whats your first impression

zelgadis Posts: 3
edited August 2008 in General Discussion
This version is more gui pleasing.
  • During the time you hit the creep
  • When you kill the creep
  • When you enter town
  • etc...

My ping in the game is 97, compare to 313 in my version. I havent noticed much of a game speed difference between spellcasting in pwi and my.

People names and talk is in english.

Thing that I dont like.
  • Npc menu has white dots
  • Character name is still 9 chars
  • Creeps are renamed, which means that current creep db is useless

So far I dont see any major reason to swich over to pwi from my.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • kuailiang
    kuailiang Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Databases are useless for newbies and somewhat useful for veterans. It sucks but that's how it is.

    I did notice some chinese characters and some square names! Those shouldn't be allowed if you ask me.
  • zelgadis
    zelgadis Posts: 3
    edited August 2008
    yep, same here, items have square characters in front of them.
  • ragingwind
    ragingwind Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Where is the +9 player naming? Will it not be implemented until OB?

    The Chinese names are kinda annoying.

    I love the change in equipment requirements. At least, I think I do. I haven't played far enough to find out if it works well or just suks. All I know is that the design in PW-MY was somewhat annoying/frustrating. It always seemed like my characters weren't powerful enough, etc.

    There are many other minor problems that need to be worked out, but I'm quite pleased so far. :D

    EDIT: Also, I love the new additions to the game. I'm seeing quite a few unexpected, new things. Nice.
  • ranthe
    ranthe Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    the only things ive really noticed different are that it lags a LOT less than MY, and the text is a lot better. Although one thing that was changed pretty needlessly in my opinion, is that the target box is now huge, rather than the size it used to be.

    The character models also seem to be made a little smoother than before.