess what.. I got no loot even though I contributed to the battles. boohoo poor me I know. Maybe make those sorts of events non-team events. Just disable them altogether during such an event.

    After the BB moved to the mines and then to the trade(tradewind?) village area there were less people but everyone started to be affected by massive lag. People could not revive, use skills, use the master teleporter, or even log off without great difficulty.

    I would say the Boss Breakout Event was an overall failure. Thanks for the effort guys.

  • synr
    synr Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Another idea is to have a box that ppl click on asking if they will be participating, those who click "Yes" will all be put into one squad with loot thresh hold set on Random and cannot be changed, and only those who log damage to a boss, or healing done to someone attacking a boss will randomly be given loot, and perhaps only one good piece per person? Just ideas I'm throwing out there to make these Boss Breakouts more...I dunno...worth participating in?
  • pitui
    pitui Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    the idea of releasing bosses isn't bad actually. It was the way they were released (first delayed 25 minutes, then announcing where they spawn) and the technical problems that made the event a failure.

    As it's been suggested before, i think spreading them would be a great idea. maybe even make lower lvl bosses (15) in start towns.
  • synr
    synr Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Like I said, I was merely putting suggestions out there to make things more fair for participants, because to spend so much time attacking multiple bosses and then not get a single piece of loot is rather irritating and makes it a waste of time in my books.