Werefox guide to skill name changes

anastase Posts: 25 Arc User
edited October 2010 in Venomancer
As I'm sure most people have noticed, PW-INT changed most of the names of the skills for the different classes. I found this so confusing as a new player, especially when I try to follow the guides that are still using the old names. So i thought I'd throw together a little guide for the name changes and share. The name on the left is the old name, the name on the right is the new name for PW-INT. Hope this helps somebody :)

(If I got any of this wrong please let me know so I can correct, thanks!)

1st column (starts far left):
Envenom Parasite = Venomous Scarab
Ironrock Parasite = Ironwood Scarab
Blazing Parasite = Blazing Scarab
Frostbolt Parasite = Frost Scarab
Mass Parasite = Noxious Gas
Megalith Parasite = Lucky Scarab
Parasite Nova = Parasitic Nova
Wood Element Mastery = Wood Master

2nd column:
Metabolic Boost = SAME
Divine Supplements = Nature's Grace
VIgour Switch = Lending Hand
Enchanting Spells = Arcane Antimony

3rd column:
Bramble Guard = SAME
Bramble Array = Bramble Hood

4th column:
Pet Heal = Heal Pet
Pet Revive = Revive Pet
Pet Taming = Tame Beast
Intersoul Switch = Soul Transfusion
Celerity Windwalk = Summer Spirit
Stilled Spell = Feral Concentration

5th column:
Fox Change = Fox Form
Banish Malediction = Purge
Amplify Maim = Amplify Damage
Soul Degeneration = SAME
Vigour Crush = Crush Vigor
Rainbow Parasite = Myriad Rainbow
Rainbow Parasite Dark = Myriad Rainbow Venonmancer
Petrification Spell = Belittle

6th column:
Watercraft Master = Swimming Mastery
Foxy Drub = Fox Wallop
HexMist Attack = Befuddling Mist
Enhance Drub = Stunning Blow
Life Depriver = Leech
Spirit Consume = Consume Spirit
Hexmalefic crush = Malefic Crush
Melee Feat Master = Melee Master
Post edited by anastase on


  • vngel
    vngel Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Nice, I took Senovits guide on skills (from venomancer comprehensive guide) and put in the new names. He didn't discuss some of them, so people can feel free to copy the list, add in the ones he didn't discuss, and put an opinion:

    Mage tree attack skills:

    Venomous Scarab: Max it as soon as you can. This is your spammable boring grinding skill.

    Ironwood Scarab: Max it as soon as you can. This takes 25 vigor, armor breaks the opponent and hits for 300% magic attack. At higher levels this becomes a serious spike.

    Blazing Scarab: Leave it at level 1. DoT spells are pretty pointless when a Venomancer kills before the time even runs out, and you can save your sp for bigger and better things.

    Frost Scarab: Leave it at level 1. 1 fury for a possible chance to slow is ridiculous.

    Noxious Gas: Max it when you have the spare sp. Very high damage which hits for 200% magic attack, but has a slow casting time. Useful for building up vigor in HH or an FB, but not so good in normal grinding as it's likely to pull aggro away from your pet.

    Lucky Scarab: Max it as soon as you can. This is pretty much your only stun, and although very short at 2 seconds when maxed, has a very quick cast time and a high percentage of stunning. Very useful as an interrupt.

    Parasitic Nova: Don't even touch it. 2 fury for a skill is bad enough especially when a Venomancer desperately needs fury for survival skills, and even worse takes 4 seconds to cast. A 4 second cast time spell pretty much only becomes useful in situations when nobody notices you or is able to react within 2 seconds to throw a stun of their own.

    Wood Master: Max it as soon as you can. Passive +damage. Nuff said.

    Mage Tree Miscellaneous Skills:
    Bramble guard: Pretty useless except in PvP, so unless you'll be doing some of that don't bother maxing it until you reach level 59 for the next skill. Reflects a % of melee damage back at the attacker.

    Bramble Hood: Get it as soon as you get level 59. It gives you a damage reduction of 75% as well as a 200% melee reflect. It's a lifesafer in HH if your tank decides to take a **** break and leave a rampaging HH boss that you lured your way. It's also lol in PvP when your opponent is a nub and suicides on it. Most of the time however, as soon as your opponent see this skill is cast they'll run away until it times out. Takes 2 fury, which is a good reason why you don't want to start your battles with Parasite Nova. Maxes out at level 1.

    Metabolic Boost: Max it as soon as you can. A decent quick heal is nice, especially since it pushes you up 50% when maxed.

    Nature's Grace: Max it when you have the spare SP. This is pretty much a money saving move only, as you use this recover mana. Like Metabolic, it recovers 50% when maxed.

    Lending Hand: Get this as soon as you reach level 46. This helps keep Barbarians hold aggro against bosses by spamming Ripping Bite, which in turn allows your damage dealers to do their job without accidentally pulling aggro.

    Fox Tree Miscellaneous Skills:

    Fox Form: Max it as soon as you can. Even if you're a mage tree only user, this is handy for the 120% increase in physical defense (in other words, it more than doubles it) which allows for a getaway. This maxes out at level 3.

