Dinosaurs vs Dragons

quynh Posts: 1 Arc User
edited August 2008 in General Discussion
Do western people associate mythical eastern creature Dragons as Dinosaurs? Because I have no idea why the localization team would call "Ancient Dragon City" as "Archosaur".

According to this FAQ:
Q : What will the NPC names be like?
A : for the most part, we're going to sticking with the Pinyin (romanized Chinese) versions of the name. So yer not going to find "NPC Fred" giving you a lecture on ancient Chinese-related lore and whatnot. seemed somewhat out of place. (Orinj)

But guess what, there is no such thing as dinosaurs in this game either. So, please stick to the Pinyin version of the name.
Post edited by quynh on


  • irbis
    irbis Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    there are some topics about the same issue. all of them with my full suport.
    like, whats next? Fred Flinston as a end boss? lol
    There exist only three beings worthy of respect:
    the priest, the soldier, the poet.
    To know, to kill, to create.
  • tatakairyu
    tatakairyu Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Join the club with the other people who agree with you but for the love of god, stop making the same topic.
  • kittyeatsushi
    kittyeatsushi Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I like how Crackfang lynxes became Crackpot lynxes. Or something along those lines, I don't remember the exact name x]
  • june
    june Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    There's a mount that kind of looks like Tyrannosaurus rex. Everyone help turn Archosaur City into the city of Dinosaurs by purchasing the T. Rex, and riding it in the city! :p Archosaur seems like a weird name, given that in the middle of the city, there are 4 Dragons making up the giant center fountain. And dragons are the only "reptilian" decorations I can find in the city. Maybe, they changed the storyline, and now those are dinosaurs that happen to look like dragons? :confused::confused::confused: