Ok I need a few things answered...

koz Posts: 465 Arc User
edited January 2011 in General Discussion
I'm a perfect world vet. I've played this game for about one and a half years already, on multiple different servers and I have a level 105 priest. Besides moving the server to the US, what makes this version different from the MY version? I know many people, including myself don't want to play just another cloned version of the MY. If an admin can answer this that would be great. I know your answer will decide if me as well as others decide to change over to this version (even though I live in the US). I've never lagged very much on the MY version so localization doesn't do too much for me. But here are some of the major flaws of the versions I played that eventually made us leave there:

Overpriced cash shop(All versions)
Heirograms and EXP scrolls are pretty much crucial in this game. Without those, leveling because extremely slow and extremely hard. We had to buy our cubi gold from companies that bought it directly from MY and they always sold it for a ridiculous price because they know we can't get it from anywhere else. Gouging if you ask me.

Warlords(Chinese MY, English MY)
If you played on the oracle server you know my pain. 20 or so people playing on 5 accounts which eventually lead to them winning all the CBT prizes and the first to take over the majority of all the territories. IDK about anyone else but I am ONE person and I cannot compete against 4 people on one account. Territory wars weren't even possible because you could never catch up with them and cubizone refused to do anything about it. Many people never experienced a TW before because it was just plain impossible to win. Perhaps add something to the TOS that prevents account sharing so more people can have a chance.

Inactive GMs(MY versions, CN version)
The report bot function was pretty much useless for anyone that lived outside time zone. I couldn't tell you how many bots I've seen farming and sell their drops before the GMs ever got on.

Chinese spam(English MY version)
This is an English version, so why the need to have chinese characters still available? It's not very pleasant to see people spamming world trumpets or having them run around with their names and not know what they say.

Character Names(all versions)
Character names are very poorly done. If you just changed the capitalization you can have any name you want. For example if I had the named Koz, someone could make KOz, koZ,KoZ, etc. You get my point. Why is this even in the game?

Why another international version?
I've been waiting for a long time for a US based PW to come out but was disappointed to learn that it was another international. The chinese and english MY versions are both international so why is this one? If anyone has ever played the Philippines server before you will know how well that the server is run. Why? Because it's IP blocked so just the Philippines can play. Now I'm not saying to IP block everyone but the US in this one, but why not block the countries that already have their localized versions? I mean if Person A gets banned for hacking/botting in their server, what is going to stop them from coming over to this server? GMs can't catch EVERY botter or EVERY hacker.

There is probably more but I'm sorta brain dead right now from writing this all out >.<. I would appreciate if you could tell me (if anything) you're going to change that I listed. This will prb decide if I, as well as others I know, will to switch over from the versions we are on and waste money/time on this US version.
Post edited by koz on


  • xarfox
    xarfox Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    koz wrote: »
    Overpriced cash shop(All versions)
    Heirograms and EXP scrolls are pretty much crucial in this game. Without those, leveling because extremely slow and extremely hard. We had to buy our cubi gold from companies that bought it directly from MY and they always sold it for a ridiculous price because they know we can't get it from anywhere else. Gouging if you ask me.

    Warlords(Chinese MY, English MY)
    If you played on the oracle server you know my pain. 20 or so people playing on 5 accounts which eventually lead to them winning all the CBT prizes and the first to take over the majority of all the territories. IDK about anyone else but I am ONE person and I cannot compete against 4 people on one account. Territory wars weren't even possible because you could never catch up with them and cubizone refused to do anything about it. Many people never experienced a TW before because it was just plain impossible to win. Perhaps add something to the TOS that prevents account sharing so more people can have a chance.

    Inactive GMs(MY versions, CN version)
    The report bot function was pretty much useless for anyone that lived outside time zone. I couldn't tell you how many bots I've seen farming and sell their drops before the GMs ever got on.

    Chinese spam(English MY version)
    This is an English version, so why the need to have chinese characters still available? It's not very pleasant to see people spamming world trumpets or having them run around with their names and not know what they say.

    Character Names(all versions)
    Character names are very poorly done. If you just changed the capitalization you can have any name you want. For example if I had the named Koz, someone could make KOz, koZ,KoZ, etc. You get my point. Why is this even in the game?

    Why another international version?
    I've been waiting for a long time for a US based PW to come out but was disappointed to learn that it was another international. The chinese and english MY versions are both international so why is this one? If anyone has ever played the Philippines server before you will know how well that the server is run. Why? Because it's IP blocked so just the Philippines can play. Now I'm not saying to IP block everyone but the US in this one, but why not block the countries that already have their localized versions? I mean if Person A gets banned for hacking/botting in their server, what is going to stop them from coming over to this server? GMs can't catch EVERY botter or EVERY hacker.