    Purge: Max it when you have the money/sp. It removes all buffs from the target, and the more you level it the lower its cooldown drops. Pretty much only useful in PvP, as it's always lol to wipe out their fury, or cancel a barbarian's bloodbath and see their hp cry.

    Amplify Damage: Max it by the time you hit 60. It's one of the priority jobs of a Venomancer in HH to keep the boss Maimed, as the 20% damage increase speeds up the kill drastically. HH is boring as hell without it.

    Soul Degeneration: Leave it at level 1. I've yet to find a use for this skill, but I suppose it'd be useful against people who run away and sit or something. I've yet to find out if it works against hp pots though since those work by adding to hp regen, which, if it does, would make it much more useful.

    Crush Vigor: Get it at level 43. After the target is cursed, they lose 8 vigor points every time they're hit. I've never really had the opportunity to use this, but I imagine it would be useful in a TW against a catapult puller everyone is trying to kill to prevent them from turtling. I don't really see much of a use for it in a 1v1 situation though, although with a fast attacking pet it may be worth it.

    Fox Tree Attack Skills:

    Fox Wallop: Leave it at level 1. Takes 25 vigor to slow casting time, which, while it sounds useful against mages, is inferior to just physical attack spamming. Robe mages die in enough normal hits that there's really no point wasting time slowing down their casting time.

    Befuddling Mist: Max it as soon as you can. A fan aoe that, when maxed, drops target accuracy by 70%, it's useful for keeping yourself alive in melee fights against something with a naturally poor accuracy rate like a warrior or a werebeast.

    Stunning Blow: Max it when you have the spare SP/money. A paralyze (cannot move, but can still attacK) move that takes 1 vigor, it allows you to hold a ranged class down so you can rip into them with physical hits, or hold a melee class down to allow yourself a getaway into human form for magic attacks.

    Leech: Max it as soon as you can. This skill is god. Each use gives an 80% chance of recovering hp, even if it misses. When maxed, this equates to 600 hp. Very good at keeping you alive.

    Consume Spirit: Leave it at level 1. It drains 10-20% of your hp to return 400-200 mana. Useless.

    Malefic Crush: Don't bother with this, for the same reasons as Parasite Nova. Although the casting time isn't quite as stupid at 3.3 seconds, taking 2 fury for a bit of added flat damage and a small mana drain isn't worth it.

    Skills Usable in Either Form:

    Watercraft Mastery: Get it as soon as it's available. Cheap passive skill for swimming faster.

    Soul Transfusion: This skill is god. Get it as soon as it is available at level 29. It takes one vigor to exchange your HP and MP percentages. If you keep your mana bar full, it equates to having a second hp bar. If you're grinding and run out of mana, you can Divine Supplements -> Intersoul Switch -> Metabolic Boost to regain full mana without using a single pot. Needless to say, this is pretty godly in PvP too, and is one thing you should always try to have the vigor for. With hp/mana hierograms and intersoul, you can prevent yourself from getting spiked during your first hiero break. I cannot stress how important this skill is to Venomancers.

    Summer Spirit: Max it as soon as you can. It adds movement speed.

    Pet-Related Skills:

    Heal Pet: Max it as soon as you can, for obvious reasons. Keep your pet alive.
    Revive Pet: Leave it at level 1. Kind of a waste of sp, unless you really feel the shorter chanting time is necessary.
    Tame Beast: Leave it at level 1. HP of a monster you're trying to tame seems to matter more than the level of the skill.
  • anastase
    anastase Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited September 2008
    Oh great thanks! I actually did that in a word document and gave it to a few people hehe. I didn't post though because was afraid I might step on some toes lol :p
  • Aikawa_Rami - Sanctuary
    Aikawa_Rami - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    O: How handy...

    I swear I must be the only veno that loves parasitic nova xD

    Pet -> goes aggro everything -> Nova -> Quick pet heal -> Noxious -> dead ring of mobs.
  • Gwendolynne - Heavens Tear
    Gwendolynne - Heavens Tear Posts: 816 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Way to Necro a two year old thread, LOL.
    Character Roster:
    Gwendolynne : 101/SageVeno - Xyleena : 102/DemonCleric
    Delecroix : 101/DemonSin - Anatoxin : 9x/SagePsy
    Raevynne : 100/DemonBM - GotMeTwisted : 8x/SageSeeker
    Deicidea : 8x/Mystic - Diva : 95/SageBM/Retired
  • LenieClarke - Heavens Tear
    LenieClarke - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,275 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    don't necro two year old threads! there's only so many of them around, and if you necro them all now, what will we necro in two more years?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Heaven's Tear alts: KenLubin, Sou_Hon, JudyCaraco --- level 5x chars.
  • chaoticshelly
    chaoticshelly Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2010
    Closed for Necro. Come on guys, pay attention to the topic's date - I have enough zombies to deal with in real life *loads gun*.
This discussion has been closed.