(Q&A 2024) GM 2024 Early year feedback.

Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
edited November 2024 in Official Announcements
1. Archosaur Warsong Event - Dragon's Rise Celebration (+12 orb) - Celestial Memoire - Annual animal(zodiac) - Tiger Questionary (not a big deal but it's broken for years) -
The above events are present in other servers like PWCN(of course), PWRU and PWBR. Quote from player “Celestial Memoire is the event that really blows my mind, is an event that f2p can enjoy but cashers will spend.”
1. Archosaur Warsong Event: On Dev to address (seriously, we do want this event to work)

2. Rent NPC - all servers have except pwi. This would be good for new players and help others keep up with the older players – We have never had this and no one really knows why?
2. Rent NPC: Something to discuss further with Devs, It would appear there are further issues with this.

3. Dustfall Ultimate Artifact - Will the feature of this item be added to the forges to r8s3 be upgraded to R9r4 someday? still making appearance in packs.
3. Dustfall Ult Artifact: On Devs to address

4. Auctioneer - All servers use this npc to sell/buy gold/coins, would it be possible pwi increases the upper limit of coins so we could use this npc? Or do something with this so you can sell parts of gold so say 10 silver so the cap can still stay in place.
4. Auctioneer: Discussing with Devs

5. We gave up on having R9r3 for Apes. ( You cant upgrade to R9S4 either because of this. H Notes: I know this has been delayed for the other toons in the past when the new classes have came out.)
5. Wildwalker R9r3: We expect to be added later

6. Can the run requirements for trials be reduced to say 100? A lot of guilds are struggling to manage 150 and are stuck on trial 1. I do know on release for China this was set at 200, so lowing it should be possible.
6. Trial Requirement Lowered: Should be doable, on Devs to address

7. Chrono Hunt is also still broken on Dawnglory, as from what I know the window of time for it to open on our server the server it is hosted on is closed, and 200 to open it is too many. This has never worked for us, so any feedback on this would be epic. Etherblade tried this and they got the message “Server map unavailabe” "Cross Server Maintance In Progress"
7. Chrono Hunt: On Devs to address

8. We are further behind on updates than we have ever been, do we have any news when the next updates will hit as PWCN / PWRU and PWBR have had there’s for a while?
8. Content Updates: Yes, details have been delayed, as the Devs are assessing the content right now.

9. Can we get updates to event gold to get this more tailored to PWI? There are Fashon weapons / fashion / flyers / Mounts missing that can be obtained. Also this Event gold shop is very out of date and could really use an overhall.
9. Event Gold: Bit curious on this, as in what exactly you would like to see adjusted (details/examples are helpful ;)
H Note: The list is up for suggestions for this and I will be listing feedback for the Dev team in a few weeks so please do comment.

10. WC - the cost to WC is very expensive for our server is there any possiblity to remove this extra costs after talking for a few WC. EG first WC is 1, Second is 2 in under 60 seconds.
10. WC Cost Reduction: That is a thing that should be addressed. To be discussed with Devs

11. TW / XTW seasons are very important to this game and seasons should be heavy on the teams mind with also rewards. Shoutouts. ( I will post pictures from each servers map for maint this week to show this off and how many factions are doing TW)
11. TW / XTW: We were just looking at this.
H Note: I have now given more feedback on this issue. Please feel free to give me a suggested items reward list.

12. Full perfect Attandance - this is broken evey year and a code has to be issued to cover this evey year. Would show some confidence if this is fixed for this year. so players can claim from the game. ( Will also save a lot of tickets and issues later on.)
12. Full Perfect Attendance Issue: Yeah, this is more of a legacy thing, mainly due to timers/schedules from CN versions carried into our ported version. Will discuss with Devs on this, as it is annoying for all

13. Lower gold cost ( or more gold for the payment we make)
13. Lower Gold Cost: We assume Cshop pricing? We can look into this

14. - Trying to host more (working) events, Recruit some GM's to do random giveaways or provide community fun
14. Giveaways/Rng Fun stuff to do: this does sound good. Will need to check into this further, and see what we can do ;)
Post edited by heerohex#3018 on


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  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    Hi all,

    Feedback from QnA, Sorry I have taken a few to get this back after recieveing it Ive been very busy and only this week had time to look at it myself.