    Overpriced Cash Shop -
    We will do our best to make sure that our cash shop items are reasonably priced for the American market.

    Warlords -
    This was addressed in another thread, however, we will be watching Territory Wars closely and making sure that everyone is playing fair.

    Inactive GMs -
    I would like to think that our activity here on the forums is an indicator of how pro-active we are with regard to our community and our service. ;)

    Chinese Spam -
    We are definitely concerned about this issue and are taking preventative measures to assure that this problem isn't repeated on our service.

    Character Names -
    I do believe that this problem will actually be fixed for our version. However you'll have to wait and see in beta. ;)

    Another International Version -
    Regarding IP blocks. Any country that currently has licensed Perfect World will be blocked. This includes Malaysia, Philippines, China, Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and others.

    Thank you for your honest opinions and feedback. We take our community seriously, and hope you'll join us at Perfect World International. :)
  • ark
    ark Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    "Regarding IP blocks. Any country that currently has licensed Perfect World will be blocked. This includes Malaysia, Philippines, China, Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and others."

    *Dances for joy*
    As a Guild,

    Live as One, fight as One, win as One.
    Strength in Unity,
    Order through Chaos,
    Victory united.
  • lena
    lena Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    ark wrote: »
    "Regarding IP blocks. Any country that currently has licensed Perfect World will be blocked. This includes Malaysia, Philippines, China, Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and others."

    *Dances for joy*

    Can I dance with you :D Im hoping another country like Turkey doesnt mess up this server *fingers crossed*
    You Were Never Meant To Arrive In Hell Looking Like A Fashion Plate...Rather To Slide In Backwards..Glass Of Wine In Hand..Hair In Disarray..Totally Exhausted.... Screaming man what a ride !!!!!!!
  • kuailiang
    kuailiang Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Regarding IP blocks. Any country that currently has licensed Perfect World will be blocked. This includes Malaysia, Philippines, China, Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and others.

    And vice-versa? As in, will North Americans be banned from, say, Malaysia? Some of my friends would rather stay there and all.
  • orinj
    orinj Posts: 460 admin
    edited July 2008
    koz wrote: »
    ...We had to buy our cubi gold from companies that bought it directly from MY and they always sold it for a ridiculous price because they know we can't get it from anywhere else. Gouging if you ask me.

    Warlords(Chinese MY, English MY)
    ...Perhaps add something to the TOS that prevents account sharing so more people can have a chance.

    hey there.

    to answer a couple of your questions -

    * we do not sell currency to other resellers. it's directly from us - fair and straight.

    * account sharing is a violation of the TOS. prepare to have your account privileges revoked if you get caught.

    hope that helps ^_^

    - oj (not the simpson kind)
    F.E.A.R. has two meanings: Forget Everything And Run - OR - Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours, my friend.
  • perfect10
    perfect10 Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    i dont think so...cuz north america does not have its own server :P
    this is an international server and i dont think they would block out everyone's country to the MY international server lol...it wouldn't be very international then would it? lol

    as for me, im moving here for a fresh start, better connection, better event times, and to get ahead of the curve instead of falling behind
  • roxy
    roxy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    I have a question.

    Lets say, me and my boyfriend have our own accounts. One day, we're playing at my house together. That'll make us have the same i.p and all, correct? If so, wouldn't that make you think we're account sharing? Thus, are you going to punish us? :eek:

    To the world, you may be one person
    But to one person, you may be the world
  • shadowwarrior
    shadowwarrior Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    xarfox: "Another International Version -
    Regarding IP blocks. Any country that currently has licensed Perfect World will be blocked. This includes Malaysia, Philippines, China, Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and others." :mad:

    I live in Korea and am an American.

    Does this mean that I am going to be blocked and not allowed to take part in this? :confused:

    I already have a Closed Beta key... now it seems that will be useless.

    While I understand the reason, I feel it is not fair to players like me that live in a foreign country and want to play this game in proper English, with active GMs, and everything else that seems to be here.

    Not on some server where you are basically not listened to, ignored and have to figure things out reading broken Engrish and Help FAQs that are incomplete.... :eek:

  • aura
    aura Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Another International Version -
    Regarding IP blocks. Any country that currently has licensed Perfect World will be blocked. This includes Malaysia, Philippines, China, Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and others.

    nice! wow.. you mods answered every question I was thinking and more. You guys are just too good.
  • roxy
    roxy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    It's nice to have active admin's and moderators. ;)

    <img src="http://i38.tinypic.com/1scwn5.jpg&gt;

    To the world, you may be one person.
    But to one person, you may be the world.

    To the world, you may be one person
    But to one person, you may be the world
  • lena
    lena Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    roxy wrote: »
    I have a question.

