What game were/are you playing before PW?



  • Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited October 2008

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    Some comments would be nice.
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  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    well i still play wow ...somethime maple story just finished portal warcraft3 &expansion.....jurassic park:the lost island(just for fun).... i played gunbound a long time ago XD
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Phantasy Star Online (Dreamcast version)
    WoW (decided it wasn't for me)
    Ragnarok (played it for 2 days and hated it)
    R.O.S.E Online (3 months then got bored)
    Rappelz (until epic 5 completely ruined the pet system... IMO)
    4story (A little too similar to Wow...)
    RF Online (took me 2 hours after playing it to decide that I should never play this game again)
    Requiem (I just liked how the blood got on my character. It made her look sexier :P)
    Lineage 2 (Still somewhat playing, but it's coming to an end fairly soon... lvl 82 Ghost Sentinel/ Subclass: 60 Gladiator)

    Next on my list is Aion: Tower of Eternity

    Unless... PWI hooks me in more than I already am...

    Love. Love. Love. I'm a trigger hippie.
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    everquest 2
    FF XI

    I don't play that many games at a time
  • Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Cabal Online...
    Conquer Online 1 & 2
  • Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I quit them both.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    well the game i used to play b4 this was fiesta, but it has in the past disappointed me so i am will willing to play this now i play rohan , grand chase and maple story but for the most i would say fiesta

    if any1 knows m,e from fiesta pm me my old names were
    on teva server
    and machingun_queen

    rom , jen , and moonie i know you guys are here but you didn't tell me what server you guys were playing on
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Played Conquer Online for just over 2 years still go on just to chat to friends until i can get them to come here XD

    played on Snowfall, Frogprince, and the newly merged Cerberus/Gryphon servers incase anyone else played

    the game sucked to be honest lol but wasn't all bad I met my girl while playing

    now we have both started on PWI and hoping we will meet some good new friends and find a new home here :)
    "How lonely is the night without the howl of a wolf"
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    My very first post ^^


    RuneScape (2 years, 1 lvl 56 char 1 lvl 75; quit after I noticed its major suckiness).
    Maplestory (1 year, quit after I found better things)
    AdventureQuest (My PC crashed for awhile and this was all I could play on my laptop)
    Guild Wars (1 year, still playing frequently)
    CABAL Online (3 days, got to lvl 20 then quit after I found the trojan horse it installed)
    Darkeden (1 day, got boring really fast)
    FlyFF (2 weeks, got VERY boring, quit after I was demoted to reg. member in my guild)
    Shaiya (Still play occasionally, horrible habit of deleting and restarting on new chars to make it seem like I'm getting somewhere)
    Last Chaos (3 weeks, quit after major PC crash)
    2Moons (1 hour, played, hated it, delete)
    GunZ (2 years, community went downhill fast, quit after anything that wasn't a shotgun was considered noobish)
    Soldier Front (1 month, quit after my gun broke QQ)
    Combat Arms (Still playing, just not often)
    WoW (3 minutes, hated it, gave account to friend)
    SilkRoad (1 day, downloaded on day of major PC crash)
    Eve (1 week, it got boring, account given to friend)
    Mabinogi (2 months, quit after accidentally deleting it, never felt like reinstalling it)
    Lunia (1 day, really never connected with that game)
    Project Torque (1 month, quit after major PC crash)
    DoMO (1 minute, tried playing it, got the blue screen of death)
    Twelve Sky (3 months, quit after major PC crash.
    Perfect World International (Still do play, messed up on Archer build, need friends, any server)
  • Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    LastChaos ftw!!!! played for about yr and half had titan on there named TrueDorian pm me if u know me.

