Nassty story to share.....

Posts: 460 admin
hallooo... i am here in the office on the weekends (again) and before starting my day wanted to share a lil story with ya'lls.
warning --
not for the faint of heart --
not for those that may be eating --
not for those that don't like reading --
not for those that have walloftextophobia --
you have been warned
so anyway, a lil about lil ole me. i've worked in the gaming industry for over 5 years. i've got some good experience under my belt with notable mentions such as being part of the launch for ps2, psp, and ps3. so yes, had my stint at sony and this lovely anecdote is an incident that occurred during my time there.
so get this --
we used to have hella japanese execs come over from japan (duh cuz sony is a japanese company) and a couple happened to be on campus. i have to mention this cuz it sets up the punchline later.
so anyhow, i was hhhuuuuuuggggeeeee on FFXI (final fantasy xi) back in the day. gave a good part of my soul to that game, hahaha. anyhow, so i used to carry this faq with me wherever i went. it was composed of general faqs, crafting recipes, maps, the works. it was hella worn and torn cuz it went wherever i went, but it was my own trusty lil wiki and i loved it to death.
sometime early morning i found myself having to use the restroom - a numero 2. so i go to the bathroom, get in the stall, and handle my bizzness. during this time, my faq is nestled in the nook of those dispensers that dish out the paper toilet seat covers. while i get up to leave my shoulder hits the faq and it drops into the toilet........... >__>;;; and while this is my dearly beloved lil wiki, I AM NOT ABOUT TO FISH THAT SUCKER OUT! so what are my options... pull it out.. (no thanks...) or POWER FLUSHHHHH!!! i go with option 2 and begin kicking feverishly at the flush handle and after about 5 tries, the faq goes down the drain. and while it hurt to part with my faq, i was more relieved than anything... my tracks were covered, no one would know of my sin... whew.. what a relief.... and with that, i left the bathroom with ease... again, whew.... -____-;;;
just so i can setup the punchline better, i wanna let you know that the bathroom had three toilet stalls. one for the disabled folks that sits to the left, the middle one (used by yours truly), and the right-most one that sits against the wall.
so anyhow, the day progresses and my friends and i go out for lunch. i don't recall what i ate that day, but when i got back i was hurtin something fierce. for the next hour i was doubled over in pain, hating life. i couldn't take it anymore and ran back to the bathroom.
i race towards the stalls and see the right-most stall is taken, i don't like sitting co-pilot to anyone's stall so i try the handicap stall - DAMMIT, taken! i have no choice, while i don't like sitting middle mcgriddle, i gotta handle this. so i kick open the middle stall's door (the one that i flushed the faq down early) and am shocked at what i see; signs of a struggle.... you ever watch like court tv or cops or whatever and they happen upon a crime scene and the sheriff or whoever is like, "yep, signs of a struggle. you can see here by the..." anyhow, that's what i see... signs of a struggle. there's toilet paper strewn about everywhere, toilet seat covers scattered all over the place, and to top it off, the toilet itself has its hood down. i'm like wtf happened here... >_> slowly i use my foot and pop the hood and OMGWTFBBQ.... there is a dooky monster staring directly at me... like the one in dogma... i literally exclaim aloud, "Oh god!", and begin feverishly kicking the flush button... but no no no no no, my faq it seems had done a number on the system earlier... while the faq flushed, it is my guess that it never made its way down completely, hence the creature from the duke lagoon.... and with that, the toilet sputters and gives out... but it doesn't die - nope - it begins to spew, and spew violently it does, spilling brown dooky water everywhere!!!! i exclaim aloud again and jump back spider-man style against the wall. fortunately, the sony system has a drain system in their bathrooms for such scenarios. unfortunately, the drain system is directly beneath the right-most bathroom. and to make matters worse, the bathroom floor is ever so slightly tilted so that any accruing liquid flows into that drain. and to make matters even MORE WORSE... a japanese exec is taking a dump in that very toilet.... this is where it gets bad... i straight hear him scream and begin cursing in japanese. i hear this hard thud which i assumed is his feet kicking up and bracing against the wall, but while his feet are safe, his pants are not... i see all the dooky water amassing towards the drain, right where his pants are and i can see em getting soiled... and i know this is messed up, but i straight up LOL'd hella loud!!! all i could say was, "my bad, sir!!" and i ran out of the bathroom.... and that was that....
so now you all know my "dirty" lil secret... it feels good getting it out... please don't hate me for flushing and running
i am only human.....
anyhow, if you were patient enough to read through ALLLLLL of that, good for you
i hope you were thoroughly entertained but also grossed out 
take care and have a great day!
warning --
not for the faint of heart --
not for those that may be eating --
not for those that don't like reading --
not for those that have walloftextophobia --
you have been warned

so anyway, a lil about lil ole me. i've worked in the gaming industry for over 5 years. i've got some good experience under my belt with notable mentions such as being part of the launch for ps2, psp, and ps3. so yes, had my stint at sony and this lovely anecdote is an incident that occurred during my time there.
so get this --
we used to have hella japanese execs come over from japan (duh cuz sony is a japanese company) and a couple happened to be on campus. i have to mention this cuz it sets up the punchline later.