    Lets say, me and my boyfriend have our own accounts. One day, we're playing at my house together. That'll make us have the same i.p and all, correct? If so, wouldn't that make you think we're account sharing? Thus, are you going to punish us? :eek:

    Now thats a good point coz where I live my RL mom and I play the same game therefore it will be on both Comps so it looks like I wont be playin International after all if thats the case coz I know my mom wants to play international and seeing as being at the same ip can get us banned Im not gonna risk her not being able to play this game
    You Were Never Meant To Arrive In Hell Looking Like A Fashion Plate...Rather To Slide In Backwards..Glass Of Wine In Hand..Hair In Disarray..Totally Exhausted.... Screaming man what a ride !!!!!!!
  • orinj
    orinj Posts: 460 admin
    edited July 2008
    roxy wrote: »
    I have a question.

    Lets say, me and my boyfriend have our own accounts. One day, we're playing at my house together. That'll make us have the same i.p and all, correct? If so, wouldn't that make you think we're account sharing? Thus, are you going to punish us? :eek:
    lena wrote: »
    Now thats a good point coz where I live my RL mom and I play the same game therefore it will be on both Comps so it looks like I wont be playin International after all if thats the case coz I know my mom wants to play international and seeing as being at the same ip can get us banned Im not gonna risk her not being able to play this game

    good questions.... good questions...

    sorry to say, but ya'll are gonna have to be banned with the swiftness.


    i'm kidding. sharing accounts is against TOS, sharing IPs is not. and trust me when i say this - we have very sophisticated methods to tell the difference :cool:

    - orinj
    F.E.A.R. has two meanings: Forget Everything And Run - OR - Face Everything And Rise. The choice is yours, my friend.
  • roxy
    roxy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    orinj wrote: »
    good questions.... good questions...

    sorry to say, but ya'll are gonna have to be banned with the swiftness.


    i'm kidding. sharing accounts is against TOS, sharing IPs is not. and trust me when i say this - we have very sophisticated methods to tell the difference :cool:

    - orinj

    * Cough * Like chat logs * Cough *

    <img src="http://i38.tinypic.com/1scwn5.jpg&gt;

    To the world, you may be one person
    But to one person, you may be the world

    To the world, you may be one person
    But to one person, you may be the world
  • ark
    ark Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Oj, you scared me half to death before I read the second half of that lol
    As a Guild,

    Live as One, fight as One, win as One.
    Strength in Unity,
    Order through Chaos,
    Victory united.
  • koz
    koz Posts: 465 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Now will the cash shop be updated? I know the malaysian version is EXTREMELY slow in updating their cash shop and I would like to get things such as Seraph Wings right at 20 and not have to buy the cruddy ones they had in the cash shop to start off with. Also MY had only silver heiros and not gold which was also extremely annoying -.-

    ~Also props to the website. It looks much better than the MY one :p
  • zorvan
    zorvan Posts: 1
    edited July 2008
    xarfox: "Another International Version -
    Regarding IP blocks. Any country that currently has licensed Perfect World will be blocked. This includes Malaysia, Philippines, China, Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and others." :mad:

    I live in Korea and am an American.

    Does this mean that I am going to be blocked and not allowed to take part in this? :confused:

    I already have a Closed Beta key... now it seems that will be useless.

    While I understand the reason, I feel it is not fair to players like me that live in a foreign country and want to play this game in proper English, with active GMs, and everything else that seems to be here.

    Not on some server where you are basically not listened to, ignored and have to figure things out reading broken Engrish and Help FAQs that are incomplete.... :eek:


    Well, maybe it's a good incentive to come home. If not, deal with MY.
  • lena
    lena Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    orinj wrote: »
    good questions.... good questions...

    sorry to say, but ya'll are gonna have to be banned with the swiftness.


    i'm kidding. sharing accounts is against TOS, sharing IPs is not. and trust me when i say this - we have very sophisticated methods to tell the difference :cool:

    - orinj
    HAHA you almost scared me there for a moment :p hehehe thanks though shuga glad to know I can still play here :D coz I got a Closed Beta Key and didnt want to think it would go to waste ;)
    You Were Never Meant To Arrive In Hell Looking Like A Fashion Plate...Rather To Slide In Backwards..Glass Of Wine In Hand..Hair In Disarray..Totally Exhausted.... Screaming man what a ride !!!!!!!
  • ark
    ark Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Zorvan? I think you'll get a few people questioning your name =p. Good luck with that.
    As a Guild,

    Live as One, fight as One, win as One.
    Strength in Unity,
    Order through Chaos,
    Victory united.
  • lena
    lena Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    ark wrote: »
    Zorvan? I think you'll get a few people questioning your name =p. Good luck with that.

    Like take away the " v " and add a " k " ;)
    You Were Never Meant To Arrive In Hell Looking Like A Fashion Plate...Rather To Slide In Backwards..Glass Of Wine In Hand..Hair In Disarray..Totally Exhausted.... Screaming man what a ride !!!!!!!
  • shadowwarrior
    shadowwarrior Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    zorvan wrote: »
    Well, maybe it's a good incentive to come home. If not, deal with MY.