    I really hope this answers a few questions as to the state and future of PWI, as a player my self Im happy to see some things moving again. Tho we are far away from where PWI could be.

    At this point I would also like to Thank you all for your support.

  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    8. We are further behind on updates than we have ever been, do we have any news when the next updates will hit as PWCN / PWRU and PWBR have had there’s for a while?
    8. Content Updates: Yes, details have been delayed, as the Devs are assessing the content right now.

    question, do you mean the developers are testing the new content right now ?
  • Posts: 31 Arc User
    Hi all,

    Feedback from QnA, Sorry I have taken a few to get this back after recieveing it Ive been very busy and only this week had time to look at it myself.

    I really hope this answers a few questions as to the state and future of PWI, as a player my self Im happy to see some things moving again. Tho we are far away from where PWI could be.

    At this point I would also like to Thank you all for your support.


    Thank you for your work Heero. The administrators of the game ignored the players for so long that I had long lost hope of getting at least some answers from them. But you were able to get the administrators to comment on a few really important issues.
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    8. We are further behind on updates than we have ever been, do we have any news when the next updates will hit as PWCN / PWRU and PWBR have had there’s for a while?
    8. Content Updates: Yes, details have been delayed, as the Devs are assessing the content right now.

    question, do you mean the developers are testing the new content right now ?

    So as far as I understand the content has to be converted into English. This can take quite a while and involves a lot of people.

    Also with a recent questions that we've asked about I assume this may take a little bit longer to look through.

    If I do have any more information about the update I can share I will of course let you all know.

  • Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited May 2024
    1. Archosaur Warsong Event - Dragon's Rise Celebration (+12 orb) - Celestial Memoire - Annual animal(zodiac) - Tiger Questionary (not a big deal but it's broken for years) -
    The above events are present in other servers like PWCN(of course), PWRU and PWBR. Quote from player “Celestial Memoire is the event that really blows my mind, is an event that f2p can enjoy but cashers will spend.”
    1. Archosaur Warsong Event: On Dev to address (seriously, we do want this event to work)
    Is the note in the brackets their personal thought or is this your note? And what does the On Dev to address mean?
    And is it only meant for archosaur warsong? dragons rise is particularly more interesting for me.
    Venomancer "Nehilenia" from Twilight Temple Server (Ex-Sanctuary) 12~14th Nov' 2008 - December 2012
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator

    Hi so I will note my comments with H Note
  • Posts: 73 Arc User
    "9. Can we get updates to event gold to get this more tailored to PWI? There are Fashon weapons / fashion / flyers / Mounts missing that can be obtained. Also this Event gold shop is very out of date and could really use an overhall.
    9. Event Gold: Bit curious on this, as in what exactly you would like to see adjusted (details/examples are helpful ;)
    H Note: The list is up for suggestions for this and I will be listing feedback for the Dev team in a few weeks so please do comment."

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    To comment on the above, I (and many others i know) hope to see added back to Event Boutique: Fashion / Flyers / Mounts of old variety as it used to be, or a rotating variety to add variation, with the addition of hopefully adding Weapon Fashion as well.
    I would like to add also about the Event Fashion, if the fashion pieces were kept on sale as individual pieces (as it used to be) that would allow people to complete some of their previously purchased partial sets they may own. I would see individual pieces of Fashion sold as a good thing, as opposed to having to buy full sets, and i'd hope that is how it would be set up.

    Other things I hope to see stay in the Event section and NOT be taken out are things like Random Dyes, charms and Orbs.

