New player

hi I am a new player that would love to start PWI .
I was wondering if it is still possible to progress in the game since I went through the forums and the possibility looks quite bleak.


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  • Posts: 52 Arc User
    Depends on what you want to achieve and how fast you want to achieve it. I can still comfortably pull up a new toon any time I want, but the same is not true for someone who starts at 0. There is a certain path you can go, when you are a free player but it depends on a couple factors. So for example if you have a simple goal, like getting free gear like nirvana (Awakened Lionheart, Ashura, Archangel) set, you can achieve that in a month from start. Depending on the class you want to play, that set is enough to go in most endgame dungeons (except whispering mausoleum and the other new artifact dungeon, which name i dont remember). That should be the hardest step to take, from then on, everything should become easier, as you can do reliably Bounty Hunter, which may give you additionally Gold Coin.
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    You can still start, dont aim to be a big power tho enjoy the game the story line etc is my advice.

    Its better if you can find a few friends to join with as well!

    When you get further in you can start to think about the right gears / PVP etc.


  • Posts: 20 Arc User
    im just gonna assume that youre either a total newbie or a returning player who took a break for a few years. since your question is vague regarding the progressing part, here's a short answer regarding that:
    pve progress (quests/dailies) - yes, its possible to progress
    end game instances - no, its impossible to progress, HOWEVER, if you happen to have helpful friends/faction that are willingly to let you tag along, charge insane amount of cash, or treat the game as your second job which means spending hours of farming for years, yes, its possible
    pvp - no, its impossible, same situation as end game instance but a hundred time worse, the current endgame gear in this game is so expensive that its the 1% of the population can afford it

    im not trying to dissuade you from playing the game but if you just wanna play casually or for nostalgia, its not that bad

    in my opinion, it would be better for you to just play other games because there's little to none when it comes to communication. the last time the players saw a gm/cm post anything in the forum was a decade ago. if you were to compare how other games who happens to released around the year 2000s treat their playerbase compared to us, its like night and day. they keep releasing new updates, listen/talk to the community, events/ etc while all we get is news for charge, charge, maintenance, rinse and repeat

    some people may try to answer you to try out the game and see how it goes or that its still a decent game but in my opinion, its not. they have either spent way too much money that they cant let go of the game or that they already wasted a lot of time to quit and try out other games.

    this comment may get deleted (in order to prevent you or other players to get a reality check) but oh well, it is what it is. just tryna answer a question
  • Posts: 4,887 Community Moderator
    this comment may get deleted (in order to prevent you or other players to get a reality check) but oh well, it is what it is. just tryna answer a question

    Not sure why your comment would be deleted for giving your opinion.

    I think it's fine to say what you think as long as it's in the community rules.


  • Posts: 1 New User
    I want join too, can I?
  • Posts: 1 New User
    edited December 2023
    Hi! Welcome to the world of PWI! I'm Emmanuel Katto, African Minerals and Mining Expert.

    Don't worry too much about what you see on the forums. While it's true that the game has been around for a while and some players have reached high levels, there are still plenty of opportunities for new players to progress.

    PWI continuously introduces new content and updates to keep the game exciting and accessible for everyone. There are events, dungeons, and quests specifically designed for players of different levels, so you can always find something to do and progress at your own pace.

    Also, the community in PWI is generally very helpful and friendly. Don't hesitate to reach out to fellow players for advice or assistance. Joining a guild can also be beneficial, as they often provide additional support and guidance.

    Remember, the journey in PWI is as important as the destination. Take your time, explore the vast world, and enjoy every step of your progression. So don't let the forums discourage you, jump in and have a great time in PWI!
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2023
    Oh my god the comment above is such a distortion of facts. I'll give you the cold-hard ugly truth. Even though new blood, provides life to the game, the players here STILL don't want you.

    The community is actually extremely hostile to new players for some odd reason. The game has been around for more than a decade and so has most of the playerbase that's STILL there currently. In that time, they've developed "Inner circles" and "Clicks/close-nit groups" that they will NEVER let a new player inside of. So the social aspect, Forget about it. This applies to "guilds/factions" as well. They will also Kill you inside pvp zones if given just half the chance. Constant fighting everyday in chat between the same two guys, calling each other "Bruh" every two seconds.

    It's true that you as a new player could ask for help with a boss on the main-map and get a response, but the person who's killing the boss for you doesn't care one lick about you or your experience. They're just there out of boredom or because they want to show off how strong their virtual character is by killing the boss with one shot so that you can be impressed by it. If you don't believe me, try sending them a PM after they kill the boss, see how long they respond to you, or your questions IF any at all. This game is at the endpoint for players, meaning everyone is already max lvl and only complete dailies for PVP (which is also terrible and out-dated) and it would take you literal YEARS to catch up to them EVEN with buying everything the cash shop has to offer.

    In popular games, (100k players+) there's usually a lot women already there so it can be hard to stand out in a sea of hot chicks. This is where this game comes in handy at. The women that are still left playing are mostly overweight and.... non-model material. So IF you have a hard time standing out in a popular game, you can try out lower playerbase ones (under 1k ppl) like this and stand out like a few do and get free thing from literal zombies, and make friends, ect.

    So in summery, Unless your a hot, stacked chick that is considering, don't bother. There are plenty of other higher-quality games to play, with friendlier, less hostile communities.


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