    and played rappelz for about a week hated it

    now this and like it almost as much as LCb:flower
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I played WOW and that is what made me look into other online MMOs. This game is great and people know it. It does what most online game want to do, the only difference between this and others is that it does it well. I've been waiting for a free game that is actually good and this game passed all my expectations.
  • Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I played WarRock, Combat Arms, Mabinogi...some other stuff I don't have on my computer anymore and obviously can't remember....they were pretty fun, and so is PW. :D
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I still play Shaiya Online.
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i used to play CoH/CoV = City of Heroes & City of Villains.
    But then found perfect world which was FREE!!!! =free fun=YAY!
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    i played Flyff for 4 years but not much at the moment cuz its getting boring to me after that long time and the new versions and server downs everytime isnt realy cool.
    i also play Eve-Online , its for me one of the best Onlinegames (not free) i ever play and i think PW gonna be my next favorite free-onlinegame that i play in the future.
    Realy nice game!
  • Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    World of Warcraft (3.5 years)
    Dream of Mirror Online (8 months)
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2008


    EverQuest Classic - '01-'03

    EverQuest Online Adventures - 01'-'04

    EverQuest 2 - began and quit shortly after it's release, too laggy even with cable connection and gaming processor

    Final Fantasy XI - '03-'04

    World of Warcraft - '05 - '06

    Ragnarok Online - '07 - '08 private servers

    Currently Trying:

    Talisman Online

    Rappelz Online

    World of Kung Fu Online

    Plan to Try

    Cabal (if they ever open for US)


  • Posts: 519 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I quit WOW because of the stupid monthly fee. I only played until my free trial was over.If there wasn't any monthly fee, I would be so OUTTA HERE!!! Before WOW, I played Guild Wars. Then I quit because you can't jump.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Everquest 2
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Silkroad Online-2years lvl 85 Glaiver (sad because cap is 90 and too bored to finish)
    Requiem Bloodymare lvl 34 just started playing, still playing
    Played Eve online for like 3 months got old quick!
    Have tried most MMORPG's, so far I'm in love with PW, but I'm only lvl 20 so we'll se b:pleased
  • Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Well I still play Warcraft 3 and Counter Strike: Source/Zombie Panic

    Used to play: Guild Wars, La Tale, RF Online, Shaiya, Maple Story and Talisman Online

    Waiting for Diablo 3, it looks wicked!b:victory
  • Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Call of Duty 4 and Ragnarok Online.
  • Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    86 Ringmaster, 70 Blade, 67 Ranger, 74 Billposter :0
    I was on lawolf ;D

    Quit because there was so many thigns wrong with it, instead of fixing all he bugs they just kept
    adding dungeons and ect to try and make us happy..and nerfing classes skill by skill lol.
    I beleive the Ringmasters (healers) were the best pvpers when I left xD
    ~Sig by ForsakenX~
  • Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I Played Guild Wars for a little before that i was playing xenosaga 3 on my ps2
  • Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Fallout 3 is frickin awesome btw...

    World of Goo, Braid, Rockband 2, are also good times, good times :) b:laughb:victory
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  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I agree fallout 3 is awesome I'm playing it right now taking a break from pw lol
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    shizuru19 wrote: »


    EverQuest Classic - '01-'03

    EverQuest Online Adventures - 01'-'04

    EverQuest 2 - began and quit shortly after it's release, too laggy even with cable connection and gaming processor

    Final Fantasy XI - '03-'04

    World of Warcraft - '05 - '06

    Ragnarok Online - '07 - '08 private servers

    Currently Trying:

    Talisman Online

    Rappelz Online

    World of Kung Fu Online

    Plan to Try

    Cabal (if they ever open for US)


    Just a FYI, Cabal online is out for the us. Its called Cabal NA, hosted by OGPlanet. I played it and i mst say the game is great. Its just too bad that the company that hosts the game blows ****. They dont give a dam about hackers, all they care about is if your buy astros or not. Oh, and they also ban people for no reason. But dont take my word for it, lol.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I was playing Last Chaos, where I was the GA of my Guild until the new GM booted me against the wishes of the old one. I left and never went back.
  • Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    I was playing Fiesta just before I found this game. Fiesta got too grindy for me.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    In Order:-
    Hero Online- Quit
    Scion of Fate- Quit
    Guild Wars
    2moons- Still Playing lvl 88 mage
    9Dragons- Quit
    TCOS (Closed Beta)- Testing PVP/PVE
    Perfect World- Most Active
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