    My personal opinion on the Fashion Boutique in general:
    I am not a fan of being forced to buy a full set of something when you may only like or need 1 of the pieces and wish we could revert the WHOLE Fashion Boutique back to the way it was which allowed people the option to buy what they wanted without gouging us to buy full set for just 1 piece we link or need to finish off a set we have.
    Not only did the OLD Fashion Boutique used to contain MORE fashion / mounts /flyers and weapon fashion then the current one ,but, it was also more interactive and user friendly with zoom options and custom previews. This is no longer the case and if your character isn't wearing Codexed fashion then it doesn't even show your character wearing anything in the Boutique when trying on wings/mount ... this is ridiculous if you are trying to match fashion to a flyer/mount u wanna buy ... it is now impossible to do. As is trying on only 1 piece of fashion at a time, again, to mix-n-match with what you already own. No, the current Fashion Boutique only allows trying on strictly full sets ONLY ... this is such a step BACK! I'm baffled as to why this glitching non-user-friendly version of Fashion Boutique was ever implemented into a game that is supposed to prides itself on customization. Why make a move backwards and take away the ability to preview something you want to mix-n-match and even take away the simple ability to zoom in on it?? [Some would argue, you can do the mix-n-matching in the Codex to preview ... no you can not, not with all fashion as there are a number of Fashion sets (mounts and flyers as well) that are non-Codexable and therefore you can not view them there. You also can't view your custom mix-n-matched fashion with a mount or flyer in the Codex as you used to be able to in the OLD Boutique. Now it is impossible to do that at all.]

    Thank you for listening, hopefully something i said will also be heard by the appropriate people.
    "BE the change you wish to see in the world." ~ Gandhi ~
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    "The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way it's animals are treated."
    ~ Gandhi ~
  • Posts: 14 Arc User

    Yesterday was already late.
    Each day this game is losing players and the later we get merges the more risk of this game never gonna be able to be fun again.... absolutly nothing going on.
    And obviously bring content/events that help new players that we miss from other pw foreign servers.
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    All other versions having more playerbase than pwi has (proves what we lacking is helpful!)
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2024
    It didn't answer any questions for us. 98% of it is just "On Devs to address". Come back when you got some real answers.
  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    Thank you for at least getting some feedback after so long its nice to see theres some willingness to look into things.Good work. However the most important thing at the moment is that the game is bleeding players like never before people have always been saying this but this time its actually really really bad. 4 servers for the current player base is too much. We need that server merge badly. Please , that is the most important thing at the moment to be discussed and be adressed.China has already done merges several times and they still doing great.If they want a working model to look at can choose any from PWCH PWRU or PWBR theres even videos posted comparing those versions with ours.So again please start with the most important issue atm which is increasing activity if there is another way besides merges by all means but i personally and many others dont see another way.
  • Posts: 20 Arc User
    eerie#6104 wrote: »
    It didn't answer any questions for us. 98% of it is just "On Devs to address". Come back when you got some real answers.

    Yep that's the issue I've been having with GMs also. Every single time I raised a ticket, "devs are aware, wait for future update" with no guarantee that issues will be solved in a future update and perhaps more importantly, when they will be addressed.

    E.g. the ultimate dustfall artifacts -

    "3. Dustfall Ult Artifact: On Devs to address" what is there to address? The function was there previously for one day. Many players benefitted from it before it was promptly disabled for no reason. No reason was provided as to why it was disabled or how come the server didn't rollback for such a huge advantage. Honestly, disgraceful service.

    No hate towards you Heero but none of the GM's responses offer anything of value. Just sounds like issues are being pushed back again. There's no disclosure as to when these issues will be addressed or when they'll even be in contact with dev's for an update. Everything is just 'close your eyes and pray for the future' bs.
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    any news on server merges ? xP
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    @betuou I have alyways tried to push what I can, Sadly ive been very limited by the other end of the PWE system. I do now have a better contact. To be fair that seams to be working. For me Ill push and see where it leads....

    @bananaphone#0878 I hope something is better than nothing, I wont lie the game is in a bad state because of past operators. For its future its really hard to tell. Ill continue to push issues and see where they lead hopefull its not to late.
    any news on server merges ? xP

    im not really sure what to say on this subject, if its ever been asked the feedback is normaly along the lines "We monitor server player numbers and will take actions based on this information" I will add to my notes for the next main to ask.

