Important Price Changes PWI Gold Boutique

Posts: 5 Arc User
edited July 2024 in General Discussion
I have written down some important Pricechanges for our PWI Version, which i already send to the GMs 10 month ago, but there wasn't any Changes for it, even tho they said they gonna do it.

That's why here again the List of a few Items that are not correctly priced in our Version compared to China, which are important for reaching Stuff in the Game.

Before i have to say, our Prices are in General 6,5X lower then the Prices on Chinese Server. So a Monthly Card on China is 90 Gold, for us its 15 Gold. This is just an example.
So all other Items should be at a Factor of 6,5X Cheaper then it is on the Chinese Version. Since you get way more Gold for your Money. If PWI Devs don't want to change the Price of these Items in our Boutique, they should adjust the Gold we get per $ + all Prices in Boutique to Chinese Prices.


Shackles and Reshape Crystals cost 1 Gold on PWCN, divided by 6,5 would mean the Standardprice for these should be 15 Silver for us at the correct Factor.


Monthly Titles in the Star Level Boutique - 50 Silver for China Prices, for us its 2 Gold each. (thats a Factor of 0.25) Price should be less then 10 Silver for us.


Super Inventory + Safe Stone have the same Prices as we have in our Version, should be divided by 6.5 so: Safe Stone = 1,85 Gold & Inventory Stone 1,40 Gold.


Dog Spring - China Price 5 Gold, our Price 5 Gold (so only a Factor of 1.0) - should be 75 Silver for us each


Coupon of Magnifience - as you see China is giving Coupons as a ''Free-Item'' to a expensive Fashion. In That case 1.000 Gold grants you 550 Coupons, this is a Price of 1,8 Gold per Coupon of Magnifience.
Our Price is 88 Gold for 100 Coupons, so a Price of 88 Silver per Coupon

Our Price for Coupons should be 1.8 divided by 6.5 per Coupon so 27.9 Silver per Coupon, 27,5 Gold per 100 Coupons.


Starchart Items in General you can see on the Screenshot are all the Same Prices then for us, should all of them divided by 6.5!


Nebula Dust Orb - China Price 2 Gold, our Price 1 Gold (so only a Factor of 2) - should be 30 Silver for us each


Golden Splendor China Price is 1 Gold, our Price is 3 Gold. So a Factor of 0.33 (we even more expensive then China) This should cost only 15 Silver for us.

This one is a very important Pricechange cause we gonna need it at next Expansion if we want to use Arigora Coins from Alts or buy from other Players to make those Items tradeable. With the current Price it would be hilarious Expensive.


Dragon Oath Month - China Price 30 Gold, our Price 18 Gold (so only a Factor of 1,66) - should be 4,61 Gold for us

Another Important Change Request:

Since Chrono-Hunt is not working properly, GMs should add a Option to the NPC that you can trade your Arigora-Coins to Chrono-Sand or Chrono-Flux. Since we can't get the Items otherwise and Arigora Coins weights the same as Rarity as the Chrono-Hunt Items, this should be a good option for us getting the G18 Cape, which otherwise we are not able to obtain and important for Endgame.

I think this should be possible to put in the Code and add to the NPC.

Thanks in Advance



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