Change Log?

schizm Posts: 0 Arc User
edited November 2008 in General Discussion
Is there anywhere where we can see all the changes in each patch? Usually with new versions of software comes a changelog.txt or something... Im just curious what gets added and such... but I never really saw any in many other mmo's. And I know some people like looking for what is new in game... I'm just curious to see the progression of the game :) and why I download each patch :)

Post edited by schizm on


  • esc0rz
    esc0rz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    The best way to fix the update issue is to uncheck all the options in the update window.

    When something gets stuck, just close the patcher, restart, and click "Resume update." Rinse and repeat if needed.

    And about the changelog, I think that'd be a cool addition too. Just to let us know what was fixed and/or added.
  • bron
    bron Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Uncheck everything? Are you serious?

    The first option gets rid of the hassle of being told your client is out of date, and just patches for you, while you can go afk.. The third option resumes for you automatically.

    What you're suggesting is to sit there and do it all manually, when instead it's easier to just start it, forget it, and come back later without worries.
    Proud Pre-Launch CO and Pre-Launch STO Lifetime Subscriber.
  • esc0rz
    esc0rz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    bron wrote: »
    Uncheck everything? Are you serious?

    The first option gets rid of the hassle of being told your client is out of date, and just patches for you, while you can go afk.. The third option resumes for you automatically.

    What you're suggesting is to sit there and do it all manually, when instead it's easier to just start it, forget it, and come back later without worries.

    Question is, have you tried it? Schizm hasn't come back with an update, so that could mean he's either A) online, playing right now or B) sleeping.
  • bron
    bron Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    I'm gonna go with B.

    I've had it the way I described on the other one, and leaving it while I afked with these settings always patched, even on dialup. I just leave it overnight.

    And you gotta admit, it takes away from time spent browsing/afk, since your method would make him stuck at the computer and advancing manualy all the time.
    Proud Pre-Launch CO and Pre-Launch STO Lifetime Subscriber.
  • esc0rz
    esc0rz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    That worked fine for me. Besides, I never said it would work for everyone, I just said it was the best way seeing how a few people I know got it working by using that method.

    For the record, I only got stuck at 2 files. While using my method, I got PW running after restarting the patcher twice.

    Perhaps if and when you get your client up and running, you can share your possible "fix" with everyone.
  • bron
    bron Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Ugh, don't you read? MY-EN. That's what I meant by "other one" in case you can't tell. I patched MY-EN with option 1 and 3 checked, and if you've played it, which you seem like you haven't, you'd know they had the same problems, with people unable to patch. It's a new system, not everything works right away.

    Letting it resume and auto update makes it so you don't have to worry.

    I'm still downloading this client, but the options interface is identical from your screen, so what worked there should work here. Not everybody has time to sit there and click continue each time a file fails.
    Proud Pre-Launch CO and Pre-Launch STO Lifetime Subscriber.
  • dothacker
    dothacker Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    bron wrote: »
    Ugh, don;'t you read? MY-EN. That's what I meant by "other one" in case you can't tell. I patched MY-EN with option 1 and 3 checked, and if you've played it, which you seem like you haven't, you'd know they had the same problems, with people unable to patch. It's a new system, not everything works right away.

    Letting it resume and auto update makes it so you don't have to worry.

    I'm still downloading this client, but the options interface is identical from your screen, so what worked there should work here. Not everybody has time to sit there and click continue each time a file fails.

    Well, actually I've been doing it that way now for a few hours... and at least I got past ^^; But I'll probably let it do everything automatically like you said overnight, just in case, since I'm obviously not going to sit here all night clicking on the thing. -_-
  • bron
    bron Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Yes, because there's lots of people patching at the same time, so the big files are bound to fail. If you do it acording to esc's method, you'll end up doing what you don't wanna, which is sitting there, all night.

    Like I said I'm still downloading this client myself, but based on the screens, the patchers are the same, just point to different patch adresses, so what worked for the other one should work for this one. Option 1 and 3 skip the tedium of keeping an eye on your patcher. Good luck guys.
    Proud Pre-Launch CO and Pre-Launch STO Lifetime Subscriber.
  • dothacker
    dothacker Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    bron wrote: »
    Yes, because there's lots of people patching at the same time, so the big files are bound to fail. If you do it acording to esc's method, you'll end up doing what you don't wanna, which is sitting there, all night.

    I'm still downloading this client myself, but based on the screens, the patchers are the same, just point to different patch adresses, so what worked for the other one should work for this one. Option 1 and 3 skip the tedium of keeping an eye on your patcher. Good luck guys.

    Thanks Bron, good luck to you too!
  • bron
    bron Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    You're welcome, happy to help. I'm gonna need the luck too, really. -.-

    I just hope that the CB client patches to the OB client, because getting 2.5g files on dialup is not fun. And believe me, I've downloaded it once already.

    I made a suggestion about patching from CB to OB. If anybody cares about the dialup users, go post that you support it. :D
    Proud Pre-Launch CO and Pre-Launch STO Lifetime Subscriber.
  • dothacker
    dothacker Posts: 92 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    bron wrote: »
    You're welcome, happy to help. I'm gonna need the luck too, really. -.-

    I just hope that the CB client patches to the OB client, because getting 2.5g files on dialup is not fun. And believe me, I'e downloaded it once already.

    I made a suggestion about patching from CB to OB. If anybody cares about the dialup users, go post that you support it. :D

    Sure, I'd support that! I'm not on dialup, but it'd still be a pain to have to re-download the 2.5G... Where would I post my support? ;)
  • bron
    bron Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    It's in Suggestions. That thread needs some love, cause I'm sure even people not on dialup wouldn't want to download a whole new gigantic client like this.
    Proud Pre-Launch CO and Pre-Launch STO Lifetime Subscriber.
  • schizm
    schizm Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Well thanks for all the replys guys :) but I guess I was somehow misleading in my post :D I never really had trouble patching... The game has actually run perfectly so far for me, all patches work... less lag, skills cast immediately, as opposed to MY-EN where there was a small delay.

    Anyway I just wanted to know what changes with each patch :)

  • elysium
    elysium Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Patch v4 has been released minutes ago...
  • Adriazirma - Sanctuary
    Adriazirma - Sanctuary Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I'm really interested in changelog for particular updates too. I like this game (although I hate it sometimes for a few issues) hence I'm curious what has changed every time I see my client updated. I always hope for stupid fixes like guild slogan (and always check it :-))... yeah, I know, I'm fool to do that after every update.

    Whatever - I'm just interested in those changes. I tried to google it, no success. I actually saw only two changes so far:
    * after few updates I saw more invisible characters (only names in the air :-)) than when I had started to play the game (only four weeks ago)
    * after last update I found a new NPC... only to pull some real money from us, which is sad for me (and yeah, I already bought some Zen, so I'm not here only for F2P part)

    Maybe there are real fixes, I just don't know about it. And I'd like to. I've read some reviews and I know that PWI was a huge leap against it's non-international versions, I just wanna be sure, that there are still some progress, fixes, some future and perspective, something other than cash-shop related things.

    Please... changelog is normal thing and I'm sure customers deserve it.
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008

    Note: Don't buy the bronze charm for now.
  • Adriazirma - Sanctuary
    Adriazirma - Sanctuary Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    Hehe, I hasitated with the post for a long time and when I finally wrote it it was late. Thank you for the link, I've searched for "changelog" or "changelist" now I know where to expect release notes for patches. Good job.