    The other thing to take into account is you could cause a lot of upset somwhere. E.G. If Et Merged with Da would be great for me.. not so great for US players.

    Ill bring this subject up for sure, and will feedback what I can.

  • Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited May 2024
    So pretty much what I got from all that is that they're talking to the devs or waiting for the devs to address most of the problems that we have.

    I actually did not think about the possibility of the dates just being copied over from the chinese version for the yearly attendance items, which explains a lot and also could be the same reason we have had problems with dates for other items or events since when we ticked over to 2024, China was still in 2023. We're slightly ahead of them at the moment although I think it can vary from year to year where the break occurs. They usually have less days than us, about 254 days, but every 2-3 years they add an extra month to bring their calendar back closer in line with solar calendar, about 384 days for that leap year. Calculations based on number of new moons in a 12 month period, from 11th month of one year to 11th month of next, for them to determine when to add a leap month.

    It's quite possible that just by converting the times and dates properly to fit with our version, that could end up fixing a lot of the other things too including possibly broken events that have failed to start during the correct time frame, been partially broken, or failed to start at all. Although for year based events or titles, in most cases we would have to get it before them, for example we would have to get perfect attendance title for 2024 before they get the same title. Their new year falls between Jan 20 to Feb 20 for us.

    Thinking about it, the weird issue we had with some days missing from our login calendar, could also be from them copying stuff over since chinese month usually has 29 or 30 days, so for example if their month had 30 but ours had 31 that would explain for not being able to fill in for day 31 with absence notes when the next month rolls around since it wasn't showing in the calendar for us and the square just didn't exist for us to select, yet those that didn't miss a day for the month would still got the usual reward for that invisible day since it hadn't flipped to the next month for us.
  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    • The game is to complex
    • To much dead content
    • To much gambeling
    • To time-consuming at later-game-stage
    • To expensive
    • To much exclusive content inaccessible for normal people
    • To big gap between the end-game player and the normal players -
    • not really competitive and pretty boring and demotivating

  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    eland20 wrote: »
    • To big gap between the end-game player and the normal players -

    Hi, generally speaking new characters can quickly and efficiently close this gap to the point of being able to access large parts of end-game content within a month of starting via the Beginner Event. The Storm Teleport Stone players receive at the end of the Celestial Vale Perfect World Anecdote is massively helpful to this ends, as players will have all waypoints on the Midlands unlocked at game start (some classes, such as Wildwalker, will even have *all* waypoints unlocked; although this is probably a bug and so players should expect to see this patched out at some point in the future). As for tips and tricks on the quests, about half of the non-RA and RA I Anecdotes are now fully up to date on the wiki, and even those which are out of date can still contain tips to help players complete the quests faster. See the page for Anecdotes at https://pwi.fandom.com/Perfect_World_Anecdote . I'm still in the middle of overhauling the wiki, but at this point it's at a point of completeness where I've started telling players to check the wiki again rather than telling them the information outright
  • Posts: 255 Arc User
  • Posts: 14 Arc User
    So.... out of 14 bullet points, you got ONE answer..... why even post this and give us all hope that the devs care, if they care, they would reply quickly with firm answers.
    oh sorry the answer to my question is "for the devs to address"...
  • Posts: 164 Arc User
    Well the devs are in China. So the people "running" pwi have to contact them.
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    So.... out of 14 bullet points, you got ONE answer..... why even post this and give us all hope that the devs care, if they care, they would reply quickly with firm answers.
    oh sorry the answer to my question is "for the devs to address"...

    Hi, to answer the question I feel it's fair to post info rather than remaining radio silence?

    As a player myself just knowing something is being said is totally better than nothing at all.
    Well the devs are in China. So the people "running" pwi have to contact them.

    And above.

  • Posts: 28 Arc User
    Anything is better then nothing. At this point even vague answers are better then no answers.And to see there's at least some wilingness to look into things is a glimmer of hope.That beeing said i do get the sensation they dont really understand how bad things really are now.Like the response to the TW/xTW issue. I mean...rewards...yes sure but for the most part there isnt even TW or XTW happening anymore and by that i mean actual fighting not wined or no shows that should be the first concern and then...rewards.They really need to check recent activity on the servers.Tideswell has 0 actual Tws just no shows for example.The map is beeing devoured by one faction winning every fight because nobody shows them.Theres just not enough people left to do that.Thats why me and alot others left and unless some big changes happen in the hopefully near future ,sadly, we wont be coming back.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    Have a nice day everyone. Regarding question 11, I would like to see the addition of mountable pets and high-level flight, G17 upgrade items for weapons and armor in exchange for coins XTW.
    Best regards.
  • Posts: 18 Arc User
    Thanks heero for your work, always appreciated. At this point i would just like the new bard expansion to be released to PWI, we're running like 3 major updates behind w2i now.
    Do they need some help from Deepl or chatGPT with the translation of new content? lol
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    5. We gave up on having R9r3 for Apes. ( You cant upgrade to R9S4 either because of this. H Notes: I know this has been delayed for the other toons in the past when the new classes have came out.)
    5. Wildwalker R9r3: We expect to be added later

    Hello, good that r9r3 for apes would be added. But apes also miss significant part of the end game gear which is Ring of Heavenly Profanity (aka Jadepad ring). Submitted many tickets in this regard no real answer if it will be added or not. Currently we (apes) have no path to craft it. Any clarify on this would be apreciated.
  • Posts: 27 Arc User
    We need events to get fun on the game like a few years ago, we need some functions working, we need the attention of the dev or this game will go to ruin
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    5. We gave up on having R9r3 for Apes. ( You cant upgrade to R9S4 either because of this. H Notes: I know this has been delayed for the other toons in the past when the new classes have came out.)
    5. Wildwalker R9r3: We expect to be added later

    Hello, good that r9r3 for apes would be added. But apes also miss significant part of the end game gear which is Ring of Heavenly Profanity (aka Jadepad ring). Submitted many tickets in this regard no real answer if it will be added or not. Currently we (apes) have no path to craft it. Any clarify on this would be apreciated.

    Hi, I would have thought this would be added as part of the R9 setup? I am currently trying to push a few issues this is not one of them, as they have said this would be added at a later date.

    Please poke me again after the next update if this is still an issue as we will have to wait for this to see if its resolved.

  • Posts: 27 Arc User
    When is gonna be released the next Update?
  • Posts: 7 Arc User
    this game is soo dead updates or events wont make it help anymore

    there has not been any AEU or EU squad in months after months

    nobody does QSM or invites other who may need

    1 max 2 UCH squad per entire day

    NOBODY makes JDH they all solo and due

    only 2 ppl ever make a 4-1 squad the rest again solos need only opener

    nobody ever make a 4-2 squad they all solo need just openers

    maybe 2 fsp in a day only

    seriosly does nobody see this game is on the end ? nothing can really save it up even new content they come 1 week be done with it and leave again

    pwi is just old and old has to come to an end the only good thing here really be a shutting down and servers and let everyone find a new life and happiness
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2024
    all above seems true if its bh artifact we can never get done a simple bh jdh its sad sad only selfish solo runners the game is dead and empty

    the only thing we can find alot are WM cuz they cant fill to fast they have to world chat long time and dup which is mostly full of alts money greedy who let other do the work and dual clients and MWT the only really smooth instance

    and yea the new update ppl crying to have will kill the game even more as no more TT opener money no more dup split money no more TT split money and also the trials are changed to based on days which force all the every day glitch runs to be extinct and all bases will force close on lack of chivalry able to gain

    most when u see wow its active here its just 1 person on 12 alts controlled on auto follow or BigBot which already took over the server activity anyway and does all quests and dailies and farming alone -.-

    so instead this new update making more players leave i also agree better end this game make it a final shut down it has been long time enough running other mmo like defiance dont even get half this long to live


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