so anyhow, i was hhhuuuuuuggggeeeee on FFXI (final fantasy xi) back in the day. gave a good part of my soul to that game, hahaha. anyhow, so i used to carry this faq with me wherever i went. it was composed of general faqs, crafting recipes, maps, the works. it was hella worn and torn cuz it went wherever i went, but it was my own trusty lil wiki and i loved it to death.
sometime early morning i found myself having to use the restroom - a numero 2. so i go to the bathroom, get in the stall, and handle my bizzness. during this time, my faq is nestled in the nook of those dispensers that dish out the paper toilet seat covers. while i get up to leave my shoulder hits the faq and it drops into the toilet........... >__>;;; and while this is my dearly beloved lil wiki, I AM NOT ABOUT TO FISH THAT SUCKER OUT! so what are my options... pull it out.. (no thanks...) or POWER FLUSHHHHH!!! i go with option 2 and begin kicking feverishly at the flush handle and after about 5 tries, the faq goes down the drain. and while it hurt to part with my faq, i was more relieved than anything... my tracks were covered, no one would know of my sin... whew.. what a relief.... and with that, i left the bathroom with ease... again, whew.... -____-;;;
just so i can setup the punchline better, i wanna let you know that the bathroom had three toilet stalls. one for the disabled folks that sits to the left, the middle one (used by yours truly), and the right-most one that sits against the wall.
so anyhow, the day progresses and my friends and i go out for lunch. i don't recall what i ate that day, but when i got back i was hurtin something fierce. for the next hour i was doubled over in pain, hating life. i couldn't take it anymore and ran back to the bathroom.
i race towards the stalls and see the right-most stall is taken, i don't like sitting co-pilot to anyone's stall so i try the handicap stall - DAMMIT, taken! i have no choice, while i don't like sitting middle mcgriddle, i gotta handle this. so i kick open the middle stall's door (the one that i flushed the faq down early) and am shocked at what i see; signs of a struggle.... you ever watch like court tv or cops or whatever and they happen upon a crime scene and the sheriff or whoever is like, "yep, signs of a struggle. you can see here by the..." anyhow, that's what i see... signs of a struggle. there's toilet paper strewn about everywhere, toilet seat covers scattered all over the place, and to top it off, the toilet itself has its hood down. i'm like wtf happened here... >_> slowly i use my foot and pop the hood and OMGWTFBBQ.... there is a dooky monster staring directly at me... like the one in dogma... i literally exclaim aloud, "Oh god!", and begin feverishly kicking the flush button... but no no no no no, my faq it seems had done a number on the system earlier... while the faq flushed, it is my guess that it never made its way down completely, hence the creature from the duke lagoon.... and with that, the toilet sputters and gives out... but it doesn't die - nope - it begins to spew, and spew violently it does, spilling brown dooky water everywhere!!!! i exclaim aloud again and jump back spider-man style against the wall. fortunately, the sony system has a drain system in their bathrooms for such scenarios. unfortunately, the drain system is directly beneath the right-most bathroom. and to make matters worse, the bathroom floor is ever so slightly tilted so that any accruing liquid flows into that drain. and to make matters even MORE WORSE... a japanese exec is taking a dump in that very toilet.... this is where it gets bad... i straight hear him scream and begin cursing in japanese. i hear this hard thud which i assumed is his feet kicking up and bracing against the wall, but while his feet are safe, his pants are not... i see all the dooky water amassing towards the drain, right where his pants are and i can see em getting soiled... and i know this is messed up, but i straight up LOL'd hella loud!!! all i could say was, "my bad, sir!!" and i ran out of the bathroom.... and that was that....
so now you all know my "dirty" lil secret... it feels good getting it out... please don't hate me for flushing and running

anyhow, if you were patient enough to read through ALLLLLL of that, good for you

take care and have a great day!
F.E.A.R. has two meanings: Forget Everything And Run - OR - Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours, my friend.
Post edited by orinj on
oh my god.
You should be arrested for that.
This is probably why they don't use toilets in asia
Btw, how big was your faq? xD[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
IGN: Kittychan0 -
I just took your 3rd warning and didnt read it (its a wall of text )[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Lolololol you suck[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Actions by RQ have led me to believe this, so RQ members get out of your conceited, stuck-up, world revolves around you, World ok? Worlds True and Only **** up there next to Hitler, Mao Zedong and many other dictators-RQ is now among them. Definition of harass: 1. to disturb persistently; torment, as with troubles or cares; bother continually; pester; persecute. -darknin0 -
I laughed pretty hard.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Perfect World IRC:
Channel: #pwint0 -
hallooo... i am here in the office on the weekends (again) and before starting my day wanted to share a lil story with ya'lls.
warning --
not for the faint of heart --
not for those that may be eating --
not for those that don't like reading --
not for those that have walloftextophobia --
you have been warned
so anyway, a lil about lil ole me. i've worked in the gaming industry for over 5 years. i've got some good experience under my belt with notable mentions such as being part of the launch for ps2, psp, and ps3. so yes, had my stint at sony and this lovely anecdote is an incident that occurred during my time there.
so get this --
we used to have hella japanese execs come over from japan (duh cuz sony is a japanese company) and a couple happened to be on campus. i have to mention this cuz it sets up the punchline later.
so anyhow, i was hhhuuuuuuggggeeeee on FFXI (final fantasy xi) back in the day. gave a good part of my soul to that game, hahaha. anyhow, so i used to carry this faq with me wherever i went. it was composed of general faqs, crafting recipes, maps, the works. it was hella worn and torn cuz it went wherever i went, but it was my own trusty lil wiki and i loved it to death.
sometime early morning i found myself having to use the restroom - a numero 2. so i go to the bathroom, get in the stall, and handle my bizzness. during this time, my faq is nestled in the nook of those dispensers that dish out the paper toilet seat covers. while i get up to leave my shoulder hits the faq and it drops into the toilet........... >__>;;; and while this is my dearly beloved lil wiki, I AM NOT ABOUT TO FISH THAT SUCKER OUT! so what are my options... pull it out.. (no thanks...) or POWER FLUSHHHHH!!! i go with option 2 and begin kicking feverishly at the flush handle and after about 5 tries, the faq goes down the drain. and while it hurt to part with my faq, i was more relieved than anything... my tracks were covered, no one would know of my sin... whew.. what a relief.... and with that, i left the bathroom with ease... again, whew.... -____-;;;
just so i can setup the punchline better, i wanna let you know that the bathroom had three toilet stalls. one for the disabled folks that sits to the left, the middle one (used by yours truly), and the right-most one that sits against the wall.
so anyhow, the day progresses and my friends and i go out for lunch. i don't recall what i ate that day, but when i got back i was hurtin something fierce. for the next hour i was doubled over in pain, hating life. i couldn't take it anymore and ran back to the bathroom.
i race towards the stalls and see the right-most stall is taken, i don't like sitting co-pilot to anyone's stall so i try the handicap stall - DAMMIT, taken! i have no choice, while i don't like sitting middle mcgriddle, i gotta handle this. so i kick open the middle stall's door (the one that i flushed the faq down early) and am shocked at what i see; signs of a struggle.... you ever watch like court tv or cops or whatever and they happen upon a crime scene and the sheriff or whoever is like, "yep, signs of a struggle. you can see here by the..." anyhow, that's what i see... signs of a struggle. there's toilet paper strewn about everywhere, toilet seat covers scattered all over the place, and to top it off, the toilet itself has its hood down. i'm like wtf happened here... >_> slowly i use my foot and pop the hood and OMGWTFBBQ.... there is a dooky monster staring directly at me... like the one in dogma... i literally exclaim aloud, "Oh god!", and begin feverishly kicking the flush button... but no no no no no, my faq it seems had done a number on the system earlier... while the faq flushed, it is my guess that it never made its way down completely, hence the creature from the duke lagoon.... and with that, the toilet sputters and gives out... but it doesn't die - nope - it begins to spew, and spew violently it does, spilling brown dooky water everywhere!!!! i exclaim aloud again and jump back spider-man style against the wall. fortunately, the sony system has a drain system in their bathrooms for such scenarios. unfortunately, the drain system is directly beneath the right-most bathroom. and to make matters worse, the bathroom floor is ever so slightly tilted so that any accruing liquid flows into that drain. and to make matters even MORE WORSE... a japanese exec is taking a dump in that very toilet.... this is where it gets bad... i straight hear him scream and begin cursing in japanese. i hear this hard thud which i assumed is his feet kicking up and bracing against the wall, but while his feet are safe, his pants are not... i see all the dooky water amassing towards the drain, right where his pants are and i can see em getting soiled... and i know this is messed up, but i straight up LOL'd hella loud!!! all i could say was, "my bad, sir!!" and i ran out of the bathroom.... and that was that....
so now you all know my "dirty" lil secret... it feels good getting it out... please don't hate me for flushing and runningi am only human.....
anyhow, if you were patient enough to read through ALLLLLL of that, good for youi hope you were thoroughly entertained but also grossed out
take care and have a great day!
I thought buy "Nassty Story" means that something dirty happened to you,xD
sealed~0 -
Thank you for quoting the entire thing, Sealed.
(sarcasm, if you didn't know)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Perfect World IRC:
Channel: #pwint0 -
The moral of the story is not to use the restroom after orinj has been in there.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Oh em gee *catches breath*
You didn't happen to know a keramory in fxi did you? -
lol i tought it would beworse but it had me laughing lol " i saw a big dooky monster staring at me" n also da japanese dude cursing lol. somehow i managed to picture him cursing for some reason[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
IGN : Warwolf
Class : WB
Level : ?0 -
b:laugh...^.^ well that was a great adventure...*.*..hope you won't go through something like that again*.*0
omg... lmao
Thank you so much for sharing that. It's been a long time since I laughed out loud at a post. Absolutely hilarious.If you want something great, you've gotta be willing to bet it all. If you bet it all, you had better be prepared to lose.
~No Regrets0 -
Well, I though that me going by mistake to a job interview 24 hrs before the agreed time was bad.0
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