On a scale of 1 - 10, would you recommend PWI or any of the games under Arc Games to others?

Hello all PWI players. I am not sure how many of us are left in this game and what percentage of players are still using this forum considering there is no GM interaction since Kalystheconqueror left PWE.

Please can you vote on a scale of 1-10 how likely you are to recommend PWI or any of the games published by Arc Games / Gearbox Publishing / Perfect World Entertainment.

Personally, in the last 6 years or so, I feel like the game has been completely abandoned by the GMs / publisher.

To list a few things:

1) Logging into PWI needs to happen through Arc client which, as everyone has experienced more recently, has been a nightmare.

2) Lack of in game events / GM led events. I remember in the golden age, GMs would log to do giveaways, art contests, fashion contests.

3) We no longer get patch notes. Pretty self explanatory, the last big update happened without any warning. It just 'happened' and most of the 'upcoming' content is based on what's been released in Perfect World Russia and Perfect World Brazil. Skill updates, dungeons, quest guides, drop rates for pack items, are all translated from Russian/Brazil/Chinese version since years.

4) Live chat / Ticket support from GMs. Unless it is regarding a billing issue or raising your spend limit, the GMs typically provide a template response to all issues. Something along the lines of 'keep checking the news page or forum for future updates.'

I can write a bible on how many other ways the game has been and continues to be mismanaged however, I would like you all to vote on this pole and be able to use this as a stat to get GMs to make a change.

On a scale of 1 - 10, would you recommend PWI or any of the games under Arc Games to others? 13 votes

1 - One
8 votes
2 - Two
1 vote
3 - Three
4 - Four
5 - Five
6 - Six
7 - Seven
8 - Eight
9 - Nine
10 - Ten
4 votes


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  • Posts: 20 Arc User
    1 - One
    Lol, the forums are so terrible I can't even input the ratings as part of the pole...
  • Posts: 164 Arc User
    1) Logging into PWI needs to happen through Arc client which, as everyone has experienced more recently, has been a nightmare.

    Be glad they gave up on the other client launcher they were trying to push after Arc Client. PW Passport, I think it was called. The Arc client used to have a way to earn gold, but somewhere along the way that feature was scraped.
    2) Lack of in game events / GM led events. I remember in the golden age, GMs would log to do giveaways, art contests, fashion contests.

    The last in game event we got was Assault on Archosaur back in mid 2022, which was half broken iirc. Before that was the Dragon's Rise event in 2021, which is apparently was supposed to be a yearly thing. We haven't seen it since. And I remember the last time I saw a GM do an in game event. It was mid 2019 and I believe it was trivia for prizes. I myself won a mount.

    You need actual GMs to do GM events. And the Community Manager would be the one to do art/fashion contests usually. We haven't had a dedicated one in years. We are lucky we have a Community Forum Mod that has some type of communication with the "GMs." (You can't really call them GMs if they have no presence in any server of this game.) They seem like they are on autopilot with this game. You see the other mmo's under Arc that have dedicated CMs and get expansions/updates pretty regularly. We get boutique sale updates with server restarts, most of the time. If you check the store page for Arc, PWI has pretty much been buried at the bottom of the page.
    use this as a stat to get GMs to make a change.

    With how inactive these forums are nowadays, the "GMs" likely wont see this thread.

    As long they keep putting up charge/spend rewards, there will be people willing to spend. Minimal effort, maximum profit.

    We'll see what happens now that Embracer gave each of their 3 gaming branches a budget.

    I'd say 4/10 recommendation.
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    edited May 2024
    The forums really do need some work.

    As for the pole I don't feel it's something I can vote in. Also just to point out you haven't clarified wherever one is better or ten is better.

  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited June 2024
    i believe it is time to shut down this game
    it has gone a long way but somewhere it ends like any mmo
    it is obvios dead aand empty and none cares of anything anything even simple snow they skipping already in winter time

    as other say they only care of market to milk the rich cows the rest is just rotting on edges
    new expansion wont rescue this either they come back to do the new things 1 week and leave again
    + all the extreme negative changes we all know gonna happen such as no more TT opener money, no more dup money cuz items are only bound and can not be sold anymore in dup drops -.- it will make all the rest of free players leave as there is absolute zero way way to make any money anymore without cashing real money

    this is the best time to close the game and its servers as its inactive the most right now
  • Posts: 164 Arc User
    yazrai wrote: »
    no more dup money cuz items are only bound and can not be sold anymore in dup drops

    There will be a chance at tradeable items you get from the daily. They are expanding what you can get from it. Just no boss drops. Same for TTR.
    Its not great for the squad but good for the people that do get them.
  • Posts: 98 Arc User
    I haven't seen any classical squad these days, because many are solo farming with 9 alts or 2 or 3 man run. Which is the main issue with this game.

    You can have 2 daily chests if you spend 3 keys and if it is BH, you get the BH chest too. There should be a good chance to get something.
    Venomancer "Nehilenia" from Twilight Temple Server (Ex-Sanctuary) 12~14th Nov' 2008 - December 2012
  • Posts: 31 Arc User
    well just close the game / servers for good pwi has a long time now everything comes to an end
    its old boring and ugly if see all these new games comming out
    nobody of my friends play here anymore

    this game only wasting everybodys time while there is no future and life left anymore
    they just stuck in it on the forced feel to need do every day stupid dailies or they dying

    u guys earn much more money if the players need to split among all the other ARC games such as neverwinter and startrek they are much more populated and actual updated and well played by the community
  • Posts: 164 Arc User
    hawkins08 wrote: »
    u guys earn much more money if the players need to split among all the other ARC games such as neverwinter and startrek they are much more populated and actual updated and well played by the community

    As long as the people keep spending here, they wont close the game.

    There's no way anyone is going to move to another Arc game if/when this one finally gets taken offline. lol
  • Posts: 72 Arc User
    1 - One
    I would never recommend games via Arc but I still like to play PWI. The guild I am in is totally dead, leader and most of his alts are in other guilds, others are offline for ages. It is getting harder to get gold coins (except if I buy Zen and sell pack items),


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