    I would like to hear from a Mod or Admin on this.

    Also what is there to come back to? Jobs are hard to find and keep right now... inflation and all that as well. Besides to come home I would need a job there and I do not have one in the States currently.
  • roxy
    roxy Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    I would like to hear from a Mod or Admin on this.

    Also what is there to come back to? Jobs are hard to find and keep right now... inflation and all that as well. Besides to come home I would need a job there and I do not have one in the States currently.

    True that. It took me forever to find a job nowadays.
    Now I got a job, with horrible work days. Ouch.

    <img src="http://i38.tinypic.com/1scwn5.jpg&gt;

    To the world, you may be one person
    But to one person, you may be the world

    To the world, you may be one person
    But to one person, you may be the world
  • shao
    shao Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    lena wrote: »
    Now thats a good point coz where I live my RL mom and I play the same game therefore it will be on both Comps so it looks like I wont be playin International after all if thats the case coz I know my mom wants to play international and seeing as being at the same ip can get us banned Im not gonna risk her not being able to play this game

    Yeppers ya do but also there are others in the house who may wish to come and play when its open beta while papa has his computer the boys must share theirs...would that also affect them even if they had different accounts?
    I amar prestar aen,
    han mathon ne nen,
    han mathon ne chae,
    a han noston ned'wilith.

    The world is changed,
    I feel it in the water,
    I feel it in the earth,
    I smell it in the air.

    Kia Kaha
  • xarfox
    xarfox Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    shao wrote: »
    Yeppers ya do but also there are others in the house who may wish to come and play when its open beta while papa has his computer the boys must share theirs...would that also affect them even if they had different accounts?

    They should be not be affected. :)
  • lena
    lena Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    xarfox wrote: »
    They should be not be affected. :)

    w00t cheers for that one hun I look forward to playin with my lil bros yeppers gaming family here rofl ;)
    You Were Never Meant To Arrive In Hell Looking Like A Fashion Plate...Rather To Slide In Backwards..Glass Of Wine In Hand..Hair In Disarray..Totally Exhausted.... Screaming man what a ride !!!!!!!
  • epiphany
    epiphany Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    lena wrote: »
    w00t cheers for that one hun I look forward to playin with my lil bros yeppers gaming family here rofl ;)
    The family that plays together stays together. Hopefully my brother will leave the other version and join me here.
  • ercasam
    ercasam Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    Normally people don't get banned for having the same IP, what the OP and most mods are probly thinking of is people who are logged in for weeks non-stop (like what happened with warlords on MY)

    of course if you or someone else in your house get IP banned for doing something suspicious that might be a different story ^_^
    ::::.::::.:::.::.:.Don't Worry I'm A Doctor.:.::.:::.::::.:::::
  • lena
    lena Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    epiphany wrote: »
    The family that plays together stays together. Hopefully my brother will leave the other version and join me here.

    I hear you on that one hun...and totally agree with ya ;) there have been a group of us that have been together for say 10+ yrs gaming together lol.. actually more than that now that I think of it lol back in 96 to be exact hehehe in all games we have been in we have all been together and more or less like family lol so hopefully the rest will follow ^.^
    You Were Never Meant To Arrive In Hell Looking Like A Fashion Plate...Rather To Slide In Backwards..Glass Of Wine In Hand..Hair In Disarray..Totally Exhausted.... Screaming man what a ride !!!!!!!
  • ercasam
    ercasam Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    lena wrote: »
    I hear you on that one hun...and totally agree with ya ;) there have been a group of us that have been together for say 10+ yrs gaming together lol.. actually more than that now that I think of it lol back in 96 to be exact hehehe in all games we have been in we have all been together and more or less like family lol so hopefully the rest will follow ^.^

    I wish I had a gaming family to call mah own T-T
    ::::.::::.:::.::.:.Don't Worry I'm A Doctor.:.::.:::.::::.:::::
  • lena
    lena Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    ercasam wrote: »
    I wish I had a gaming family to call mah own T-T

    Im sure you will suga ~hugs~
    You Were Never Meant To Arrive In Hell Looking Like A Fashion Plate...Rather To Slide In Backwards..Glass Of Wine In Hand..Hair In Disarray..Totally Exhausted.... Screaming man what a ride !!!!!!!
  • ercasam
    ercasam Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2008
    lena wrote: »
    Im sure you will suga ~hugs~

    If me and Koz can persuade everyone to join us on this server I'll have mah dysfunctional family, but from the looks of it we're going to be pretty small for a long time

    ::::.::::.:::.::.:.Don't Worry I'm A Doctor.:.::.:::.::::.:::::
This discussion has been closed.