female tanks T_T

trinara Posts: 4 Arc User
edited August 2008 in Suggestion Box
Ok, I'm kind of new to Perfect World and I'm guessing this may have already been addressed somewhere else, but from a brief search I didn't come up with anything.

I'm a female gamer that enjoys tanking in other games, but I'm also concerned with the appearance of my character. As a result, I don't want to make a werebeast (oogly!).

I think female tanking characters should be an option! ATM I play a warrior, but they aren't as good of tanks as WB from what I have heard.
Post edited by trinara on


  • bron
    bron Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2008
    Read the discussion on the Male WF, they mention this there too somewhere.

    The fact is, the two classes are based on Chinese myths (Like the game itself), and 99% of WB were guys and 99% of WF were girls.

    Also it would take a lot of reprogramming (Character models) to program stuff that never existed in any of the other versions, so they would be doing a lot of extra work. They would also have almost nothing to base it on, and imagine the amount of new character customization options that have to be added from scratch for the two new models. It's a lot of work, given how customizable the models are, and the result would be that the game is no longer true to the myths, which breaks down the point of playing a game based on the myths. Sure some people won't care about this being wrong according the backstory, but that fact will still remain.

    Either play a WB if you want to be a true tank and ignore the looks, or do care about looks and play Warrior. They stil tank ok from what I've seen.

    In MY-EN, there's girls who play WB and guys who play WF. On there, it's very easy to tell when a WF is really a guy, because they make her very unrealistic, but with WB you usually wouldn't know unless you were told, but I met one so they do exist.

    Is it really the end of the world if your character doesn't look like you? (I don't mean in terms of customization with the non-gender locked characters) It's a game. People play games to experience stuff they can't in real life. Playing a WB is one of them for girls. Playing a WF is one of them for guys.

    Wow, I wrote a lot. Hehe.
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